PA chief says high-rise will create more open spaces, reduce Paceville congestion

Johann Buttigieg insists skyscrapers will improve Paceville's touristic product, create more open spaces for the public to enjoy  

Planning Authority chief executive Johann Buttigieg made an environmental case in favour of proposed skyscrapers in and around Paceville, arguing that high-rise will create more open spaces and reduce congestion.

“The public and developers alike will benefit from high-rise,” he said on the radio programme Ghandi Xi Nghid. “The developers will get to charge people higher prices for rooms in high-rise buildings due to the views, while the public will get to enjoy more open spaces that the developers will have to maintain. Take the Spinola Garden for example – it’s maintained by the Hilton, enjoyed by the general public, and is one of the most beautiful gardens on the island.”

He added that high-rise will help Paceville “improve its touristic product”, arguing that Malta faces fierce competition for tourists from fellow Mediterranean countries.

“Corinthia is now investing in a six-star hotel, but it wouldn’t have done so if it would have had to wait 25 years for its rate of return,” he said. “Improvements in the touristic product must be accompanied with infrastructural upgrades.” 

He said that that high-rise buildings amalgamated in a single area ease traffic congestion, arguing that the Downing Street is more heavily congested than London’s Business Centre.

He dismissed host Andrew Azzopardi’s concerns that high-rise development could damage Paceville’s identity, questioning him whether he has any doubts today that the Hilton Hotel was a beneficial project.

“When areas have already lost their old identity, then trying to save the few pockets that remain – such as solitary houses – can do more harm than good,” he said. “Do we want to become like Cuba, which has preserved their buildings from the 1960s? Even London, which is very conservative with its architecture, has designated certain areas for high-rise. Development must occur somewhere…”