Anti-divorce Labour MPs 'hope for referendum'

Labour MPs say they want mandate by referendum to legislate on divorce.

Labour MPs Carmelo Abela and Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca have given indications that they will be working towards a referendum on divorce, if they are to legislate on the matter.

“I feel this is an issue that the people must give us MPs a mandate for us to decide according to their wishes,” Coleiro Preca told an audience at Zwieg Bla Divorzju’s presentation of four MPs who expressed their reservations and opposition to the introduction of divorce, at a debate moderated by Dr Simone Borg.

“This is a matter of conscience, but I cannot impose it upon others without a mandate from the people. And it should be an informed decision by the people... I believe in a discussion that is well-informed, that goes beyond crusades and fanaticism, but I’ve been disappointed so far,” Coleiro Preca said.

Her colleague Carmelo Abela also declared it should be people who give MPs the right to vote on divorce. “I hope there will be a referendum,” Abela said.

Their comments this evening gave indications that Labour could be presenting a united front to vote for a divorce bill that would pave the way for a national referendum on the matter.

The Nationalist party’s executive and MPs will be voting tomorrow Saturday on a motion against the introduction of divorce. The motion also lays down that any referendum would take place if the divorce bill, tabled by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, is passed by parliament. Pullicino Orlando has tabled his own amendments to the motion.

Parliamentary secretary Jason Azzopardi expressed his personal belief that such “matters of principle” should be decided by referendum. “It’s no use talking of this at this stage now... any proposed bill would have to include a clause that takes the bill, once voted into law, to a referendum if it is to be put into force.”

From the audience, Times columnist Austin Bencini remarked on the lack of participation from the ‘world of work’ and unions on the debate. He also remarked on the seemingly “well-educated audience we have here... The country still has no objective information on the matter, or the maturity in this debate to take this decision. And as citizens it is our duty to bring this debate to all sectors of society.”

Nationalist MP Charlo Bonnici stated that his religious beliefs could not be left behind in his parliamentary duties, in his explanation as to why he would vote against the divorce bill. “As an MP I cannot ignore the common good when I will vote on this matter. And when I look at our society and others, I have come to the conclusion that divorce will hurt even more people through its introduction.

He expressed agreement with parliamentary secretary Jason Azzopardi, who earlier stated his concern for the introduction of a ‘divorce mentality’. “Once you have this mentality, you are removing the commitment of the ‘till death do us part’ bond,” Azzopardi said.

All four MPs stressed the importance of having stronger families and giving children an education that nurtured long-lasting marriages. “I don’t think it’s a matter of being for or against: we should take the opportunity to strengthen the family,” Carmelo Abela said.

“Having strong marriages, and a certain social order, is something we need even more than other countries do. Having people united in marriage is especially important in small countries. The consequences of broken families and marriages are well known. We must look towards the common good: it must triumph over anything else,” Abela said.

Azzopardi dubbed the decision as a ‘defining moment for the country’. “Perhaps it is a wake-up call... my opposition to divorce is political in the widest sense of the word: I ask first what the common good demands of us?”

Azzopardi added that it was against the forma mentis of the Maltese to have divorce. “Our culture is to have durable marriages. We could have had divorce under Roman law... and later under the Napoleonic code. We never chose divorce.”

Azzopardi briefly floated the prospect of having children vote in a referendum, by way of a revealing example into how children would refuse such a prospect (“if we want to know the effects of divorce on children, we should have them vote on it”). It was an idea latched on to by the audience, who expressed regret that no such suffrage could be possibly contemplated for a referendum.

Coleiro-Preca however said that there were ways that children could be sounded out on divorce, while Azzopardi declared that the state could not abdicate its responsibility in preparing people for marriage.

“We cannot let this responsibility fall solely upon the shoulders of the Cana movement,” he said referring to the Catholic organisation that prepares spouses marrying with the Catholic rite. “There are people who are choosing civil marriage and they cannot be ignored. The State is involved in their cases of separation but not in their preparation for marriage.”

