Coleiro to 'abstain' in vote on divorce bill

Labour MP Marie-Louise Coliero has announced that she will abstain from voting on the divorce bill in parliament, after she “assured” herself that the numbers were enough for the bill to pass.

Coleiro – who has long declared her anti-divorce stance – said in a statement that she was all for respecting the people’s decision as expressed in last Saturday’s referendum.

However she said, she could not ignore the fact that many labourite supporters had voted against the introduction of divorce in Malta, and that she had to ensure that that minority would also be represented or be left ignored.

Coleiro stressed that she would actively involve herself in the parliamentary debate that is expected when the bill is brought forward and also expressed “hope” that certain changes be made so that divorce would not have a negative impact on Maltese society.

The Labour MP said that she has spoken to Opposition leader Joseph Muscat who appointed her on a committee that would now work to ensure that all safeguards for society are in place.

Marie Louis Coleiro tat ezempju lil kulhadd. Kellu bzonn ghandu rgulija daqsha Austin Gatt! Aqraw din:
Nixtieq nappella lil bosta mill-kummentaturi dwar id-decizjoni li hadet Marie Louise Coleiro. Il-bniedem razzjonali f'socjeta' imhallta b'diversi fehmiet juri l-kobor tieghu meta jaghraf jirrispetta l-ghazliet ta' haddiehor. Aktar ma jkun qawwi dan ir-rispett, ir-rebha tar-referendum takkwista valur oghla u tissarraf f'impenn ghall-akkwisti ohra fil-futur ghall-harsien tad-drittijiet tal-minoranzi. B'responsabilita' u minghajr tkasbir lejn min ihaddan opinjonijiet differenti. Jien kapaci nifhem l-ghazla li ghamlet is-Sinjura Coleiro u minn hawn, apparti li nirringrazzjaha ghal hidma sfiqa fi hdan il-Partit u versu l-kostitwenti numeruzi taghha, nawguralha l-gejjieni kif joghgobha tfasslu hi, ghaliha u ghal-familja taghha.
Now that MLC has opted to get out of parlament, all others like Adrian Vassallo, Tonio Borg, Austin Gatt, Mario Demarco, Giovanna Debono, Dolores Cristina, Edwin Vassallo, Beppe Fenech Adami, and most and foremost Lawrence Gonzi must follow suit............Just be an example to the whole nation..........we just had enough of you.
Good riddance and I hope ayotollah Vassallo resigns with her! Read more:
Labour MPs Marie-Louise Coliero and Adrian Vassallo must resign now.
Can the honourable lady explain how she can take part in a discussion to enhance the divorce bill and then abstain in the voting?
The Times of Malta has just reported that she will not contest the next elections and that she informed the leader of the opposition accordingly
A Progressive & Moderate political party cannot afford to have such dinosaurs on their political representation. This kind of mentality is destined for extinction and this member of parliament would be well advised to reconsider her actions before she acts against the will of the people. YOU CAN EITHER LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET OUT OF THE WAY.
MLC se nghidlek dak li Jeffrey qal lill dak ic-cuc malti ministru li ra lill madonna mnikkta. Ghax ma tidholx socju f'xi ghaqda religjuza. Int qeghda hemm biex tirrapresenta lill poplu u mhux lilek nnifsek jew dawk tac-coqqa. No more no less.
MLC if you cannot take the pressure just resign, you and all those MP's with the same intentions, from both sides of the house.Your have to represent the will of the people as an MP,not yours.
Any MP who abstains is a coward. They should resign. Read this:
Nirrispondi ta --Bejn il-linji--- ma nafx kif hekk titkellem hekk int. mela lilhna hsiebtna ma nafux naghmlu il-kontijiet. imma fl-ahhar elezzjoni il-partit Nazzjonalista ghadda lill mlp 700 vot. allura dan iffisser li l MLP ghandu jkollu ukoll il-Ministri tieghu fil-Gvern. Nahseb bi zball bejn il-linji, nahseb ridt tikteb minn bejjn............................
