Is there a real risk to Marsaxlokk with an LNG terminal?

Reporter on TVM to discuss Labour’s energy plan and the proposed anchoring of the floating LNG terminal.

Reporter on TVM tonight discusses the government's proposed floating gas terminal anchored in Delimara.

The government's proposed floating LNG terminal will see a 215MV gas plant and liquefied natural gas storage anchored permanently to a jetty outside Marsaxlokk Bay.

Its decision has however been heavily criticised by the Nationalist Party which is claiming that the LNG terminal can be risky to residents.

Marsaxlokk mayor Edric Micallef says the local council was consulted at all stages.

Reporter will examine the negative effects, if any, that the gas terminal could have on residents' health, the visual impact of the LNG tanker, and the effect on property prices.

Presenter Saviour Balzan will ask whether the PN's criticism of the gas storage plant is justified and whether preliminary studies have sufficient guarantees that the tanker will be a safe option.

Is it necessary for the government to change its plan? Will the ministry conduct further studies?

Guests tonight are MEP candidates Therese Comodini Cachia and Miriam Dalli, who will be asked whether Labour's enegry plan is actually prioritising its political goals rather than residents' health or whether Labour is committed to reduce energy tariffs and provide cleaner energy.

Reporter on TVM will also see interviews with Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi and MaltaToday journalist James Debono.

Reporter is aired live every Monday at 6.55pm on TVM. The programme is repeated on TVM2 on Monday at 10.15pm.


@stevemizzi Jaqaw ghandwek ghajnek fuq xi proppjeta u qieghed tipprova twerwer lis-sid li minn hawn u ftit iehor se tigi tiswa s-soldi u qieghed tipprova tara kif tahtafa f'idejk
Aktar ghandi riskju jien bil-heater tal-gas li inqabbad bis-sulfarin kull-filghaxija milli mit-tanker tal-gas and gaiters ta SimonPN and his loonies!
Ix-Xlukkajri,in-nies tal-Qajjenza u n-nies ta' Birzebbugga iddejqu hafna li tnehha l-impjant tal gass tac-cilindri li kien hemm qabel LorrySant beda' jaghti l-permessi ghal bini. kien tant iserrahlek mohhok b'dik ir-riha! Issa l-istess nies tghidx kemm qed jifirhu li il-hazna tal-LNG mhux se tkun 'il-barra fuq il-bahar izda faccata ta' djarhom . Ghandhom serhan il-mohh kbir bli qed jghidilhom Konrad.Kwazi kwazi in-nies ta' fuq ta' Malta qed jghiru ghalina ghax mhux se jkollom tanker kbir hekk quddiem biebom. Prosit u grazzi sur prim ministru . M'hawnx ghalik , kompli sejjer hekk!
The characteristics of LNG and its safety: >IF LNG SPILLS IN WATER. LNG does not dissolve in water and, in contact with the latter, evaporates without mixing and without leaving any residue. >LNG IS NOT TOXIC. If LNG is poured into a glass of water, once the gas has evaporated the water can be drunk without qualms. It cannot pollute the sea or groundwater tables. >IN THE EVENT OF AN LNG SPILL. LNG is stored in the installation at atmospheric pressure: even in the remote case of a spill, it would disperse in the air evaporating without leaving any trace. If LNG spills on the ground, it evaporates and leaves no residue to clean up. >CAN LNG CATCH FIRE? LNG is not flammable except in very particular conditions which cannot occur inside the regasification terminal or the LNG carrier (it must be in a closed saturated environment, be mixed with a percentage of oxygen between 10 and 15% and be simultaneously in contact with a flame ignition source). >CAN LNG EXPLODE? Even if it comes into contact with fire, LNG does not explode or create flames, but originates a lazy flame which evaporates without causing any shock wave. In confirmation of this, it is well known that during the Iran-Iraq war a ship carrying gas at low temperature, the Gaz Fountain, was hit by 3 missiles and caught fire. The crew managed to put the fire out and subsequently recover 93% of the gas cargo without any further incident. Thanks to this characteristic of LNG, a study carried out by the US coast guard has verified that: LNG is one of the least hazardous substances among the many normally carried by sea and unloaded into coastal depots as chemical products/petrochemicals/fuels. No significant incidents have occurred in 33,000 journeys of LNG carriers throughout the world in the last 20 years
@ Steve Mizzi. Jekk int kuntent li int l-akbar mazzun ta' Marsaxlokk tantx turi ghax malajr jaqbduk. Kieku jien minnek ma noqodx qrib il-bahar li ma jmurx jaghmel xi tsunami u jkaxkrek. Kompli isma minn xmun li milli jidher gennek wahda nobis u tismax mill-esperti ta veru li gabulek lil xmun un bel zero.
stevemizzi mela wehlitlek id-diska? Ghandek xi blokk flats bi ftit flus? it-twerwir li qed tippruvaw taghmlu kontrikom se jahdem ghax il-poplu m'ghadux cuc kif kien qalilna Tonio Tick Tock Arloggi tal-Lira Fenech.
Onestament.....liema gvern f'sensih ikun min ikun se jaghmel xi haga biex jipperikola il-hajja tac-cittadini tieghu ? Issa jekk tridu temmnu f'min mohhu biex ibezza' biss....affari taghkom. Studju wiehed wara l-iehor u espert wara l-iehor qeghdin imeru dak kollu li qed ibezza' bih il-PN u jindikaw li LNG hu l-aktar fuel nadif.
Ghandek xi post steve forsi trid tehles minnu nofs prezz? blaqt dak li qal Sajmin u shabu ?
ghal ministru fil bunkering area hemm il-vapuri u mhux safe ghal vapur tal LNG. Allura fid-dahla tal port x-jghaddi? ghasafar? fatati? jew l-akbar vapuri tal containers fid-dinja? dawn mhux ta periklu? ahjar jiehu n-nar fil-bunkering area milli fil-port fejn hemm il familji u l-power station li minnha tiddependi l-ekonomija ta Malta.
sinjura comodini int qed tigdeb meta tijd l usa tiscorta bl armata li LNG gas tanker jekk jogbok ara dal video
ghaliex ghandna nghixu hajjitna mwerwrin? hlisna min tal qajjenza u se jigi dan issa. Ivvutajt labour, ma tergax tkun.
If what the PN is trying to scare Malta,Comino and Gozo what will happen with an explosion equivalent 50 nuclear bombs??????? by now Sicily would have raised hell by now as even Sicly would be annihilated if what Simon is saying make sence???
xi dritt ghandu s-sindku jmur kontra r-rieda ta 91% ta niesu? IRREZENJA!
kif ma jisthix is sindku jitradixxi bmod tant sfaccat lil niesu stess? kieku veru ma hemmx periklu, xorta il valur tal propjeta ser jinzel mal art b-dan il vapur. Ma ghandu jaccetta qatt li dan isir fejn propost jekk verament jirraprezenta lin nies li eleggewh u mhux lil kap tal partit li jiraprezenta. Anzi messu hu stess jorganizza petizzjoni u kawza kontra l-gvern ghad-danni. Agir bhal dab hu tal misthija.