Gonzi’s Pandora’s box

With his leadership already put to the test by the referendum result, Lawrence Gonzi has further diminished his stature by appearing all alone in a pre-recorded clip on TV: opening a new Pandora’s box instead of bringing closure to the issue

Rather than facing questions put to him live by journalists, a defeated Lawrence Gonzi chose the easy way out: a pre-recorded message in which he appeared alone against a Lenten purple-lit backdrop.

But even in this controlled environment he failed to impart the message every level-headed Nationalist was expecting to hear: a clear statement that Nationalist MPs will respect the result of the referendum.

Gonzi did say that the will of the people will be respected and that “parliament now has a duty to execute the will of the people by enacting a divorce law”. But he opened a Pandora box by adding that this should be done in a way which “respects the conscience of those MPs for whom it is not possible to approve the law and who have to abstain or voting against.”

Nor did Gonzi give any sense of leadership by declaring how he would be voting in the forthcoming vote in parliament. 

Even when directly asked by journalists yesterday, Gonzi refused to say how he will vote but said that he would vote in such a way as to allow the will of the majority, as expressed in the referendum, to prevail.

This sounds both unnecessary and messy.

Rather than send a clear message to MPs to respect the result by voting the bill or at least abstain, Gonzi is once again sending a message of indecision to his own MPs.

Gonzi could be keeping his options open on the forthcoming vote, forgetting that as Prime Minister he cannot vote in a way which defies popular sovereignty, as expressed in a referendum which he himself had been first to propose. 

For it was Gonzi who first suggested a referendum when faced with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s private member’s bill.  At that stage neither Joseph Muscat nor Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando were clamouring for a referendum. 

It was only as late as February that the PN tried to avoid a referendum by declaring that this should only be held if divorce was approved in parliament. But by that time the momentum for the referendum had become unstoppable.

A no vote or even an abstention on Gonzi’s chasm would signal a chasm between the Prime Minister and the country, which has already expressed itself on the matter.

He would put himself in the same position of George Borg Olivier in 1974, when along a minority of Nationalist MPs, he voted against Malta becoming a Republic.

Surely Gonzi has given an assurance that irrespective of the abstention or nays of some of his own, the final result will respect the outcome of the referendum.

But this raises the question; why has the Prime Minister not limited the option of MPs to a yes or an abstention?

And hasn’t this obscure mathematical calculus, assuring a yes victory in parliament, reduced the concept of a ‘vote of conscience’ to a useless fetish? Would it not have been more proper for these MPs to resign from parliament, rather than cling to their seats while defying the popular mandate?

But Gonzi’s mistakes were not limited to indecision alone. In his initial reaction, the Prime Ministerwarned that the process of approving the bill would not be easy. 

Yesterday he further explained that the parliamentary process leading to divorce will be very complicated and “there were a number of votes which have to be taken, including votes on amendments that had to be made”.

Whether these amendments will alter the nature of the no fault divorce approved by the people in a popular referendum remains to be seen. 

But if this is the case, Gonzi could be playing a dangerous game with democracy.

Rather than bringing closure to an issue which has effectively split the Nationalist Party, Gonzi seems hell-bent on keeping the issue alive for as long as possible. In so doing, he keeps opening one Pandora box after another. 

This in turn suggests that religion is clouding his political judgement raising the suspicion that his prime motivation is not to respect the will of the electorate, but rather to avoid entering Maltese history as the Prime Minister who introduced divorce.

In so doing, he risks ending his career as Prime Minister on a decidedly ignominious note.

