Maltese athletes to participate in NABBA Universe 2013

Charmaine Debono & Priscilla Chalker will be representing Malta in the upcoming NABBA Universe.

By Eliza Farrugia

This competition, which sees a good number of bodybuilders compete will be held in Southport, UK on the 12th October. Both contestants will be taking part in the Ms. Toned Figure category. Charmaine and Priscilla will be accompanied by NABBA Malta President, Mr. Vince Balzan.

NABBA Malta has been active for the past 25 years, organizing and helping various local athletes in competing in international events organized by NABBA. Various achievements have been won by Maltese athletes, including last year, when Gilbert Cuschieri, overall winner of the local championships won third place in the Mr Universe Class 3 category.

NABBA Malta encourages the Maltese public to show their support towards these athletes.


Erm Maltatoday, there is a glaring spelling mistake in the title of this piece!