‘Flawed’ survey intended to dampen MaltaToday’s findings on divorce

A nationwide survey on divorce conducted by The Sunday Times produced results specifically intended to contrast undisputed   data acquired in a recent MaltaToday survey.

Yesterday evening, MaltaToday revealed how "a leading newspaper is conducting a survey on divorce that is expected to reveal data that contrasts with MaltaToday’s findings in its most recent survey."

This newspaper is reliably informed that the survey’s methodology was ‘flawed’ going by concerns raised inside the same newsroom. The TST survey did not in fact specify the type of divorce to those questioned and was reportedly intended to boost Castille's efforts to dampen the impact the MaltaToday findings have had.

Last Wednesday, MaltaToday also revealed how Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi was warned by the PN Executive council that a 'Yes' vote on divorce in a referendum or parliamentary vote, could cost him his job.

A MaltaToday survey shows support for divorce has reached an all time high of 59%. This is the highest level of support for the introduction of divorce since 1995 when the first survey on this issue was held. The survey also shows that an overwhelming majority wants this issue to be decided upon through a national referendum.

The survey also confirms that support for divorce is stronger among Labour voters (75%) than among Nationalist voters (49%). It also shows that for the first time a pro divorce majority (relative, in the case of the PN) exists in both parties.

This suggests a remarkable increase in Nationalist voters favouring divorce up from 35% in 2007 to 49% now. But this data must be analysed with caution, due to the relatively small sample of respondents who stated which party they had voted for in the 2008 general election.

Still, a significant portion of Nationalist voters seems to favour the introduction of divorce. This is particularly significant in view of the current battle for the party’s soul, and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s express position against divorce.

