Updated | PN to dump anti-divorce stance

Updated basic principles accepts 'different bonds of families'

Paul Borg Olivier will present councillors with the new principles at the General Council tonight.
Paul Borg Olivier will present councillors with the new principles at the General Council tonight.

The Nationalist Party's official stance against divorce is to be jettisoned and treated as obsolete, as the party goes to its General Council tonight with a 10-point declaration of principles called 'Our Roots' (L-Gheruq Taghna) and which will supplant 1986's Fehmiet Bazici ('basic principles').

The document will be distributed to PN councillors and presented by secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier tonight. The PN said the new document draws heavily on Fehmiet Bazici, "which remains highly significant even today - amidst the turmoil caused by the worst economic and financial storm in decades, and a constantly changing society. Fehmiet Bazici and today's L-Gheruq Taghna are the PN's political ID.

The president of the General Council, Paula Mifsud Bonnici, said the divorce referendum had sent a clear statement and that the PN's statement against divorce was now history.

"Since that statement, the people have spoken and the PN declared it would respect the people's decision. This document consolidates the respect towards that decision and recognised today's realities by accepting the existence of new forms of families."

The new document was discussed under the auspices of PN think-tank Azad after the PN's last General Council in April.

The new document pledges the party's focus on the family but recognised different bonds of families.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando's bill for the introduction of divorce was not embraced by the Nationalist party, after MPs rallied behind Prime Minister's declared opposition to divorce.

Its executive committee had voted in favour of a party motion against divorce, but which gave MPs a free vote on the divorce bill.

The motion states that divorce "was not an idoneous way of how to promote family values."

"The committee declares that the political position of the Nationalist Party should remain in favour of the unity of the family and against the introduction of divorce because it feels that the introduction of divorce is not the best way to promote the value of the family since divorce changes the definition of marriage as being a permanent bond."

The divorce bill was accepted in a referendum by 53% of voters, and later approved by the House of Representatives although Prime Minister still voted against the divorce law.


Our Inspiration - Christian inspiration, but never a confessional party as the party recognizes the separation between Church and State - a healthy separation which must be kept at all times. Neither does the party's Christian inspiration imply the imposition of values or beliefs. 'Our inspiration' is about the values of compassion, truth, justice, tolerance, and empathy.

The person and the family: The person is at the centre of the PN's political action - each individual is complete and equal like any other. The family, remains at the core of the party's political action and at the heart of our society.

Liberty - The PN secured the peoples' right to live in a democratic and pluralistic society. But liberty is not a free-for-all; its abuse leads to disintegration of social cohesion.

Responsibility - synonymous with the PN as evidenced in the past three years when, having to choose between populism and responsibility the Nationalist Party in Government, naturally, opted for the latter - a decision which saved jobs, and helped our country to weather successfully the choppy waters cause by the fierce economic storm.

Solidarity - deeply entrenched in the PN's core beliefs and the bedrock of Maltese society. Time and again, the Nationalist Party has proved to be a country which does not only belief in but practices solidarity.

Subsidiarity - Not a State that interferes in everything or decides on everything, as used to happen in the past - but decisions that are taken at the lowest level and close to the people as much as possible.

Dialogue - a core tenet weaved into the very fabric of the PN - the right of the people to express ideas, ask questions and receive answers.

Trust- Never a given. It needs to be earned and maintained; not through cheap words and meaningless clichés, but through hard work; vision; direction, and for offering solutions rather than baulking at problems.

Direction - with the PN you know where you stand and you know where our politics can take you.

Identity - The PN is proud of our identity and constantly seek to enhance it - not only through the achievement of significant political milestones - Independece and EU membership - but equally important, by deepening our knowledge of our history and whilst protecting our historic and cultural environment.
The PN delivers its core principles and values through10 priority policy areas:

1. The Maltese State and Public Administartion - In order to improve, further, the qualityof life, the State must have well-functioning institutions that work well, are efficient and answerable to the people.

