Zwieg Bla Divorzju want children to live with hope that separated parents reunite

The anti-divorce lobby today claimed it was against divorce because remarried spouses could be in a position to contest court orders that during separation prevented them from ‘exposing’ their children to their partners.

Lawyer Bernard Grech said his experience in separation proceedings showed that "in four out of every five separation cases", one parent demands the court to enforce the other parent not to expose their children to their new partners – “of either the same sex or the opposite sex” he pointed out.

Grech said a divorce law would make it a problem to enforce this prohibition “because new rights will be created for new families that will be formed.”

When asked by MaltaToday whether this was included in the divorce bill being proposed, Grech said this was not but that the right could be claimed inside the courts.

“Those who don’t want to guarantee this part of the separation contract should vote no… all children wish throughout their life is to have their parents reunite. Divorce will close the door to that hope,” Grech said.

But Grech could not provide any reliable figures on how many separated couples had reunited in Malta. “In my 16-year-career I had nine couples reunite after separating,” he said.

Grech was asked by several journalists whether Zwieg Bla Divorzju was ‘unfair’ about wanting children ‘to live with hope for reunited parents’ instead of a new family.

“There’s a difference between what is possible now and what would be impossible later. Divorce will make it impossible for separated parents to reunite. The damage to the possibility of reuniting would have been done,” Grech replied.

An attempt at levity by Grech at a question from PBS was met with consternation from journalist Maria Muscat, who asked him for his comments on the divorce question during a religion ‘O’ level. “I expected that PBS would ask me about children, the subject of our press conference,” Grech said. But Muscat retorted that she was in her rights to ask any question she felt was of current interest.

Grech said that nobody should impose their views on children, but added that religion “has its own rules… we really should talking about the real issues here.”

Cana Movement president Anna Vella also presented the results of a Misco survey carried out in March which found that 54% said the divorce law would have a negative impact on children against 8% who said it was positive. 71% said divorce would have a negative impact on children, 46% said it was negative on society, and three-quarters felt young people were not ready to go into marriage.

The study further revealed that 30% "do not have an exact idea of what divorce is, so much so that hey said who divorces can remarry both civilly and in Church... this lack of information shows how wrong MPs were in approving a [referendum] motion," Vella said.

"Experience shows me clearly that in a broken marriage, children suffer. There is no doubt that there are cases where separation is needed... But in the majority of cases couples can mend relations. It's a time that requires patience, sometimes sacrifices, but the important thing is that things are mended.

"So if there's something in the country that's weakening the family this will be damaging to couples, individuals and children especially. That's why I'm voting no," Vella said.