All MPs called for the need for relationship education amongst children and young people. Coleiro Preca said the country needed factual studies on the state of its marriages, and even proposed that a parliamentary committee for the family be set up. She also called for a review of civil and Ecclesiastical annulment procedures. “It is unacceptable that people are left hanging due to long-winded procedures, so long that even separated spouses ended up cohabiting with new partners.”

What's worse with MCL is that she was aspiring for the Labour leadership. Where is her leadership now? She is just testing public opinion in an effort to wash her hands. Just imagine Abela as leader and MLC as deputy leader of the PL. Malta would had anotehr Church party.
Lil Jay nghidlu li wiehed/wahda ghandu/ghanha kull dritt j/tattakka membri tal-partit tieghu/taghha. Din mhix kwistjoni ta' kuxjenza biss. Li jkollok membri parlamentari regressivi ta' partit progressiv hi haga ta' misthija. Fejn hi l-logika hawn? Tista' tiehu divorzju barra minn Malta u kollox OK. Tista' tpoggi ma' persuna u jollok it-tfal, tissepara u mbaghad tizzewweg bl-ista, u jekk kont mizzewwed, ma tistax. Marie Louise Coleiro qed tghid li hemm bzonn ta' iktar statistici u iktar studji. Dawn huma l-istess paroli li n-Nazzjonalisti uzaw biex jopponu d-dektiminalizzazzjoni ta' l-omosesswalita f'Malta fl-1973. MLC u l-iehor misshom jafu li meta tkun fl-opposizzjoni hemm bzonn l-ghaqda. Fil-fehma tieghi, dawn it-tnejn qed jahslu idejhom. Allura ghax ma jkunx hemm referendum f'kollox. Hi haga ta' misthija li barra l-vatikan u l-Filippini, Malta biss mghandhiex divorzju. Dawn it-tnejn imberkin ma jafux b'dan? U MCL tappoggja d-drittijiet ghall-omosesswali. Trid tiehu decizjoni jekk hix progressiva jew le.
Zack Depasquale
@ Jay Piscopo Il-kontenut qrajtu u fhimtu imma fhimt ukoll artikli ohra li qieghdin jinkitbu fuq id-divorzju, il-poplu sejjer ikollu dritt jaghzel f'referendum jekk hux favur jew kontra li jiddahal id-divorzju f'Malta,kemm il-darba dan jaghddi mill-Parlament, jekk ma jaghdiex mill-parlament addio id-dritt tal-poplu ghal referendum u ir-rieda tal-politikan ti tkun regghet rebhet. Umbghad ibqa cert li taf min jehel il-membri Parlamentari Laburisti li ma kienux progressivi bizzejjed, mela habib tieghi qabel tiggudika lill-haddiehor li ma qarax dan l-artiklu missek qrajt artikli ohra li jinaghqdu ma din l-istorja.
@ Matrix & Proud Maltese "alllavollja huma kontra id-divorzzju, xorta ihallu lil Poplu Jghazzel b-refferendum!" "m'ghandhomx ideffsu il-moralita taghhom fuq il-poplu" Dawn li ghedtu intom. Nahseb kontradittorju ghat-titlu li jghid li dawn l-MPs iridu li l-ghazla tmur permezz ta' referendum? Naqraw il-kontenut sew qabel niggudikaw hbieb :)
@ Jay Piscopo Naqbel Mighek 100% dik hi L-Ghazla tahom Personali. izda alavollja huma kontra id-divorzzju, xorta ihallu lil Poplu Jghazzel b-refferendum! hekk ghanda tkun id-demokrazzija f-pajjizna li dak li temmen fih int ma timponniehx fuq haddiehor. ghal kuntrarju gonzi u shabu qed jimponnu fuq il-poplu dak li irridu huma u il knisja li jridd issir. dawn qed ic-cahddu lil poplu dritt fundamentalli ta human rights, u qed imorru kontra id-demokrazzija tal pajjiz. u imur oltre! DAWN QEDIGHN JIKSRU IL KOSTITUZZJONI TA PAJJIZNA LI SKONT IL GURAMENT LI HADDU DAWN SUPPOST ISERVU LIL PAJJIZNA F-LINTERESS TA CITTADIN MALTI! Pero linteress tal partit nazzjonalista qed ikun biex jigbedd il Knisja warajh! biex jigranfa mal potter al 5 snin ohra!! Kompli iksser id-drittijiet tal bnidem! sewwa qallu li da partit faxxista! ghax bhal faxxisti jghamel JIMPONI u ma jtikx id-dritt li tghazel!
I despair of ever having a party for whom I would galdly vote in the general election. All I can do is cast a protest vote. If I didn't care about my country I would switch off completely from taking an interest in what is going on. Please stop the country I want to get off.
Zack Depasquale