2. A political conscience that leaves no one behind. - Everything revolves around the person and his/her well being. A state that does not discriminate on the basis of sex, colour, creed, and sexual orientation. A state that should legislate to establish the rights and obligations that should govern personal relationships; both heterosexual and homosexual. 

3. A strong economy and sound public finances. Work - by far, the most effective tool of solidarity. The past three years have been characterized by the worst economic crisis and financial meltdown in decades. The Nationalist Party in Government invested heavily in maintaining the appropriate environment to create jobs whilst safeguarding thousands on new jobs.

4. Education for a talented, open-minded nation   - the fundamental building block of everything; the best and most proved recipe for success.

5. The Environment, Water and Energy- by far, the second fundamental building blocks for the island's future - equally important, the unique challenge of waste and water treatment.

6. Our culture and our identity - they are what make Malta a unique and special place to live in and to visit.

7. Justice and Security - Undisputed vital ingredients for good quality of life

8. Gozo - With its undisputed natural beauty and distinct character which gives Gozo its uniqueness - a jewel in Malta 's crown.

9. Malta's role in the European Union and the World - Malta, not just one of twenty seven member states, but a protagonist and a very valid player in shaping Europe's and its peoples' future.

10. A tribute to Young Malta- Our policies give the younger generation a vision for tomorrow but also a high quality of life today - for before living life tomorrow, we are first living it today.
Society evolves; ideas change; the peoples' aspirations becaome more demanding - as should be. The Nationalist Party does not look back but it too changes, adapts and evolves. Only by doing so can it continue to mould the future of our country - as it has done, successfully, since its inception. However, our values, and our core principles do not change. Our roots remain firmly anchored in place, at the core of our politics with the person at the centre of it all.
Partit Nazzjonalista