1) My parents reunited after 18 years separated. My father forgave my mother in his heart for her unfortunate misbehaving. Today my mother is disabled and my father takes care of her. I prayed a lot for our family to re-unite and God gave us the grace we most desired. 2) Those who are practicing Christians, they obey the Church because she is the bride of Christ and the head of the Church is not the Pope but Jesus Himself. In John's Gospel chapter 15, Jesus warns: "If the world hates you [followers of Christ] , remember that it hated me first" "When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love". We have to obey Him always. Luke 16:18 Jesus states “For example, a man who divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery. And anyone who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.” Can our Lord be more specific?
jasal zmien li tibzaw tajdu li intom insara u tergaw tinhbew taht lart kif kontu 300 sena ilu. il gara geja u sejra flahar tinkiser u ek gralkom. jekk jadi idevorzju il knisja tmur lura bhal granc u dik il biza tahom.
jekk tawkom xi propjeta bxejn il knisja ghandkom ragun taqaw ghanejk ghax busness is busness imma jekk minalikom tridu dbelaw iross bil labra haluna ghax mux qedin fis 60 issa inies xebaw bil gideb tal knisja. dar li ilum kieku tiswa 2 miljuni maltin inannu tijaj halija il knisja ghax qalulu li sejer drit il genna jekk tiktiba wirt lilna u ahna inbatu habba kumidja tal knisja. xewqa tijaj li il knejes jigu flats
Dr. Bernard Grech, lil min trid tbellaghha li l-maggoranza tan-nies li jisseparaw jergghu jirrangaw ?! Jaqaw il-klijenti tieghek huma specjali, jew forsi int ghandek xi kwalita ta "FAITH HEALER " aktar milli ghandek kapacita ta' avukat ?? Ara tahsbu li jekk, bl-ghajnuna moqzieza li qed tghatikom il-Kurja ArciveskoVILI, din il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju se tehilsu minnha tafux, jekk il-maggoranza tivvota LE. L-Isqfijiet u l-Kurja u dawk is-sacerdoti u religjuzi ohra li wettqu HNZRIJIET F'ISEM ALLA, m'humiex se jithallew kwieti. Lest nemmen li xi hadd li lanqas jaf jaqra u jikteb ihalli min jimpressjonah bil-hrejjef tal-biza, izda minn avukat li jiltaqa man-nies, ma nistennihiex. Lit-tfal inthom triduhom jibqghu jiwieldu BARRA Z-ZWIEG u minn fuq tghau li tridu tiddefenduhom ! IPOKRTI GHAL MITT DARBA !!!!!!!!!! Eddy Privitera
There's no difference between divorce and annulment except that only the church has the power to give you the latter. For more info log on
Taf xnghidlek avukat Dr Barnard Grech li int jekk inti kontra id divorzju ghidli xdifferenza hemm bejn 2 divorzjati u bejn 2 separati mhux fiz zewg kazi il genituri jitilqu lit tfal issa ohra Dr Barnard Grech jekk INTI VERA THOBB LIL FAMILJI IMISSEK KAZIJIET TA SEPARAZJONIJIET DAWN IL KAWZI MA TAHDIMOMX GHAX META TKUN QED TIDDEFENDI LIL WIEHED MIL AKKUZATI INTI QIED TKOMPLI ITKISSER DIK IL FAMILJA
@DSCI. I know more than you think. If I speak or say what i know i will shock everyone, But for my personal reasons , I cannot say. All I know that the Catholic church hides so many things. and even in some marriages, who is responsible theer for mariages , can know that the marriage is going to be bad from the start, but let it be. Well I stop. cannot say no more. I think if you are a roman catholic priest , than i say this , I don't like the ones like you, hiding behind a black suit with white collar, or sometimes dress in ridicolous laughable clothes.
meta tridu isemu itfal u kemm ibatu. hafna bullshit biex nibzaw ghal futur tat tfal umbat ma tisthux min alla li halaqkom kazijiet serji ta abuzz tamlu min kollox biex twarbuom jew tnesu. jekk vera jezizti linfern intom em haqkom. balla hmieg uman dak li intom
If Malta votes divorce, some fear the winner will be radical Islam By Benjamin Mann Denver, Colo., May 21, 2011 / 11:17 am (CNA/EWTN News).- European and American experts say changing Malta's divorce ban would show weakness to radical Muslims, who could capitalize on the island's drift toward secularism to push for Islamic laws. “Forced secularism is a gift to the radical Muslims,” said Stephen Schwartz, a U.S. author and researcher on the Islamic world. “They have the perspective that confusion and secularization is good among the Christians.” “Everybody has reason to be worried about radical Islam, and this is an issue of radical Islam,” said Schwartz, founder of the Washington-based Center for Islamic Pluralism. “My opinion is: Malta should not change its divorce laws.” Malta is the only European country that does not allow divorce. But this could change, depending on the outcome of a May 28 referendum in this tiny Mediterranean island nation of 408,000 people. Voters