Leonardo naqtak ghandek rieda u qalb hanina inti meta isemmi dawn l-attakki fuq il-welfare state -taf li persuna separata mis -zwieg tiehu l-beneficji kollha ? u jekk ma jkunx hemm obligi min naha ta mara jew r-ragel ghal xi raguni u l-qorti taqtahha li ma jkunx hemm manteniment? Leonardo fi dinja kollha hemm -d divorzju u tkunx injurant.dawk it-tfal innocenti ma jahtu xejn- qedin fi sena 2010 naqtak bniedem kuntent hafna int- get a life (man) flok toqghod tattakka lin-nies -illum jew ghada divorzju jidhol -meta jkun il-waqt ghax ir-rieda tan nies ma jzommha hadd meta jkun il-mument -lilek nghidlek vera ta l-ahhar ghax ma fik xejn xi twiegeb- ghax hlief kattiverja ma ghandekx go fik- ibda ghix :) isma minni ;-)
martin lia
aqraw naqra imbghad tkellmu - pajjiz mimli ghorrief li qatt ma qraw xejn http://www.divorcereform.org/stats.html m'hu vera xejn li isseparazzjoni u d-divorzzju hu l-istess - fis-separazzjoni xorta hemm obligi bejn l-individwi. taht id-divorzzju dawn jaqghu. ghalhekk mara divorzjatha bit-tfal tigi single mother f'ghajnejn l-istat u tikkwalifika ghal beneficcji - dan ezempju wiehed biss. ijja ovvja u trid tkun ghami u injurant biex ma taghrafx li l-welfare state KAPUT - mhux sostenibbli - l-problema tas-socjalizmu kif semmiet tajjeb Thatcher hi li xi darba 'you run out of other people's money' - well I look forward to the day - ghax tqazzizt impaxxi lill min ma jixraqlux kontra r-rieda tieghi. meta xi hadd jiehu l-flus bla permess nghidulu serq - u l-welfare state m'hu xejn hlief serq instituzzjonalizzat... down with the welfare state.. illum qabel ghada.. u taraw kemm innehhu qziez u n*** Kif diga semmejt nigi naqa u nqum x'taghmlu b'hajjitkom just don't pass the buck to me - lump it!
Leonardo Who pays now when there is a seperation? In most cases, the father pays maintenance and the mother gets custody. With divorce, nothing changes. Who pays when a single mother puts down "father unknow"? The taxpayer. So?
@C. Cassar To add to your assertion here are a couple of websites one could visit to see what you said is true. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/kmlst1.htm Above is the url to a site listing members of SMOM with EFA being top of the list. Dr Gonzi can be found further down SMOM swear a "blood oath of obedience to the Pope" therefore it goes if the Vatican says no to Divorce in Malta the dice is cast. Also see: http://www.cephasministry.com/masonic_knights.html regarding the Oath.
@Leonard Please be so kind as to list these "...hlas ghat-tifrik" you mentioned, I have already heard this somewhere else but wasn't given examples. Thabk you in advance for informing me.
The HYPOCRACY of it all is that gonziPN is not concerned about the implications of DIVORCE but what it means to gonziPN, namely it could cost the PM,s his job and consequently those of his lackeys. It is an eye opener for all those for or against Divorce, gonziPN is not interested in the country's need but only in its own requirements.
Mr.Leonardo , li tghid tifrik tec... ma naqbilx mieghek ta- nerga nghidlek l-ipokrezija hija maskra li tipprova tahbi dak li verament ahna- meta mmorru quddiem il-mera -hemmhekk naraw lilna nfusna imbaghad nipprova nghidu bit tifriek u zkuzi min jahara jrid jimshu etc..- min ma ghandux salib ghandu domna ;-) hhahahha welfare state ? skuzi ta imma iddahhhqnies pls, tinsiex li fid-dinja kollha hemm id- divorzju mbarra Malta u philippine- u dana semmejt divorzju biss semmejt ahseb u ara fuq gay marriages etc... Min xiex qed tibza Sur Leonardo?:) the tide is growing Mr.Leonardo - skuzani ma nahsibx li ghandi ghalfejn nirrospondik -jiggudika l-poplu mbaghad- min hu verament hieles jew irid ikun hieles ghandu jiggieled ghad drittijiet umani-
martin lia
Iva Sur Falzon, Kullhadd intelligenti u bravu illum - ghalhekk il-pajjiz sejjer lura bil-gurnata! jien la nibza mix-xitan u lanqas min-nirien ta' l-infern - pero nibza hafna meta xi hadd jibda jghajjat kemm ahna bravi u intelligenti - hemm bahar jaqsam bejn l-intelligenza u l-gherf bhal ma hemm bejn it-tajjeb u l-hazin. L-ikbar argument kontra d-divorzu hadd m'hu qed jaghmlu. min ser ihallas ghalih? min ser jigbor u jhallas ghat-tifrik? jien l-ewell wiehed xbajt inhallas ghall-'bravuri' ta' haddiehor. min irid il-liberta ghandu jgor ir-responsabilita taghha. il-malti jghid jekk int kapaci tahra kun kapaci imshu trid id-divorzu? - no problem izda hallas ghalieh u ghal-problemi li johloq int u tghaddihx fuq il-kumplament tas-socjeta u fuq min m'ghandux tort ghas-sitwazzjoni li tinsaq fiha - li hloqta int fil-bravura tieghek. Kieku kellna inzaramaw il-welfare state, l-ghajta ghad-divorzu tisparixxi ghada - bhal ma jisparixxi hafna minn nejk u qziez (bravuri) li hawn. L-problema hemm qeghdha - jien nigi naqa u nqum x'taghmel b'hajtek - imma inzeggeg nibqa nhallas ghall bravuri ta' haddiehor... min irid id-divorzu should put his money where his mouth is. indahhlu d-divorzju u innehhu l-beneficcji - mhux fair? hu min irid mod iehor - min ma jridx igorr l-konsekwenzi ta' ghemilu li hu L-IPOKRITA.
Andre Micallef
My friend Silvio, you must know the answer already. So long as Lawrence Gonzi, direct heir to church tyrant Michael Gonzi and super-Catholic Fenech Adami, is in power, divorce is a no-no. That is the objective truth. The subjective angle I must take is that I cannot stand the hypocrisy consistently shown by PN symphathizers. They want divorce AND Gonzi. Very much like pig-headed bigots who want to have the cake and eat at the same time. So, if you have any influence on PN members tell them to wake up and smell the coffee. They must either support Dr Gonzi and be lumped with an arch-conservative party in power or else drop him and look forward to a new era where human rights become available and accessible to all. Sorry if I have sounded a bit brusque, but that is the truth whether we like it or not.
Being a free person means that you feel free to think and do what you feel that is good and right for you. being a slave means doing and not doing what others tell you what to do or not what to do- Please leaders of this beautiful country , give people their human rights ,starting by divorce... hmm are we thinking that we can make the majority of society afraid? of what? the Devil ? the fires of hell? Don't be illusioned! The majority of our society has become more intelligent these days- they are free and thinks with their minds. we will not be fooled by such HYPOCRISY AND LIES! the majority of our society will show these leaders who commands when the time has come- Thanks to all who read this- you can reply etc... ;-)