Lill Jay Piscopo Jien Delegat tal-Partit Laburista bhalek u m ghandiex ghalfejn nisthi ghaliex ghidt li id-delegati tal-Partit Laburista ma jinsewx. F'din l ghazla tad-divorzju m'ghandu jindahal hadd la partiti, la politici u wisq inqas il-Knisja. Dr Joseph Muscat ghamel tajjeb li qal x inhuma l-hsibijiet tieghu personali u li ta free vote lill-Partitarji kif ukoll lill-Membri Parlamentari imma waqaf hemm u sa fejn naf jien, ma mar jaghmel l-ebda diskorsi fl-ebda laqgha la ta favur u l-anqas ta kontra id-divorzju u hekk ghandu jkun ghaliex din hija decizjoni individwali li ghandha tkun ghazla bejn il-persuna u l-morali tieghu. Li ghidt jien u forsi Jay Piscopo ma fehemniex kien li dawn l-MPs jista jkollhom dilemma morali, imma m ghandhomx ideffsu il-moralita taghhom fuq il-poplu u m ghandhomx ihallu il-min jinqeda bihom biex isalva wiccu.
May I remind these two Labour M.Ps.of what the Labour Party had to go through in the sixties to garantee Civil Rights,Religous Liberties and the Separation of the State from the Church. By the way you are acting you are turning the time back to that era.
I always voted for Carmelo abela...but hearing his views I m sorry to say he lost my vote for good !!
I would like to ask a question to these M.P.s. What will be their position, if a referendum is held before and the people decide in favour to the introduction of devorce?
Some food for thought: "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet " Napoleon. "Religion is regarded by common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful" Seneca The Young. "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire. "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do" Bertrand Russell. 'There is in every village a torch (the Teacher) and an extinguisher ( the clergyman)" Victor Hugo. "The media is the right arm of anarchy" Dan Brown. Adolf Hitler said that " the task of the priest is to keep the Poles (the people) quiet, stupid and dull-witted". "Democracy substitutes selection of the incompetent many for the appointment of the corrupt few" George Bernard Shaw. "The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next" Ralph Waldo Emerson "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from Religious conviction" Blaise Pascal. "Religion is a tool used by the ruling class to subjugate the underclass" Michael Burleigh. "The Church is a part of the state. The State is NOT a part of the church" Camus. "Man can be made whatever we want him to be" Lenin. "Statistics is the last refuge of a bankrupt government". "The guilty evade confession or manipulate confession to their own ends" Jeffrey Kahan. "Accountability and honesty should be the standards in public life" Lord Nelson. "The past belongs to those who control the present" George Orwell. "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook" William James. "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" Samuel Johnson. "Man is born free: Everywhere he is in chains" Rousseau. "If you look broadly at human history, failure is the norm. What's amazing is when things last" Tom Emerson. Meditate gente, Meditate !!!
One question I would like to ask Marie Louise, the champion of the down throdden (!!!!!), do you prefer COHABITATION?
Thank God Marie Louise didn't make it as PL leader otherwise the difference between PL and gonziPN would be unnoticeable. Pilate in a skirt.
What is the similarity between gonziPN and Bin Laden? Both are fundamentalists where it suits them except one is a public terrorist and the other a parliamentary manipulator both bent on retaining power to thread over the heads of people. Shame on all MPs who believe that the divorce issue should be settled by a referendum when it is a right to be given by simple legislation. Divorce might not be introduced now but it will in the future come what may and unfortunately the church would only see a decline in the number of faithful and its hold on the people. Facism is with us again.
