Former PN minister insists problem is Gonzi not Debono

Former Nationalist minister Michael Falzon says the real problem within the PN is not Franco Debono but Lawrence Gonzi’s leadership

Former PN minister Michael Falzon
Former PN minister Michael Falzon

In an interview carried by Sunday newspaper Illum, former Nationalist minister Michael Falzon said that the internal crisis within the PN did not start today.

"There is a problem in the way Lawrence Gonzi leads. Many Nationalists feel excluded and this includes backbenchers," Falzon said.

Falzon also declared he does not agree with how Franco Debono has dealt with the situation, adding that "it's a group of people who topple a leader and not one person on his own".

Asked whether the Prime Minister did not trust PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier with the general elections, after Gonzi asked Transport Minister Austin Gatt to help out in the elections, Falzon simply smiled and added that Borg Olivier did not have Gatt's experience in elections.


Read more in Illum's digital edition


What amazes one is the fact that you get so many dissidents but when the time comes they are the first waiting in line at the voting boots to give gonzipn their vote.
What amazes one is the fact that you get so many dissidents but when the time comes they are the first waiting in line at the voting boots to give gonzipn their vote.
The leader should never be greater than the party. The party should never be greater than it's ideals.
Ma ghadux par idejn sodi issa?
Perit, well said minghajr kantunieri.L-ahhar elezzjoni ippruvaw jibnu kollox madwar Gonzi,riedu jnessu lin Nazjonalist ta Borg Olivier u Fenech adami, riedu ucuh gooda li qatt ma gew.Qali finanzi fis sod, par idejn sodi. Il problemi ilhom gejjin u gonzi fuq pariri ta EGC hares in naha l-ohra.
Well said, Dr. Michael Falzon. Gonzi should pave way for a new Nationalist Party leader and this decision will be in the NP and country best interest. I am not interested in any early elections. Gonzi do unto you, what you expected Dr.Alfred Sant did in 1998...MOVE and let the NP carry on with the legislature, if you really feel this is in the best interest of the country. Debono is not an alone disgruntled backbencher, and a lot of unexpected things can happen. I do not even leave out a possibility of a compromise. We do not want Governments tal-klikka, whatever their colour.
The title GonziPN says it all. The culture of leader, a vice common to both PN and PL is one of the fundamental problems with this country. I guess fundamentally Maltese do not respect themselves. They have no faith in themselves and they personally think they are incompetent and stupid ... why else would they delegate the running of their country, their lives and the future of their children to a bunch of crooks and then applaud them, apologize for them and support them - no matter how badly they screw them up? Pls take up the message and repeat it. Add it as a signature to your emails - your skype message - on facebook - tweet it. NO MORE THAN TWO TERMS IN OFFICE.
Falzon simply smiled and added that Borg Olivier did not have Gatt's experience in elections. In what, in the FORCE OF EVIL ??
And still Lawrence Gonzi tries to give the impression that the one and only reason for the present chaotic situation in which GonziPN finds itself in,is Dr. Franco Debono ! Former PN minister Michael Falzon points his finger at Lawrence Gonzi as being the root for all the trouble which has engulfed GonziPN and the government.
With all due respect to a retired politician but what is Mr. Falzon talking about?. For me he symbolizes an era of party politics run on strict masonic traditions where accountability was defined solely on the the amount of power wielded by each ministry. Maybe the honorable Michael Falzon can tell us how many ministers were impeached for ineffectiveness and poor performance during his political span?. A typical antiquated mentality where power is measured by numbers, of MPs of course. That Dr Debono enjoys the backing of a not insignificant portion of the electorate and is highlighting problems that are being faced by the majority of the Maltese, are being overlooked by this former minister. He labels Dr Debono as a maverick but he is overlooking that Malta may lack MPs with integrity and above all, backbone in our house of representatives.
.........more grist for the mill! One wonders what many members of the PN really feel about all this.