What are MLC's views vis a vis the ban by the church on certain lawyers? What are her views with regards to areas of the law were the Church takes precedence over the state?
Every member of Parliament has a right to his or her opinion...and this would have justified abstaining, voting yes or no had the Bill been discussed in parliament in the first place. However, the situation is different now. The people, in their majority, has voted in favour. The least that all MPs can do is to reflect and endorse that decision in Parliament. The argument because there are people who did not vote or voted no is ridiculous and flawed. It is just a good excuse not to go against one's conscious. But this is the same problem we had all along: most of our MPs don't now where the demarcation line is between a democratic process and their personal beliefs...hence the divide between State and Church is even more acute amongst some of our MPs! May I remind MPs that they already had their personal say like all of us...on the 28th May. The people spoke and they should act as representatives of the people's voice! Otherwise they should resign...they have no right at this point in time to abstain or say no. Democracy is not doing what you like but doing the right thing in view of the people's will.
The PL in parliament is representing the minority of last election according to many remarks since the PN got the majority in the election, the PL should respect the majority in all laws presented by the government and always vote with the majority that is always vote with PN. I was a PL since the 1955 and i voted no. so what.. if there is no place for us any more in the PL so what...just tell us...
Ridiculous. So she is conveniently representing the minority not the majority. What a farce!
MP are there to execute the will of the people. If they don't like it than clear out and get someone who will do the job. Its really that simple. I could not give a toss about the personal likes and dislikes of an MP. If i go to get a haircut I decide how i get a haircut, not the hair-dresser. Same if i decide to color my hair. Also if a was a shareholder in a company - the majority of the shareholders decide the direction which then the CEO - executes - that's what the 'E' stands for!!. If Coleiro, Gatt, Gonzi, Fenech Adami don't want to execute the will of the electorates, than CLEAR OUT. They are in the wrong job. They could go sweep the streets or become astronauts for all I care - anything but being MPs.
Let me put it this way. These MPs have a choice. It's either the will of the people or their personal choice. These are willing to choose their personal choice over that of a the majority of the popluation. Now imagine there is another choice over a different issue involving monetary gain either to the people or to them personally. How can we ever trust them in making the right choice? Makes one wonder. Let's hope in two years time they will not be re-elected. I for one will make sure that this will not be forgotten.
Isabelle Borg
There's no need for parliamentarians like you to get involved in the parliamentary debate regarding the divorce issue, the people spoke clearly, YES for DIVORCE. So bloody shut up and get over it, you are the last person who should talk about this issue.
MLC...many laborite supporters voted NO....but I voted yes and I'm a labour supporter.....strictly speaking the yes voters are a minority still in this if you support minorities, you have to vote yes.
This evening, MLC read out a very pretty and touching novelette in Parliament, to show us how horrible divorce is - she still seems to be fighting the referendum Could someone please tell her its over and the YES obtained a majority?
dear Marie Louise, let me admit that I never held your intellectual powers of argument in high regard, and as I wrote elsewhere, I shudder to think that you had the audacity to contest for the PL leadershiip; but this one takes the cake. You have already voted according to your conscience in the referendum , as you had every right to do. In Parliament you have no such right. There, you are representing the people, the same people who said clearly YES to divorce. You have no option but to vote yes. Otherwise, get lost.. You are saying that the PL is the party of evryone..certainly not for undemocratic individuals who do not understand the basics of democracy. All this talk about conscience makes me sick
duncan abela
The intolerance of some PL contributors in this column to freedom of conscience bears rational disbelief even worse than that of those who voted No in the referendum under priestly pressure. The days of apparatchiks automatons who raise their hand blindly in blind synchronisation is long over and these persons do not realise the unmeasurable and untold harm they are causing the PL and nullifying the efforts JM is making to attract new voters from the middle class. In a sense they are neutralising the genuine efforts by the PL leadership to be a progressive party and are instead in their partisanship projecting a fossilised and monolithic image which can only scare away new supporters. Correctly me if I am wrong but abstaining or voting yes were the parameters set by JM. The mistake that MLC made was not in sticking to what her conscience tells her is the right decision but in the silly way she tried to justify such a stand.