Lil sħabi delegati tal-PL li qed jgħidu li mhumiex ħmir u li ha jiftakru x'qed jaghmlu Abela u Coleiro: ISTĦU Dan hu l-partit progressiv li qed niftaħru bih? Li għax għandek MPs li qed jużaw free vote biex jagħmlu dmirhom skond il-kuxjenza tagħhom? jien mhux minn dawn l-MPs nibza, jien nibza minn dawk li jmorru mal-kurrent biex jintoġbu u jgħidu biss kif verament jaħsbuha wara xi telfa biex jidhru heroes. Jien delegat, u Favur id-divorzju wkol, imma ma jfissirx li għandi nattakka lil ħuti li ma jifhmuhiex bħali. Joseph tahom free vote, m'għandhomx dritt? Mela Joseph ilu jgħid li din m'għandiex tkun kampanja ta' partiti, u waqt li qed tattakkaw lil PN għax ha stand u ghamila partiġġjana, qed tagħmlu l-istess intom. RISPETT. TOLLERANZA.
duncan abela
One of the tenets I learnt in years abroad and in one of the colleges reputed as a political debating nursery for future leaders is the importance of acting civilly in any discussion and writing in a way which respects the ideology and beliefs of others, indeed making an effort to understand why they adhered to a particular line of thought. This does of course mean making your best convincing effort through the right rhetoric to push your point of view forward rather than descending to the dregs. Nor should one be afraid of taking good polite digs at your opponents to highlight the weakness of their argument. Nor should one not point out in a polite way rudeness and insulting attitudes from your opponents, indeed one finds that the best way to attract support and sympathy from your listeners is when they contrast your behaviour with the intolerant behaviour of others. I also regretted it and was sorry of letting my side down when I failed to adhere to such principles of right behaviour. We must also be consistent in our behaviour and not act gracefully when people write in a way we agree with and let hell and insults loose when somebody writes in a way we disagree with. Unfortunately acting properly is not a matter of social class for we get the most uncouth writing and character assassination attempts both from the vulgar and uneducated but worse still from those whose imagined superior breeding turns them into nothing more than "hamalli puliti".
I have heard it all now. Would it not be better for our parliamentarians to do there job and save us the expense of a referendum?. The money saved could help people who are about to loose their jobs with our National entities. If you want to avoid families breaking up you must strengthen the family where it matters. What do children know about the issues involved in Divorce? I think you fellow MPS are going to get a shock come next election. There was no referendum when Lisbon treaty was voted for in Parliament. An issue far more important than giving minorities their rights.This issue is turning to be a right farce.
Zack Depasquale
Qatt ma kont nippretendiha minn nies ta'kalibru bhal Marie Louise Coleiro li taqgha f'din ix-xibka li qieghed johloq il-Partit Nazzjonalista biex isalvalu wiccu dwar il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju. Ghaliex din il-hafna bizgha mid-divorzju, din tad-divorzju, ghaliha hija kwistjoni hafna ikbar ghaliex jekk jiddahal id-divorzju f'Malta. il-knisja Maltija li dejjem hadmet kontra l-Partit Laburista, titlef hafna mill-poter taghha u jispicca darba ghal dejjem il-poter ta'sekli shah li kellha dejjem il-Knisja f'Malta. Id-delegati tal-Partit Laburista ma jinsewx, u m'huma sejjrin ihallu l-hadd jipperikola ic-cansijiet li l-Partit Laburista jirbah l-Elezzjoni. Dawn il-membri Parlamentari Laburisti iridu jifhmu li l-ewwel interess ghandu jkun lejn il-Poplu u mhux lejn il-voti personali taghhom u lejn istituzzjoni li dejjem iggieldet kontra il-liberta ta'Poplu ghaliex id-diktat dejjem kien li jekk lill-Poplu teddukah dan jitlef ruhu. Nemmen li Membri Parlamentari jista jkollhom decizjopni morali diffikultiza fihom infushom imma jridu jifhmu ukoll li ahna qieghdin Malta u mhux l-Iran, ahna stat sekulari u hadd m'ghandu dritt jinfillza l-morali tieghu fuq haddiehor. Fl-ahhar mill-ahhar kien Gesu Kristu stess li qal li trid taghti lill-Alla dak li hu t'Alla u trid taghti lill-Cesri dak li hu ta'Cesri