Luke Camilleri
P.N. already got dumped on this issue... and still they claim that their roots remain firmly anchored inplace...What solace! : )
Good Briffs, because the way things are shaping up the pn will be lucky to win 10 seats come the next election.
@Briffs -Sorry to disappoint most of you below but, yes I was a lost PN voter who is returning to the party. Whom are you trying to impress? Do you think we are that gullible?
Priscilla Darmenia
I think I must give credit to the PN. They are so eloquent and try to convince me that the bad things they did are actually good things. They give us shit in silver wrapping and I think many of us unfortunately would realise this when it is too late
Priscilla Darmenia
I thing I must give credit to the PN. They are so eloquent and try to convince me that the bad things they did are actually good things. They give us shit in silver wrapping and I think many of us unfortunately would realise this when it is too late
What a strange butch we Maltese are!First we turn against the PN because of its conservative ideals and when it finally changes direction for the good, we condemn it even louder. Sorry to disappoint most of you below but, yes I was a lost PN voter who is returning to the party. At the end of the day, I`m afraid Labour has never offered an alternative.So carry on raging and frothing....I can tell you that there are many many more ex-disgruntled Nationalists who WILL turn out to vote PN at next elections.
Too little too late PN. Gonzi, you made yourself more than amply clear that you are against divorce. Are you going to resign since your party now embraces divorce? Now what is the CHURCH going to say when the "CHURCH PARTY" is embracing divorce?
Too little too late PN. Gonzi, you made yourself more than amply clear that you are against divorce. Are you going to resign since your party now embraces divorce? Now what is the CHURCH going to say when the "CHURCH PARTY" is embracing divorce?
We call this a U turn in the hope of gaining some votes. What does Mons Cremona have to say about this? Will they mount another crusade like they did in the referendum? Where is Dr Gonzi's conscience now? Will this be in the PN's electoral manifesto? Is it, perhaps, another gaffe by PBO? Oh election, you are so close!
Lawrence Covin
Nixtieq inzid ma li ghidt qabel li min jabbuza lill Kristu ma huwiex Kristjan. Dan biex noqoghodu attenti lill-min nivvotaw.
Lawrence Covin
L-Awditur qal li ma kienx hemm misapproprijazzjoni fiz-zieda li hadu l-wisq Kristjani Ministri. Mhux minnu. Iz-zieda haduha mill-fondi li l-Budget kien alloka lill-'headings' li jaqghu taht il-Ministeri rispettivi taghhom. Kien hemm min ha z-zieda mill-flus tal-bolla tal-impjegati tal-Ministeru tieghu. Dan mhux misapproprijazzjoni, sinjuri Kristjanissimi? Kemm jigi abbuzat Kristu, ghandek tghid!
@briffs ; Surely you are one to be pitied. This is not a simple matter of policy change or making a U-turn but it is "Flushing their Christian Conscience down the toilet". No matter how elaborate the wrapping these policies come packaged in the stink and corruption is still there. Be honest with yourself and stop apologising for this band of miscreants, I believe you deserve better unless you are one of the leeches that live off gonziPN.
It is exactly what the electorate have done to your party in the Divorce Referendum , DUMPED YOU . What Minister Agostino Pio Gatt is going to do now ? Is he going to resign ? That's what he said, if the Nationalist Party changes it's stance against divorce. Or now it's bye,bye Christian Principles by this Arrogant and Incompitent Minister ?
Issa ja clowns pulcinelli l'inthom! Tbieghu l-ommkom sejrin ghal-vot! Issa troppo tardi, ga qlajt minn go kexxun it-tape li kelli ghal qalbi fl-elezzjoni tal-80's: IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!!!!! EX-PN Voter!
The usual Bla Bla Bla. I do not believe one word and you will not take my vote.
They used to say that PL do U TURNS .What is this ?What is Dr Gonzi`s true position now???
Another great U-turn by GonziPn, or should we call him GonziUTurns now. Durli dawra Sur Lawrenz.
GonziPN is trying to pave paradise and put it in the voting booth during the next election. One U turn after an other, one 'froga' after an other, but the biggest froga is reserved for our budget! After ending the fiscal year with a huge debt hole and with no hope to plug it,many Maltese are sniggering at the bizarre mess they have voted themselves into.
Dumping their opposition to divorce and, presumably, going against what Christ said ir is said to have said ... but with a cross in the picture for good measure. How stupid do they think the Maltese people are? Partit tac-cwiec!
@ briffs - I honestly pity you!
Ian George Walker
It's called a U-Turn.
A lot of empty statements. I've had enough of all this false rhetoric and deceit. You STILL don't get my vote next time round.
More of this modernisation and move towards the realities of today and the PN will win voters back....myself included. Meanwhile, Labour remains an empty balloon of nothingness.