will decide the fate of proposed legislation that would permit divorce. If the referendum passes by popular vote, the legislation would then go before parliament for its approval. Divorce supporters say Malta should “modernize” its marriage laws. Opponents warn that liberalized divorce would lead to the breakdown of marriage and the family in Malta, where 98 percent of the population is Catholic. They point to the poor state of marriage and the family throughout Europe as an indication of the likely consequences. But Schwartz says de-Christianizing Malta's laws could have even more troubling effects – by giving Islamic extremists a foothold to agitate for the practice of Islamic law. “The moderate would say, 'Let Malta be Malta – don't change the divorce law,'” he stated. On the other hand, “a radical would see as much confusion as possible among the non-Muslims as good for the Muslims.” Schwartz, who belongs to the moderate Hanafi school of Islam, believes that preachers from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia may be planning to spread radical Islam in Malta — under the guise of helping Libyan and Tunisian refugees. “If you had an influx of poor refugees from Tunisia and Libya (into Malta), the Pakistanis would be in there – swooping down like hawks,using ‘aid money’ as a pretext,” he warned. Approximately 3000 refugees from Muslim North African counties have recently arrived on the island and received international protection, since political unrest began in the region earlier this year.Another 6000 Muslims were living in the country before the revolutions of the so-called “Arab Springtime.” “Radical preaching of Islam is going to be a serious problem in Malta,” Schwartz stressed. “The refugee population will be vulnerable to radical preachers.” Schwartz is not worried about the majority of Maltese Muslims, and he stressed that most European clerics are not dangerous radicals. Malta’s Ahmadiyya Muslim Association has not participated in the divorce campaign, and its members are taught to obey the law of their country. But for a well-funded and organized Muslim minority, Malta's move toward secularism would appear in a different light. “‘Oh, now that they've left Christianity, they're fair game for us’ – that's not the moderate position, but that is the radical position,”Schwartz explained. Schwartz’s concerns are echoed by a leading European expert on culture and religion. “The idea that Muslims in Malta may benefit from the divorce law is not among the main topics on the agenda,” said Massimo Introvigne, founder of the Center for Studies on New Religions in Turin, Italy. “Nonetheless, some portions of the Muslim community are quite quick in taking advantage of legal innovations which have nothing to do with Islam.” Introvigne said radical Muslims have already taken advantage of liberalizing trends in other European countries to push for a recognition of Sharia law. He pointed to a case several years ago in the European Court of Human Rights. Muslim organizations petitioned the court to recognize polygamy in the United Kingdom, arguing that laws against the practice violated their religious liberty. At the time, the U.K. had not yet introduced its same-sex “civil partnerships,” and the Muslim organizations lost their case. However, same-sex partnerships have since been legalized in the U.K., so the Muslims are once more pursuing their claim. As Introvigne summarizes it, their argument is based precisely on the breakdown of traditional definitions of marriage: “That time, we lost the case because it was said that in the U.K. there is traditionally only one form of marriage. But now that there are two, with the inclusion of same-sex marriage, why not three?” A similar situation could follow for Malta, if it chooses to permit divorce, Introvigne said. “Some Muslim organizations may eventually take advantage of this for recognizing the practice of ‘repudiating’ women, which prevails under Islamic law.” The practices involves automatic divorce, by a husband's decree. “I'm personally very much against the referendum on divorce in Malta, and I feel very strongly in favor of those who resist it,” Introvigne said. “I see the merit of those who are afraid that recognizing divorce in Malta may open the way for Islamic divorce.” Introvigne said that Europe has followed a pattern of first legalizing divorce, then abortion, then same-sex marriage. Eventually, countries have no grounds to object when radical Muslims push for the practice of Sharia law as a form of legal “diversity.” That idea has already met with approval in some places in the U.K. and Australia. Although he stressed that not all Muslim