Mary Louise Coleiro Preca is simply unattendable. Small wonder the PL delegates simply ignored her candidature when she bigheadedly tried to become party leader. Coleiro Preca's funny antics are boundless. She seems to be ready to do or say anything so long as she feels she's in the limelight. Oh, please, somebody tell her to go somewhere else and allow mature people decide the future of the country and the lives of its citizens.
What muddled thinking from these people!! Seems that these people are trying to concoct me arguments to fit the conclusion rather than the other way round. The comment'The State is involved in their cases of separation but not in their preparation for marriage.” is ridiculous. Children receive 10 to 15 years of education at school and many other hours in private lessons, duttrina and what not and yet here is Azzopardi complaining that people are not preapared. He should send his complaint to the Minister of Education. She (Coleiro preca) also called for a review of civil and Ecclesiastical annulment procedures. “It is unacceptable that people are left hanging due to long-winded procedures, so long that even separated spouses ended up cohabiting with new partners.” Why is annulment acceptable but divorce is not? This means that we give another chance to whoeve was 'stupid' enough to get it wrong first time but not to those who got it right the first time but whose marriage did not subsequently work out. Rewarding the 'stupid' but punishing the intelligent ones. “Having strong marriages, and a certain social order, is something we need even more than other countries do. Having people united in marriage is especially important in small countries. The consequences of broken families and marriages are well known. We must look towards the common good: it must triumph over anything else,” Abela said. What kind of social order is it that people are forced into the jungle of cohabitation without the discipline of marriage? Abela is contradicting himself. The absence of divorce has not stopped the growth of marriage breakdowns in Malta which is at a par with the EU average. Malta is no better nor worse than others. Furthermore what kind of social order do we have when 28% of all births are out of wedlock. Without divorce we have plenty of social problems. With divorce people might be able to regularise their relationships and out of the jungle of cohabitation. Is Mr. Abela advocating that those who have a marriage breakdown should forego any kind of relationship and remain alone for the rest of their lives?
These labour mps are just as idiotic as those from the pn.If i want a divorce no church or law is going to stop me, its my right might not be in the majority but it is my right, get that through your void brains.Maybe the mps from both sides wants us to follow their example shack shack and more shack.
Pauline Moran
Dan pajjiz li, sakem ikun hemm il knisja tilghaba tal PORTAVOCE ta Alla, ma jfiqx! ...Qed jilghabu b'kelma DIVORZJU u mhux b'kelma ohra li hi SEPARAZZJONI li minnhom infushom iffissru ezatt l-istess. Pero f'pajjiz IPOKRITA, HAZIN U NJORANT bhal taghna il ligi u l-knisja korrotta tinterprethom bhala zewg kelmiet b'sinjifikat ta' GOOD vs EVIL. IFTHU GHAJNEJKOM JA POPLU U TIBQAX INJORANT. DAK DRITT TIEGHEK. HADT M'GHANDU D-DRITT JGHIDLEK LE GHALIH!!!!!!! PROSIT KARMENU ABELA U M.L. COLEIRO...kemm inthom socjalisti ta' veru.
Malta has a representative democracy not a direct one. True, parliamentarians should listen to the 'people' but they should also seek to provide leadership and teachthe 'people' that the rights of minorities are to be respected. Why not have a referendum on cohabitation laws? So what if it was a manifesto? How many people read the manifesto? Why not have a referndum of gay rights when they come about. Nice to see Marie Louise Coleiro taking aprt in Malta's Pride March but may I respectfrully she stays home next time. Do these people think that it is in the interest oif children to grow in a household which is governed by cohabitation laws? Or do they think that by having no divorce laws, couples will stay together? Fat chance. As George Bernard Shaw said, if marriage is that good why keep the spouses in chains.