Marie Louise bhal dejjem bis-sens....Mela l-parliament ma ghadux rapprezentativ u l-membri tal-parliament ma ghadhomx jirraprezentaw lil poplu dak il-poplu li ghandu 47% tal-vot li ma ghandux 100% tal-poplu. U billi s-super one ta evarist kien itambar dak kollu tahsbu li kull laburist ivvota iva .. u dan ghadkom mhux fil-gvern...x'arroganza biex anqas minn 50% tal-poplu tippretendu li jissarraf f'65 vot fil-parlament minn 65....u tinsewx il-kbir ghadu gej ghax il-votanti tal-le u ta l-iva ser jiehdu sorpriza x'hin jaraw ghal xiex ivvotajna u xi jfisser responasabbli!!!!!!!
What a pity she does not represent my district, so I don't get the privilege of NOT voting for her.
@Giardano Bruno Whether you ever voted Labour I wouldn't know but NOT everybody in the PL is going against the will of the majority like MLC! I sincerely hope she will be exception!
MLC mhux se twarrab. Il kostitwenti tad distrett taghha se jwarbuha. Joseph Muscat ma ghandu tort ta xejn ghax hu jhalli lil kullhadd fil liberta tieghu. il poplu ghada pitghada jrid jiehu hsib iwarrab lil min ma joghgbux.
Hbieb tieghi qed nikteb ghax illum iddispjacut, ma ridux ninsew li MLC kienet ukoll ghamlet gid kemm fil partit kif ukoll meta kienet seg tal partit. pero illum nghidlhekk li l-argument li qed iggib mhux argument siewi, jekk dawk il-laburisti li ivvutaw le ghandhom ikollom lehen, bl-argument tieghek huwa hazin, ghaliex il-gverna ma ghandu lill hadd ministru li jiprezenta lill laburisti li ma rebhux fl-elezzjoni li ghaddiet, id divorzju ghadda b'voti hafna izjed milli ha il gvern il pn. ahsiba ftit MLC u tmurx kontra il-popplu, naf li qatt ma iddejjaq li tibdel il-puzzijoni tieghek, u naf ukoll li dejjem imxejt mal battut. allura issa ser tmur kontra. x'hinu jigri MLC?
The feeling is that of anger. If she is against divorce she should resign. It cuts no ice saying she is sure of a majority and than is voting against. If its a question of conscience she should still resign as should all other PL members with the same idea. The fact that she voted for the party's motion that lead to the referendum makes her resposnsible for its introduction. The party was showing some direction now comes this and I won't think it will be the last defection. I just cannot understand that Labour MPs are against divorce. You cannot represent a Party that was born precisely for the introduction of human and civils rights if you are against even one of them. This is no question of concience it is a question of principles. I would like to ask Marie Loiuse and all the others against. Would you have stood and militated in the Party when we had to choose between the Party or hell? This shows a party with no passion only carreerists. Can anybody tell why I should waste my time voting for this Labour Party.
Krista Sullivan
I . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . solemnly swear / affirm that I wi l l be a r true f a i th and a l l e g i an c e to the PEOPLE and the Republic of Malta and its Constitution. (So help me God) . When MPs take this oath they kiss the crucifix. Do they cross their fingers behind their backs and make a proviso to only follow this oath when it suits them? fejnu dan il-gurament onorevoli coleiro u vassallo?
Well, is siggu thobbu. So RESIGN with immediate effect. So much for the unanimous vote Labour leader promised. Here we go again with Labour
Christopher Briffa
MLC imissha twarrab. Jekk il-PL irid ikun vera partit progressive irid jehles min-nies li jridu jzommu lil pajjiz fil medju evu.
Isabelle Borg
Ma baqalekkx triq ohra hlief li twarrab, elezzjoni ohra inwarrbuk ahna. Nies bhalek li jmorru kontra r-rieda tal-poplu m'ghandniex x'nabghuhom mas-saqajn.
