Malta registers highest job vacancy rate increase in Europe

Government says that only Germany now has a higher job opportunity rate than Malta

During the third quarter of 2014, Malta registered the highest job vacancy rate increase (+0.5%) out of all the European member states, Eurostat statistics show.

Eurostat calculates the job vacancy rate by measuring the proportion of total job postings that are vacant. Vacancies in businesses that employ less than 10 people were not recorded in this study.  

In a statement, the government said that only Germany now has a higher job opportunity rate than Malta.

“The job opportunity rate in Malta is almost double that of the EU average, particularly in the services sector but also in the industrial and construction sectors,” the government said. “These latest statistics must be interpreted in light of the excellent results that Malta is registering regarding job creation. Despite our country registering the highest employment rate increase within the eurozone, we still managed to register the second highest job vacancy rate in the EU. Contrary to the warning lights in the economy that the Opposition is seeing, Maltese businesses are thirsty for more workers and want to expand their operations.”