immigrants to Europe are extremists, many do desire “the possibility for Muslims to live according to Sharia.” Introvigne pointed out that one of the founders of modern radical Islam, Muslim Brotherhood founder Sayyid Qutb, had developed his vision of a global return to Islam's seventh-century roots by observing Western culture's loss of Christian morality. “Qutb became a radical leader by being sent as an exchange student to the United States in the 1950s,” Introvigne said. He saw the state of Western culture as “evidence for Muslims, that they should move as far away as possible from ‘corrupted’ European civilization, and embrace Islamic radicalism.” Divorce supporters who call for a more modern and “European” Malta should consider how contemporary European culture serves to radicalize Muslim immigrants, Introvigne said. “Qutb already saw this ‘decadence’ in the America of the 1950s,” he pointed out. “It's much easier for radical Muslims to see this in the Europe of the 2010s.” Anjem Choudary, an admirer of Osama Bin Laden who led the“Islam4UK” organization before it was banned, is among those Muslims who believes strict Islamic law is the answer to Europe's problems. But Choudary, now Chief Judge at the “Sharia Court of the UK,” told CNA that he was not interested in half-measures such as the introduction of divorce. From his perspective, any government that fails to incorporate the whole of the Qur'an as the only law of the land is illegitimate. “Even if, for example, (British Prime Minister) David Cameron decided tomorrow to cut the hands off of thieves, it would still not be Islamic law,” Choudary stated. “Because he wouldn't be doing it in response to the divine text.” “We have no obedience to man-made law in the first place,”said Choudary, expressing a position that is gaining strength on Islam's radical fringe. “It all needs to be removed, and replaced by the Sharia.”
I am Maltese but i live in Australia. Over here Divorce is acceptable and my birth parents are divorced. I cant see how anyone could view divorce as having a negative impact on children. The reason couples would seek divorce in the first place, is because they are unhappy in their marriage and probably because they do not love each other as they should anymore. In my opinion two people who are not in love, are unhappy and not communicating as married couples should, are providing their children with negative feelings and emotions. Chilidren need to be surrounded by love and happiness in order for them be able to feel confident and happy. In my case, my parents divorced, each of them re-married extending our families. I now have an extra 3 siblings who i could not imagine living life without. Both of my parents are happy, and we the chilidren who also experienced it, couldnt be happier. I would much prefer my parents get divorced than live a lie and teach us that to be unhappy is an acceptable way to live life!
Submitted on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 19:06. Will women be worse off with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s divorce Bill? I believe they will. The divorce law will force a woman into a divorce that she may not even want. It will allow a married man to divorce his wife, possibly in exchange for a younger, more attractive woman. He will be able to just walk out on his marriage and family to get a divorce – no questions asked. I have never heard of anyone being allowed to negate on a legal contract without incurring penalties. Not until Dr Pullicino Orlando presented his no-fault divorce law that is wholly geared against women. A divorced man may choose to remarry and have another child. Provided that he is able to demonstrate that he cannot financially support his new family and at the same time pay maintenance in respect of his first marriage, he may quite possibly apply to the courts to request that he stops any child maintenance allocated to his first wife and children. This is a travesty. The divorce movement claim that a battered woman should be given a second chance. Who in their right mind wants a woman to undergo such abuse anyway? Of course, the wife-beater was kept conveniently out of sight in their billboard that depicted the grim looking woman with a black eye. The truth is that the wife-beater will also be set free with divorce. Freed to remarry and in all likelihood continue to abuse another wife. How then did divorce solve the issue of wife beating? Simply, it did not solve anything. It just shifted the problem onto another woman. The proposed divorce law is perfectly crafted to suit men with the divorced women of Malta and their children becoming poorer and even more dependent on men. This is of course the worst possible kind of divorce as it favours one sex over the other and the siblings of the second marriage over those of the first. This divorce law will create a subgroup, a new minority class of divorced women and their fatherless children. The anti-family movement have gone to enormous lengths to disguise the implications of this law by reframing it and calling it “responsible”. I feel that the women of Malta deserve far better than a divorce law that places them at a disadvantage to men
