David Gatt allegedly behind torching of young lawyer’s car

A young lawyer was questioned by police over allegedly withholding information that lawyer and former police inspector David Gatt, on trial for masterminding the HSBC heist, was behind the torching of her vehicle.

Referring to a case that dates back some months, weekly newspaper Illum reports that the young lawyer – who has since claimed and collected insurance compensation on the vehicle – is the focus of investigations over allegations that she withheld information from police.

Sources said the lawyer omitted certain information on how her vehicle had caught on fire, and how she had voiced suspicions that David Gatt had set the car on fire after the two had been involved in a dispute months earlier.

Should the case be confirmed as arson and non-accidental, the person would be obliged to repay her insurance compensation, as this does not cover deliberate acts but only acts that are accidental in nature. She could also face court charges for having made false declarations, police sources say.