kif leader jista jsejjah ruhu leader, meta ma jattix direzzjoni lil ta madwaru? kif jista jghati zieda lilu nifsu u ta madwaru meta mhux kapacci jiehu deccizjoni u jghati direzzjoni il cabinett tigheu, 25 sena taht listess gvern too much u il poter tella al rasom, fil pajjiz hawn dwejjaq u apatija shiha bdan il gvern, nesa li hu gvern tal minoranza, imexxi il pajjiz bdifferenza ta 1000 vot, u lpoplu tah tkaxkira ftal meps 35,000 vot u 14,000 vot fi refferendum qalulu le ma naqblux ma li qed tghid int. gonz gejt sfiducjat, mandek xejn hlief li sejjah elezzjoni. fallejt bil kbir. jekk hemm bzonn nohorgu fi toroq u nsemmaw lehinna ax il magoranza qeda fidejna u niehdu id drittijiet tana billi nsemmaw lehinna fi toroq.
Qatt ma kelna Prim Ministru inkapaci u mhu tajjeb ghalxejn daqs Gonzipn. Bilhaqq ma tmurx tahrabli ub'apologija ghal gonzipn. Ghal haga wahda tajjeb hafna u jibbrilla. Jigifieri biex jitnellah bin-nies u jzid lilu innifsu 500/600 euros fil-gimgha u 6000 euro fis-sena. U wara li kien ilu jiffanga f'din iz-zieda kellu l-wicc tost li jitlob is-sagrifficji minn ghand il-poplu u jivvota mil-qalb ghaz ziedieit fenomenali fit-tariffi tad-dawl u l-ilma. Izda ta' wicc tost li hu ma waqafx hemm. Lill poplu biex jkompli jizzufjetta bih tah loqma u ma halliex lill Joseph Muscat jiehu dak li haqqhu ghax Joseph kien se jaghti kollox lill Karita. Ara jistax jkollna persuna aghar minn gonzipn bhala prim ministru. Ghiduli intkom hbieb u ghedewwa.
Well written James. All those who abstain are cowards. If they've got guts they should resign but they're glued to the seat! http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/02/kamra-tar-rapprezentanti-jew-kamra-ta-opportunisti-u-bezziegha/#more-1693
Soluzzjoni wahda ghandek Wenz,ghamel bhal ta qablek le meta ra li r-rizultat tar-referendum ma giex accettat minn kuhadd sejjah elezzjoni. Differenza wahda hemm li dakinhar ta' qablek kellu rebha certa ghax anke laburisti ivvutaw PN minhabba li riedu jidhlu fl-Ewropa u int ghandek telfa b'tizultat li zgur l-ebda partit qatt ma ra bhalu. Eh hija Wenz kemm ghoroktu jdejkom meta kien ghaddej mill-inkwiet il-PL!!! Issa huwa l-waqt li niehdu gost ahna naraw lilkom titfarku LOL!!! Eh Wenz Hadd wara Hadd tasal ta kulhadd u min jixtieq id-deni lil ghajru jigieh f'daru!!!! U tal-hsara li ghamiltu lil dal-pajjiz heqq... Alla qieghed fuq kulhadd hux u bhal ma ra lil poplu jivvota nhar is-Sibt hekk ukoll ra lilkom taghlu l-hnizrijiet!!!
The only difference is that Alfred Sant is principled, Gonzi is just weak.
He is turning into the Alfred Sant of Labour. Quite ironic, eh?
Spiccat ir retorika tal " Maggoranza tirbah".....il minoranza saret maggoranza issa........Hallina Wenz ( ghax lanqas jixraq insejjahlek Prim ministru ).....irbaht il gvern b'minoranza, u qed tmexxi ghal minoranza.
Paul Sammut
All Dr Gonzi wanted to do was gain political mileage by pulling the rug from under Dr Joseph Muscat's feet. He tried to be a clever Dick by hoodwinking the Curia and and a bunch of financially propped pseudo-religious organisations to do his dirty work. It backfired badly. Oh how it backfired! Now not only has he got the Bishops in deep water but now also wants to deviously abdicate his parliamentary responsibilities and letting his back benchers take the flack. We hear of individual MPs stating how they will vote. The people expect Ministers to come clean and do the same. What's so secret? Is it a moral conflict of conscience that they have or a crises of conscience of power? Issa la bezquha jighlaqua!
Dan insult ghar-rieda tal-poplu. Wara dan it-tkaxkir tas-saqajn mill-membri parlamentari li mid-dehra jigu jaqaw u jqumu mir-rieda tal-poplu issa il-moviment IVA nahseb li fadallu haga ohra x'jorganizza....protesta quddiem il-parlament halli l-poplu juri l-ghadab kbir ghal dawn il-politikanti li mid-dehra jinteressawhom biss mill-kilba tal-poter. Protesta li cert tkun success kif kien ir-referendum. Hekk mhux kapaci jimxu ghar-rieda tal-poplu ghandhom jirrizenjaw minnufih.
he sur Gonz, shabek stess qed iddawruk issa, mhux sewwa li Beppe FA jghidlhek li ha jivvota le, veru li jaf minn fejn ghandu jaghddi biex jiehu l-annullament tal knisja, u anke huh. imma issa li jwaqqa ghan nejk lilhek kif ukoll lill cittadini f'dal pajjiz mhux sewwa.bil haqq int stajt issaqsi naqra lill tonio tieghek li deheritlu il-maddonna u rahha tibki, forsi issiblhekk xi suluzzjoni hu, tghid imma int kollok qdusija u taghti fuq sidrek, u ma dehritlekx il-maddona lillhek.
"This in turn suggests that religion is clouding his political judgement raising the suspicion that his prime motivation is not to respect the will of the electorate, but rather to avoid entering Maltese history as the Prime Minister who introduced divorce." There's a very simple solution to that: call a general election and he wouldn't be in Maltese history as being the PM who introduced divorce. But please, an referendum was called because our elected politicians did not want to shoulder responsibility. So we shouldered that responsibility for them. Now why this back-tracking? We Maltese voted so that the elected politicians represent US in parliament, not so that they represent their conscience!
He should be strong and make his MPs tow the line or resign. For more info on this log on: https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/astensjoni-ghalabiebizmu-mir-rieda-tal-poplu/
Minjaf kief qed jitqalleb fit tebut, iz-zijju, Mikiel Gonzi.... Mhur ara meta imur quddiemu fil-genna.......''Traditur''......taht il-kmand tiegek dahhalt il-mishut divorzju f'Malta....hemm isfel postok..... Miskien Lawrance, la fdid dinja mhux se jehlisa u l'anqas fta wara.
GonziPn should either approve nem con the Bill, with cosmetic amendments if necessary, or else call elections! If we people see that the Pm and his clique will be dragging their feet, we will stage a protest infront of Parliament and we will not move away until the Bill is approved or the Gonzi PN resigns! Yes, the Pm seemed like a defeated and humiliated dictator on TV! Just think of Hussein et al