Luke Camilleri
The anti-divorce are just misleading the general public using toddlers intheir posters when a couple have to be at least SEPARATED FOR FOUR YEARS to consider the option of divorce for their marriage breakdown. How can a couple be separated for mor tha four years and have toddlers less than that age as depicted on the LE posters?
Luke Camilleri
The anti-divorce are just misleading the general public using toddlers intheir posters when a couple have to be at least SEPARATED FOR FOUR YEARS to consider the option of divorce for their marriage breakdown. How can a couple be separated for mor tha four years and have toddlers less than that age as depicted on the LE posters?
Brandon Johnson
Min jghix bit-tama jmut bil-piena... 'Nuff said...
Inti ghandek id-dritt li taghzel li taghmel dak li thoss u li temmen li hu gust minghajr hadt ma ghandu jimponilek fuq id-decizzjoni li tiehu. Ir-rebha tad-demokrazija f'pajjizna m'ghandha qatt tigi imminata mill-ebda istituzzjoni la politi...ka u lanqas religjuza inkella nirriskjaw nergu nispiccaw ghal zmien is-sittinijiet.Hallu il dak li huwa ta Alla ta Alla,dak li huwa tal knisja tal knisja tac civil halluh tac civil. Hbieb min kollox qed jghamlu, santi foloz, ittra lin nisa kollha ta Malta, ittra pastorali biased ghal l-ahhar,reghu dahlu joe saliba fil headquarters. Kurragg ma naqtghux qalbna Is sewwa jerbah zgur! IVA ghax dan huwa driit civili li jezisti kull post fid dinja u hawn malta min ghandu l-flus jgibu min barra u jigi rikonoxut u jekk tivvutaw iva mhux ha taghmlu dnub ghax qeghdin nitkellmu fuq zwieg bic civil mhux bil knisja
Those children will be waiting for Godot.
Why should children not be 'exposed' to their parents' new partners? What harm is caused? Children are not the property of any one partner and any parent who insists that their children are not 'exposed' to the new partner does not have the best interests of their children at heart. Has this brilliant Maltese lawyer heard of the Convention on the Rights of the Child? When it comes to children, no parent should have the right to 'demand', mr brilliant lawyer. And why should children be trained to live in a world of delusion? Perhaps that will help them to accept that funny religion called Catholicism where a carpenter is portrayed as God, a belief not shared by the early apostolic church. Remember he is said to have been "the son of God", not God.
Isabelle Borg
Joke of the year! HaHa
Zwieg Bla Divorzju have a morbid fetish for statistics, even reducing those in need of divorce to a nameless number worthy of their pious sympathy and nothing else. Why did they not quote statistics today as to how many separated couples have decided to re-unite in the last thrity years?
One question on the survey quoted by Dr Vella...can she state how many who oppose divorce were catholics and how many of them were is one thing showing figures but most importanly who are these persons...
Adrian Busuttil
As I child the worst thing is an unfulfilled promise. It's sadistic to imply that there is hope when there may be none - get real! And after all, should the parents wish to reconcile after divorcing, there is no law that I'm aware of that would prevent them remarrying...Sheesh! This press conference is so obviously alarmist but manages to fall flat on it's face. In a field. Full of cows. splat.
Allura intom tridu li t tfal dejjem jibqghu jghixu bit tama. Possibbli qatt ma smajtuh l qawl malti MIN JGHIX BIT TAMA JMUT BIL PIENA u hekk ser jigri jekk l poplu jisma minnkom
Belinda Huckson
It is the pro divorce movement who are living in the clouds . They are presenting half truths without even mentioning one obstacle, or issue which are practically encountered in countries where divorce has been practiced for a long time. This is a reality. Why do education authorities insert in the curriculum the whole spectrum of divorce including the need for counciling as for a trauma of bereavement. This has never been said.
The No Movements seem to live in the clouds. They want children to live in hope that there separated parents reunite. What a hope! How many cases reunite? Are the children going to live all their life hoping of parents reunification. In Maltese I brand them BHAHAN, MAQTUGHIN MILL-VERITA'.