Connie is right. There is a private sphere that is of no business to government or to anyone else. How could Marie Louise Coleiro present herself as a supporter of gay and lesbian rights and then be against divorce. She is simply filibustering. They should jump ship and join the Nationalists Party.
These MPS should be totally ashamed of themselves. It shows the extent to which the Church ahs infiltrated and corripted people's mind. How can you talk of the common good? Of course, it is better that married people continue to live together IN LOVE. But what if that love evaporates? Have these clowns no experience of relationships? And what of the interest of children? Is it in the interest of children that they stay in a family where there is no love between the parents. Stop this nonsense about factual studies. This is about using your brains. It is incredible that we still have MPs with a 1973 mindset. Remenber when adultery and homosexuality were decriminalised by the MLP. Where was the common good then?
One of the greatest dangers to secularism is posed by religious law. This comes in many flavours: Sharia, Halakha, Hindu Law – and Canon Law, in both its Catholic and Anglican variants. As well as their own codes of law, some religious bodies have their own courts. The Christian ones are a relic of the ecclesiastical tribunal system set up by European church authorities during the Middle Ages, the most famous one being the Inquisition. And these ecclesiastical courts are not dead.
il-maggoranza tan-nies, specjalment min naha ta l-anzjani , ma humiex infurmati xi jfisser ligi tad-divorzju. ara qabel ma dhalna fl-unjoni ewropea , kemm intbatu karti , news leters go djar billboards etc.. ghalfejn qed ibezzaw mil-ligi tad divorzju? mhux xorta , jekk il-mara jew ir-ragel iridu jitliqulil xulxin ? dawn x'affarijiet huma! meta xi hadd jistaqsi mistoqsija banali jekk taqbilx malLigi tad-divorzju jew Le, it-twegiba hija semplici . "naqbel jew ma naqbilx mad-divorzju?, heq tajba din-, Divorzju mhux diga ghanda hawn f'Malta" hija just li tigi ligi biex dak li jkun jigi regolized u xejn aktar- ghax divorzju ilu maghhna. u ser ikompli - ghax dik hija parti mil-hajja ! but life goes on
loghob bil-kliem u xejn aktar. fil-pajjiz taf min jikkmanda? IL-POPLU , S-SAHHA F'IDEJH QEGHDA U DAQSHEKK. il-MPs hlief biex jilghabu bil-kliem mhux qeghdin (hafna minnhom) qed jipruvaw jidrhu sbieh ma z-zewg nahat - uhud minnhom u leeeeeeeeeeeee
Divorce should be legal,and be left up to individual to decide. The church and the Government should not interfere in private matters.
the thing here is one! everyone have the right to be in favour or against divorce, Gonzi have right to be against divorce. Muscat have right to be in favour of divorce, Marie Louise have right to be against, JPO have right to be in favour. the thing is that no one have to imposse on others. i cant imposse on who dont want to divorce, and who dont want the divorce cant imposse on me! if you are against divorce dont use it! but give the option to those who want it. the difference between PN and PL/MLP is one while Marie Lousie and Abela said that it should be the people decision in a refferendum. the PN is Impossing his values on the People. wich totally goes against Human Rights. give the people the rights that they have, cause you are not better then the egyptians and the tunisians with your anti-democratic goverment! the whole thing is that PL would give a democratic voice to the people and will do what the people want's while the PN continue to Imposse in an Anti-Democratic way!
Denying divorce is like refusing to bury a dead person and forcing the rest of the family to live with the stinking corpse.