Joseph Sant
The PN is obviously hell bent on a vote catching exercise. It becomes more populist and spineless by the minute. So Gonzi's conscience goes out of the window...it's pretty obvious his clinging to power and his hefty paycheck are oh so much more meaningful than his conscience. I just can't believe this - it's the mother of all U-turns!
Give us a break, what a bunch of hypocrites, imposters and fraudsters. What happened to their christian conscience. Gonzi must now go public and apologise for voting against the people's choice. What a charlatan, hope the maltese people learn from all this.
I – labelled a conservative since I am anti-divorce (which goes to show the great democratic credentials of the pro-divorce lobby!) – will respect whatever decision the party takes. If that decision goes against what I conscientiously believe in, I would resign from Parliament since I would not be able in all conscience to back a pro-divorce party and I cannot ever expect my view prevails over the majority view. guess who
Didn't Austin Gatt say he would resign if the PN adopted this stance?
Didn't Austin Gatt say he would resign if the PN adopted this stance?
L-10 principji li se jfasslu l-politika tal-PN minn issa sa l-elezzjoni li jmiss: 1. Inkomplu nirsistu biex is-salarji tal-membri tal-kabinett jibqghu jizdiedu sakemm indumu ahna fil-gvern – u nigu naqghu ui nqumu milli jghid kulhadd. 2. Inkomplu nirsistu biex il-progett tal-estensjoni tal-power station isir kif pjanajna ahna bl-uzu tal-heavy fuel oil, u nigu naqghu u nqumu minn kull ma jghidu l-ambjentalisti. 3. Inkomplu ghaddejjin bil-progett tad-dahla tal-Belt, iqum kemm iqum, u nigu nitmellhu minn kull ma jghidu n-nies. 4. Inkomplu nghollu l-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma biex naghmlu tajjeb ghad-dejn tal-Enemalta u nigu naqghu u nqumu mit-tgergir tan-nies. 5. Inkomplu naghtu l-frak u l-loqom lill-popolin, imbasta nitrattaw tajjeb lin-negozjanti kbar u s-sinjuruni li dejjem sibnihom ta’ ghajnuna kbira. 6. Inkomplu niddejnu kemm nifilhu, imbasta nilhqu t-targets tal-Ewropa u nigu naqghu u nqumu mid-deficit li jridu jhallsu ghalih ta’ warajna. 7. Inkomplu nisfruttaw il-media li dejjem ittina palata bhat-Times, Independent u l-PBS billi nkomplu npoggu nies minn taghna f’karigi influwenti maghhom u nkomplu nippumpjaw u nissapportjaw pampaluni tax-xandir u tal-kelma miktuba bhal Peppi Azzoppardi, Lou Bondi’, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Fr Joe Borg u l-Bocca. 8. Inkomplu l-isforzi taghna biex dawk l-elementi li fil-passat ricenti ma mxewx dejjem mall-linja tal-partit (John Dalli, Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Jesmond Muliett) inzommuhom fuq wicc l-idejn sa l-elezzjoni li jmiss u mbghad nixkupawhom barra mill-partit. 9. Inkomplu nippjanaw biex l-ahhar budget ghas-sena 2013 ikun wiehed li jnessi l-passat u li jiggarantixxi rebha fl-elezzjoni li jmiss. 10. Inkomplu nsahhu l-ghaqda taghna mall-knisja skond il-motto taghna Religio et Patria u man-negozjanti kbar ghax b’hekk inkomplu niggarantixxu rebha ohra fl-elezzjoni li jmiss.
Tidher li riesqa l-elezzjoni....Ehh bilhaqq hawn xi hadd jaf x`sar minnha il-ligi tal-ko-abitazzjoni ghax min ghalija kellha titressaq quddiem il-parlament qabel l-ahhar tas-sena ?
Mela issa mhux se nkomplu nisimghu lil Gonzi jghid " Jien ghadni kontra d-divorzju" ! Kemm konna nghidulkom li wara li jidhol id-divorzju, wara ftit zmien HADD ma jibqa jsemmih aktar ! Insomma kif jghidu bl-Ingliz: " IF YOU CANOT BEAT THEM, JOIN THEM "! Eddy Privitera
How will the enlightened Dr GonziPN reverse his vote against the will of the majority?
Abdullah alhrbi
Will they also be dropping that infamous line in O bella Patria which defines nationalists on the basis of religion and ethnicity? If there is anything that is less idoneous within an inclusive European society it's that line. Is it imperative that Nationalists declare themselves Catholics and Latins in the party anthem? PS where is the cohabitation law that is idoneous of a European democracy??
F`kelma wahda ghamiltu " U Turn " Pawl. Mela mhux tal Lejber biss jghamluhom.Xorta ser tibqa imnizzla fl`istorja ta Malta, li kienet l-unika ligi fid dinja li ghaddiet mil parlament minghajr il vot tal l-akbar pozizjoni tal kamra...jigifieri il Prim Ministru.
@Karmenu OK....OK no need to get so idoneous yourself, mate !
Lawrence Covin
The motion states that divorce "was not an idoneous way of how to promote family values." Idoneous? Heck, that word isn't often used, except by bombastic lawyers who emulate the italianate local legal grandees of bygone times -thinking they will impress. Using the word 'ideal' would have been more idoneous, I think. Er, any word about it not being idoneous to award yourself 500 euros a week without bothering to tell taxpayers about it? But perhaps it wouldn't be idoneous to raise the matter in the General Council, eh? Idoneous hell!