The No Movements seem to live in the clouds. They want children to live in hope that there separated parents reunite. What a hope! How many cases reunite? Are the children going to live all their life hoping of parents reunification. In Maltese I brand them BHAHAN, MAQTUGHIN MILL-VERITA'.
The No Movements seem to live in the clouds. They want children to live in hope that there separated parents reunite. What a hope! How many cases reunite? Are the children going to live all their life hoping of parents reunification. In Maltese I brand them BHAHAN, MAQTUGHIN MILL-VERITA'.
The No Movements seem to live in the clouds. They want children to live in hope that there separated parents reunite. What a hope! How many cases reunite? Are the children going to live all their life hoping of parents reunification. In Maltese I brand them BHAHAN, MAQTUGHIN MILL-VERITA'.
Paul Vincenti, please read my comment below and see for yourself that what I said applies to you also. If you speak like you did to some tribe in the jungle, you may succeed in impressing them.
dear Mr Vincenti. Will you please stop interfering in everyone's lives ? You take care of your conscience and i will take care of mine. I don't care what you believe in, and what I believe in is none of your business. I don't dream of telling you how to live your life, and I certainly will not allow you to tell me how to live mine. You don't agree with divorce ? fine, don't make use of it. But who the hell gives you the authority to decide what anybody else does ? This is all that the referendum is about. But of course, try explaining to the Taliban that a woman need not be stoned just because she has an extra marital affair.
Paul Vincenti, This divorce law does not favour one sex over the other. It is YOU who are saying that it will. It is YOU who are trying to paint a picture of a Maltese womanhood which is interested in nothing but sitting around at home waiting for maintenance payments - or hanging on to their men for their livelihoods. YOU are implying that Maltese women are not strong enough to face a rotten marriage, get out of it and get on with life. It is YOU are saying that women will be cheated and discriminated by this law, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you believed in real equality between the sexes and the TRUE value of Maltese women, then you would know that Maltese women are strong enough and intelligent enough to find a way out of a bad marriage, call it a day and get on with life - even find happiness again. . All you are doing is insulting women's intelligence and depicting them as inferiors - and this is something which we will never forget.
@P. Vincenti After reading your 'reasons', I want to thank you for removing the last doubts i had and convincing me to vote yes.
Read this to see how the government went behind everybody's back to regale the Church a monopoly on annulments as a form of social control.
Happy Dreams Zwieg Bla Divorzju!
Last Saturday on the programm transmitted on Super One T.V."Bla Agenda", Dr.Bernard Grech knew that he was telling half the truth,and as you all know, Half the Truth is worse then a lie. Bil-malti Sur-Avukat, Nofs verita hi aghar min gidba. You also know that, Those who live in hope,die in grief. Bil-malti tfisser, Min jghix bit-tama,imut bil-piena.
Will women be worse off with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s divorce Bill? I believe they will. The divorce law will force a woman into a divorce that she may not even want. It will allow a married man to divorce his wife, possibly in exchange for a younger, more attractive woman. He will be able to just walk out on his marriage and family to get a divorce – no questions asked. I have never heard of anyone being allowed to negate on a legal contract without incurring penalties. Not until Dr Pullicino Orlando presented his no-fault divorce law that is wholly geared against women. A divorced man may choose to remarry and have another child. Provided that he is able to demonstrate that he cannot financially support his new family and at the same time pay maintenance in respect of his first marriage, he may quite possibly apply to the courts to request that he stops any child maintenance allocated to his first wife and children. This is a travesty. The divorce movement claim that a battered woman should be given a second chance. Who in their right mind wants a woman to undergo such abuse anyway? Of course, the wife-beater was kept conveniently out of sight in their billboard that depicted the grim looking woman with a black