Kemm kienu għaqlin aktar milli ħsibnihom, id-Delegati tal-Konferenza Ġenerali!
Filwaqt li naprezza id diffikultajiet li jista jkollhom xi membri tal parlament wiehed ma jistax jinsa li il vot fil fat tiga ittiehed mil poplu! Forsi allura jista jkun il kaz li wara li jigi diskuss u moghdi mil l stadji kollha, issir mozzjoni mil Prim Ministru u il Kal ta l Oppozizjion li il vot finali ma jittehidx u ikun moghdi unanimament mil parlament kollu!! Jekk ma jkunx hemm voti kontra ghal din il mozzjoni ghallura l Att dwar id divorzju ikun allura ghadda b magoranza total (minghajr ma jkun ittiehed vot specifiku fuq il ligi)
Another political Suicide
Another bloody hypocrite like Joyce Cassar! For more info log on:
Godfrey Grech
You are the weakest link. Goodbye!
Mark Fenech
Vot fil-parlament ma huwiex kwistjoni ta' kuxjenza personali, hemmhekk tirrapprezenta lil votanti u trid tmur kif talbu l-maġġoranza li jsir. Il-kuxjenza personali kienet nhar is-Sibt meta vvutat le, imma dak ghadda issa. Dawk li astjenew nhar is-Sibt ma kienux dawk tal-le, imma kienu dawk li xtaqu jghidu iva, imma mhabba l-kwistjoni tar-reliġjon, astjenew, naf diversi laburisti li ghamlu hekk, imma ma naf l-ebda wiehed li rrid jivvota le u ma marx jivvota. MCP, niżgurak li sejra tikkommetti suwidju politiku, għax il-votanti ma jissugrawx jivvutawlek ghax jibzghu mill-kuxjenza tiegħek. Allura jekk gvern ikun irid jaghmel taxxa jew izid taxxa biex jaghmel tajjeb għal xi infieq iehor tigi inti u twaqqa gvern ghax il-kuxjenza ma tagħtikx li tivvota favur din il-miżura. Dan wara kollox dawk li vvotaw le, ma humiex involuti, għax għad-divorzju japplika min irid u mhux sejjer jiġi sfurzat jagħmel xi ħaġa kontra qalbu. Jiena ili 44 sena miżżewweġ u żgur ma baqaliex żmien niddevorzja, imma allura rrid nikmanda lil ħaddieħor x'jagħmel. Jiena progressiv u demokratiku u għalhekk nimxi b'dan il-mogħod u xejn aktar.
Shouldn't that be, "either resign or vote yes"?
Louise, you have been the biggest disappointment in the Labour camp! Your utterings made a stark contrast with your party's history of fighting for civil rights! You left much too be disired! You went against your Party's ethos, it is evident that you are feeling uncomfortable in the Party. Please make way for someone more progressive and more representative of Labour's and Socialists values! In this campaign you have moved away from the Labour fold and got yourself closer to the reactionary PN of Religio et Patria! Please do yourself and us a favour, either RESIGN OR SHUT UP!
Louise, you have been the biggest disappointment in the Labour camp! Your utterings made a stark contrast with your party's history of fighting for civil rights! You left much too be disired! You went against your Party's ethos, it is evident that you are feeling uncomfortable in the Party. Please make way for someone more progressive and more representative of Labour's and Socialists values! In this campaign you have moved away from the Labour fold and got yourself closer to the reactionary PN of Religio et Patria! Please do yourself and us a favour, either RESIGN OR SHUT UP!
kull min ma jirrispettax ir rieda tal poplu kul ma ghandu jaghmel jirrezenja
I thought this whole divorce referendum was going to be a safety net for the minority whoes rights had to be safe guarded & protected? How come now most of the MP's are more interested in protecting the minority of those who voted no? ARE YOU FOR REAL? Do you call this a democratic island, part of the EU? Does 53% YES majority is still considered majority in our parliament? Unbelievable the way things are being twisted around. Yeah sure, Ms. Coleiro Preca & others plans to obstain while taking part in the debate. We demand to know how is she so sure that there will be a majority vote in favour of this new law. I had a much better impression of the lady before, but things are becoming much clearer now.
