Former transport minister appointed chairman of logistics company

Austin Gatt joins Hili Group as chairman of Hili Company Ltd.

Former transport minister Austin Gatt has now completely retired from politics.
Former transport minister Austin Gatt has now completely retired from politics.

Former infrastructure and transport minister Austin Gatt has been appointed chairman of Hili Company Ltd.

The Hili Group, of which Hili Company Ltd is a susbsidiary, enjoys extensive experience in the logistics business.

The Company is an internationally-based group focusing on maritime-based logistics handling, within a wider portofolio including as a developmental licensee of McDonald's corporation, property development and engineering. 

The Group has a key presence in the Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Sea regions and are expanding into Asia by forging strategic partnerships. 

One of the services the Hili Group provides - through the Carmelo Caruana Company Limited - is the provision of port and transit services, crew changes, off-harbour services, bunker brokerage, ship-to-ship transfer of oil products, container transhipment, freight forwarding, airfreight, ship agency and warehousing.

And pn mp censu galea ,disagrees with the lifting of parliament immunity !!!These people make a mess of public trust and they do not want to be accountable!!!
Emmanuel Mallia
He is probably now assured of a continuing cooperation with PN, as his anointed one, simple Simon, is at the helm of PN !!!
Emmanuel Mallia
The never ending circles of friends of friends, perhaps of a well known brotherhood society !
Rita Pizzuto
Mistaghgbin Id-diretturi tal-Arriva xi jqattghu xaghrhom b'dispra meant li xi hadd lahaq qabilhom u hataf lil Austin u l-ideat tieghu. Bih l-Arriva Kienu jikkapparraw Id-dinja ghal il-bravura tieghu bla qies. U kien kont nahseb li Dan il-miskin bhala Ministru tant Haxxen b'dietx, onestament m'ghandniex xi nghidu, li mhux se jkollu jibqa' jahdem biex jghix. Mort zmerc Izda, ghax tant ghamel sagrificci li Issa, jekk ma jahdimx ma jistax jghix!
Mela ma kellhux jirtira biex jahrab mir-responsabilitajiet li kellhu??????
Big risk Marin Hili is taking ! AG aka Aust, has demolished just about everything he has touched - form Arriva (- no buzulotti bus company), BWSC, Drydocks, Shipbuilding , Sea Malta, MOBC. That is what Austin does best. But I suppose Mr Hili had no choice but to honour payback time, no?
Ghami jmexxi lill-Ghami it-tnejn jaqghu fil-hofra. Waqu fil-hofra tal-flus, tal-arroganza, tal-hbieb tal-hbieb, tal-korruzzjoni, tal-klijentalizmu, tal-hmieg li kien jikkaratterizza dawn l-ahhar 25 sena. Hekk gara fil- 1987 u min dak inhar stahnew min fuq dar il-Poplu.
Hemm Hu,rajtek hi...hokkli dari u inhokk darek..Ma tafx x int taghmel sur Hili.Dak postu kien imexxi it tarzna flok polumbo,forsi isib min falla it tarzna.
scratch my back and i scratch yours,a fitting saying indeed.
Sa issa kull ma mess dan il-politikant mar l-isfel! Ikun hasra jekk dan jerga jigri f'din il-kumpanija habrieka! Kieku jien l-owner nerga nahsibha sew!
Ta Hili ghal gol hajt. Mhux daqshekk malajr pero ghax ghad ma hemmx Delia.
Issa se jibdew il-buzullotti fi hdan din il-kumpanija tal-habib antik Marin Hili. Ghalinqas din id-darba mhux se jkun il-poplu li jhallas ghal-fjaskijiet ta' AG Aust.
Now commences the DOWNFAll of the Hili Company , CMA and the freeport.
Mela ma qalx li ser jirtira??? Nispera li qed hihallasa il bolla?
Mela Gatt ma jridx jiekol ukoll. Allavolja over 50 malajr sab job. Hawn min ilu jistenna s-snin u qatt mhu se jsib job, imma Alla jbierek taht gvern tal-PL jidher li l-affarijiet qed jinbidlu. Issa oqghod attent Aust, ara li ma taghmilx xi paprata. Insieh iz-zmien ta meta kont ministru, dak kien zmien ikrah ghalik u ghal poplu. Parir wiehed naghtik, lil Delia zommu l-boghod ghax tmur il-bahar!
When Hili was managing the government's Freeport, he employed a large number of employees hailing from Austin Gattt's costituency. Now it is payback time.
When Hili was managing the government's Freeport, he employed a large number of employees hailing from Austin Gattt's costituency. Now it is payback time.
Ahhhhh yes, as the saying goes, 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'. I am sure the readers will reach their own and individual conclusion, no matter what that may be.
Paul Sammut
Ara x`kull wahda wkoll. Dan kif? Zgur ghax ma hemmx xi obbligu. Nilab imhatra.
Contacts with Grimaldi will come in handy
So Freeport employees hailing from Valletta now have their mind at rest for alternative employment.
.... x'hasra ..... xi dnub ..... x'telf ghall-pajjiz .... persuna bl-esperjenza tieghu fit-trasport missu mar mal-arriva .... dak hemm postu mela ma' ta' hili .....