eye. The truth is that the wife-beater will also be set free with divorce. Freed to remarry and in all likelihood continue to abuse another wife. How then did divorce solve the issue of wife beating? Simply, it did not solve anything. It just shifted the problem onto another woman. The proposed divorce law is perfectly crafted to suit men with the divorced women of Malta and their children becoming poorer and even more dependent on men. This is of course the worst possible kind of divorce as it favours one sex over the other and the siblings of the second marriage over those of the first. This divorce law will create a subgroup, a new minority class of divorced women and their fatherless children. The anti-family movement have gone to enormous lengths to disguise the implications of this law by reframing it and calling it “responsible”. I feel that the women of Malta deserve far better than a divorce law that places them at a disadvantage to men
So.... in 16 yrs there were 9 couples who reunited - how many were left sperated may I ask? - When its over its over.
This is the exact position that the church advocated. Split couples are to bear it and grin in the hope of reuniting for their children's sake. What a farce! ZbD has not yet come up with a tangible solution and has been changing goalposts every week. All they have been saying is No to divorce and who cares about an unfortunate part of society.
I ask Dr Bernard Grech, Does the Church Tribunals on annulments take into consideration the demands made by one parent to the other parent not to expose their children to potential new partners in possible future marriages?? It seems to me the anti-divorce movement is trying to find all the petty reasons or feeble excuses to deny seperated people a second chance in Marriage if they wish too.
This referendum brought to the open the mentality of the Maltese. We are either immature, bitchy, stupid or the three of them. Both sides gave lots of stupid arguments - little debate has taken place - mostly there were arguments and insults. Will we ever grow up? We may, maybe in another 200 years. I'm sure many foreigners enjoyed watching the comedy.
Tajba din! Minn front tal-Knisja nistenna argumenti religjuzi ghala id-divorzju hu tajjeb jew hazin; imma mill-istess front ( jew umbrella) ma nistghux nistennew argumenti socjologigi li ma iregux. Kemm l-avukat, kif ukoll it-tabiba ma humiex socjologi, u huma raprezentanti tal-Knisja; fair enough, but please stick to Romam Catholic teachings (within your rights and duties) and not to sophisms. Is.nt it enough that the learned doctor was ridiculed by the BBC as to why Malta is the only country on earth without divorce? Stop insulting us and speak for yourself; you seem to have an opinion on everything!
Priscilla Darmenia
The more I hear the “No” groups arguments, the more I get convinced to vote “YES” I believe that they are doing more harm than good to their cause with their arguments.
Min jghix bit-tama jmut bil-piena. Il-Malti jaf xi jghid!
Jimporta tieqfu tinsulentaw l-intelligenza tal-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi!! Jimporta li tindunaw li minkejja l-professjonisti li tghabbejtu bihom kull ma qieghdin taghmlu huwa li tirridkokolaw lilkom infuskom bit-tattika tal-biza' u gideb sfaccat. Duru fuq il-poplu u skuzaw ruhkom talli qieghdin titppruvaw tistmawh ta' poplu imbecilli. U int Anna Vella qieghda tkompli turi kemm int insensittiva ghal minoranza. Kemm tigi taqa' u tqum ghal dawk li qieghdin isofru. Attitudni ta' persuna egoista u la int tahseb hekk allura dawk li jistghu xi darba jkollhom tama ghal familja ohra, dawk huma cittadini tat-tielet klassi ghalik. Proset. Kompli ikkonvinci lill-poplu kemm il-Moviment favur iz-zwieg huwa kontra z-zwieg u favur koppji pogguti.
@falzonsilvio "...when there is no reasonable hope for reconciliation..." goes the question. What do you know about hope? Is your hope is extinguished when you face suffering? Is you hope limited in time? Am I being too difficult too grasp? . According to you the love of a mother of an autistic unresponsive child is not love because is is only one-way. Apparently hope is not the only virtue about which you know nothing.
no chance of re-uniting? Nonsense, first every case is different. 2nd first couple goes to mediation. 3rd, starts the legal procedures in court which lasts around 2 years or more, depends. So there is time if they want to re-unite. but who are we to talk for others? do we know every case? no . cause only the couple knows what is the problem. Every case is different. HOPE? How can you speak for others? who said that? there is always hope,But only for whom wants it, and besides, "A couple is made with 2", so if one still loves but the other NO, than that love cannot be.