@Peppa Pericolosa It is!     Divorce is NOT your business! Butt out!     I am Maltese and live in Canada. Is there anyone here who would tell me that Canadia is a terrible place because we have divorce, abortion, same-gender marriage, free speech, no silly laws about "offending the religious sentiment" ...? And to boot, the Roman Catholic Church thrives quite well alongside the other religions in this great country. Is the RCC, then, guilty of approving Canadian Laws?     Those like Peppa, and these self-appointed morality police, need to get their heads out of the sand and join the rest of the world of the 21st Century.
@Marie Louise. Id-delegati tal-Partit Laburista m'humiex hmir hif jahsbu xi whud. Kemm hadu decizjoni tajba meta ma kkalkulawkx ghal-elezzjoni ghal Leader. @Abela. Telliftna l-ahhar elezzjoni bil-hmerijiet tieghek li ghidt fl-ahhar ftit jiem qabel l-elezzjoni dwar is-sena skalastika li ridt izzid. Jekk joghgbok tergax tipprezenta ruhhek ghal-elezzjoni li jmiss biex tevita li tkun umiljat. @Jason u Xarlo. Qbbistuli d-dmugh bil-qdusija taghkom. Jekk nuza l-istess argument taghkom kulhadd jaqbel li rridu poplu jitla b'sahhtu, nghamlu hafna health education mela allura hadd m'ghandu dritt jimrad u ma nipprovdux kura li min jimrad. Bil-qdusija kollha taghkom lil dawk li fallielhom iz-zwieg qed tibghatuhom jixxejru u tigu titmejlu minnhom. Grazzi
Jeff Cassar
Hey Peppa, neither are handicapped parking spaces a right, and saying that divorce affects even stable marriages is like saying that medicine makes healthy people sick
Marriages will suffer if individualsim has its way. Divorce affects all marriages so one cannot claim this as an individual right. IT IS NOT!
The title 'Pro-marriage and pro-family Labour MPs 'hope for referendum'
The title should read 'Pro-marriage and family Labour MPs 'hope for referendum'
Jeff Cassar
lanqas jisthoqqilhom jghidu li huma ta' l-istess partit li ipproduciet prim ministri bhal Mintoff u Alfred Sant. Isthu!
All this would be fiercely funny if it weren't so very sad.
So they are worried that others will get hurt..... so let us ban the internet and satellite TV and Knives and forks just in case someone uses these badly. Azzopardi added that it was against the forma mentis of the Maltese to have divorce. “Our culture is to have durable marriages. We could have had divorce under Roman law... and later under the Napoleonic code. We never chose divorce.” And by the way Jason having children vote!!!!1 That must be the dumbest thing i have heard in this whole fiasco. Beam me up intelligent life down here
If these MP's had any brains they would be truly dangerous. Is it any wonder that Malta is the last country on earth to legislate these civil rights. Hopefully the Maltese people will remember these shenanigans and exercise their civil rights to vote and free Malta from such medieval thinking that these Curia lackeys are trying to uphold in the Maltese parliament.
John Camilleri
Danny, that's the way these PN and MLP fundamentalists see it apparently.
so if 30% of the population are for divorce that is a reality the world over, will the rest keep these 30% under their feet?
John Camilleri
Ah so now it seems that divorce is against our "culture" because we did not hold a divorce referendum under the Roman Empire or within those two years that the French ruled over us. Presumably it's not against our culture to not give a damn what the church or Marie Louise Coleiro or Austin Gatt think we should do with our private lives. May I suggest that these MLP fools join the other fools populating the PN and throw themselves into the dustbin of history. Maybe that way the rest of us can enter the 21st century.
“This is a matter of conscience, but I cannot impose it upon others without a mandate from the people." Ms. Preca     If it is a matter of conscience, then NO ... neither you nor anyone else can impose it on others. Mandate from the people? Surely, you jest!
Who would have thought that a socially-committed MP like Marie Louise Coleiro would ally herself with the forces resisting change and progress?