Joseph Sant
" she had to ensure that that minority would also be represented or be left ignored." This is rather rich coming from a person who was so vociferous against the rights of the minority!! . All those MPs who don't have what it takes to implement the will of the people as democratically (and may I say forcefully) expressed in a referendum have only one option - to resign. We don't pay them to sit on the fence.
Ghax l-annulament tajjeb u d-divorzju hazin. Mhux hekk ? Intant, dan huwa agir inaccettabbli li l-kostitwenti tas-sitt distrett m'ghandhomx jinsewh. Is-siggu li silifhom il-poplu ghamluh taghhom. SHAME.
Triq waħda għandek sinjura Coleiro Preca: astjeni u wara rriżenja mill-Parlament.
I expected MLC being an MP women in parlament which unfortuently we have a only 4 , to be compassionate with alot of women who desperatlely need the divorce law to start a new life after years of domestic violence. Please re examine your concience!Remember that the NO campaign tried to portrait maltese women as helpless!
duncan abela
I am afraid that MLC wants to have her cake and eat it. If it is a purely a matter of conscience and she is willing to stand by her decision whatever the future consequences I fully respect her. However it seems she wants divorce to pass through the good office of her colleagues and at the same time not taint her own beliefs in the process. She should have just said I am abstaining on divorce as a matter of conscience and stopped there rather than provide dubious in motive justifications. She should tells us what she intends to do if her vote turns out to be cruciial to the passage of the divorce bill.
I had a lot of respect from you - but since you took an anti-divorce position and you are to abstain in parliament. I'm quite hoping you will be not elected in the next election even though I will vote PL.
By abstaining one shows that she/he has no backbone. How progressive is Marie L Coleiro is when she will be abstain and therefore go against the wish of the majority? Democracy at its best! Regret but you no longer represent the PL. You have no other way out but to resign. But then I doubt this from a spineless person.
MP have a duty and obligation towards parlament and the people, They cannot shirk their responsibility in this manner. If Ms Coleiro Preca, or any other MP for that matter, cannot discahrge their duty, then the only option left for them is to more no less.
Zack Depasquale
Kelli u ghad ghandi rispett kbir lejn l-Onor M.L. Coleiro, imma l-Onor Coleiro u kull mebru tal-Parlament minn kull naha hu min hu, issa fid-dmir biss li jivvota iva u jekk mhux fi hsiebu jaghmel hekk triq wahda baqghalu li jirrezenja. Ahna intellghu nies fil-Parlament biex jiehdu decizjonijiet ghalina, fil-kaz tad-divorzju harbu min din id-decizjoni ghax ma kellhomx il-guts biex jiehdu din id-decizjoni u minflok inteffghet din ir-responsabilita fuq il-poplu permezz ta'referendum. Il-Poplu kollu tkellem u kulhadd kellu dritt li jivvota kif irid (ghalkemm il-knisja ghajjret il-dawk li ser jivvotaw iva midinba) Issa l-membri Parlamentari kollha iridu joqghodu ghad-decizjoni tal-poplu. Inkella sejjra tkompli it-telf tal-kredibilita tal-ikbar Istittuzjoni tal-Pajjiz.
I cannot understand how any MP who votes 'No' or abstains, can then take part in the debate and insist on changing or amending clauses in the divorce Bill ! Eddy Privitera
Igor P. Shuvalov
We have heard a lot of MP's who do not intend to vote for the Divorce Law declaring that 'they had assured...that numbers were enough for the bill to pass'. Can they really prove this? Have they carried a survey among their follow MPs befora making this statement? Are we in for a surprise?
Micheal Bonanno
Does the honourable lady know that most of the labourites did not vote because the church told them it's a sin?
To all Parliamentarians who will abstain will not get my vote, whether Labour or PN They have a job to do and they must do it. After all i am paying for this service.