U Pete jrid ibellahni li hu nazzjonalist! Kliemek jixhed li m'intiex u qatt ma kont.Tell that to the marines.
Ian George Walker
As we say in Maltese, "min jgħix bit-tama, jmut bil-piena". Much better for these children to accept reality in a calm, and tranquil atmosphere, away from the constant bickering (or worse) of a failed marriage. And who says that divorced couples cannot get together again? They can and they do - just as much as separated couples do.
"… all children wish throughout their life is to have their parents reunite. Divorce will close the door to that hope,” Grech said." Really? All throughout my late childhood (ie. post 8 years) I wished that my parents would separate because the abusive environment I was forced to live in was clearly very unhealthy. It was my opinion then and still hasn't changed decades later. I'll vote YES because I believe that people in abusive relationships should have the option to move on and start afresh - for their benefit and especially the benefit of the children. My YES vote is giving a voice to a child that is no longer around today.
Bernard Grech won the argument hands-off on Xarabank last Friday. And the divorce question was done in January, before anybody knew there would be a referendum. . Regarding hope, the question itself is a question that killls hope: "with no chance of re-uniting", as if anybody could decide when there would be no chance. . Hope is a virtue we have lost. We have lost the ability to live through and embrace pain, grow from it and transform it in love. Traits of a post-contemporary society we're living in. . I'm not afraid by all means, when, in time, each individual will get in touch with his/her reality and wake up, s/he'll have only one way forward.
When asked by MaltaToday, Grech said this was not in the divorce law but that the right could be contested inside the courts. ********************* qed tghid il-hmerijiet issa wkol fuq din. Inti taf li l-magistrat mhux ser jacettahha din. sakemm ma jkun hemm l-ebda skandlu . li kieku konna 50 sena ilu .iva. U rigward li ma jkun hemm l-ebda terza persuna dik hija l-ewwel reazzjoni tal-persuna li sfat traduta fi zwieg abbandunata, minhabba konflitti, wegat` etc.. Ghalhekk is-separazzjonijiet huma prattikament l-istess , ma hemmx differenza bejn separazzjoni u divorzju.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Dejjem jippruvaw johorgu b'xi wahda gdida, izda dejjem jaghmlu minn kollox biex jahbu l-mistoqsija vera tar-Referendum li mhix jekk wiehed jaqbilx mad-divorzju jew le, izda jekk Malta ghandie xikollha ligi tad-divorzju. It-twissijiet li qed jaghmlu dawk li huma kontra d-divorzju jiswew biss jekk wiehed/wahda ikun jista' japplika ghad-divorzju. S'issa dawn tal-LE ghadhom ma gabu l-ebda argument sod ghaliex m'ghandiex ikollna ligi tad-divorzju.
Helwin tal-Media link hux. Ilu ftit ghamlu pagna shiha jikkritikaw gazzetti ohra ghax jiktbu favur id-divorzju filwaqt li l-Mument tal-Hadd, 22 ta' Mejju kellha aktar minn nofsha kontra d-divorzju hlief ghal nofs pagna fejn tikteb Dr. D. Schembri. Anke l-Prim Ministru waqt diskussjoni bilkemm ma bediex jibki u jghid li l-vot fir-referendum m'ghandux ikun skond il-partit imma skond il-kuxjenza. Sur Prim Ministru, mhux int stess ma hallejtilniex triq ohra biex il-vot nuzaw skond il-kuxjenza? Mhux int stess ghazilt li l-PN imur fuq in-naha tal-LE minflok hallejtilna ghazla ohra? Minghalik tajtna free vote. M'hu veru xejn ghax dawk in-nazzjonalisti li jridu jivvutaw IVA iridu bilfors imorru skond l-ghazla tal-partit. Jiena hu wiehed minn dawn it-talin. Nazzjonalist per eccellenza, m'ghandix minn xhiex nisthi b'daqshekk, pero ser ikolli bilfors nehodha kontra r-rieda tieghek u nivvota IVA kif ser jaghmlu hafna ohrajn. Anke dik li deputati ta' PN diga ddikjaraw li jekk il-vot ikun IVA xorta wahda jivvutaw Le fil-parlament. Arroganza grassa minn nies li suppost dahhluna fl-Ewropa. B'dawn id-decizjonijiet li hadtu dwar id-divorzju qeghdin twahhlu aktar imsiemer fit-tebut tal-PN. Forsi ghalhekk sraqtu 500 Euro fil-gimgha biex tibilghu kemm tistghu qabel id-difna filwaqt li gejtu taqghu u tqumu minna l-partitarji u minn dawk li ghandhom bzonn ta' hajja gdida? Kemm jekk il-vot ikun IVA u kemm jekk ikun LE, l-appuntament tieghi maghkom ser ikun fl-elezzjoni tal-kunsilli lokali u wara dik generali. Jekk Alla jrid niltaqghu f'dawn iz-zewg appuntamenti. Sadanittant insellmilkom
Ic-Cajta tal-gurnata . Proset , x'aktar.
Micheal Bonanno
U Min jghix bit-tama, imut bil-piena. Halluna kemm intkom bla sens!
Separated parents can reunite. Divorced parents can reunite.