JPO, Evarist Bartolo call on Police to investigate suspected ‘phone tapping’

MPs Evarist Bartolo and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, co-signatories on the divorce bill, have filed a police report stressing their suspicion that their mobile phones may be tapped.

In a statement, the ‘Yes’ For Divorce Movement, of which both MPs form part, said that both MPs were on the phone at 8.40 p.m. yesterday following an activity held by the movement when they heard a whirring sound and the mobile connection was cut off­.

"This gives rise to the suspicion that their conversation was being tapped," the Movement said.

"Both M.P.s and the movement consider this to be a potentially serious matter and a formal complaint has been made to the Commissioner of Police this afternoon. A thorough investigation would be in order."

As if these matters will ever come to light in Malta Cattolicissima! Why did they even bother to file a POLICE report when the same police force is the entity which is most likely to have the right tools to tap into phones?! They should request a competent private third-party (preferably not local) to conduct such investigations.
What's the surprise,everyone knows that the government and his allies goes to every lengths to spy on those who does not agree with him. Did you forgot about the spying network that PBO was conducting a few months ago. Don't trust this government because he is spying on every citizen.
Luke Camilleri
No big surprise..... ialso remember how Copy Cat David Agius gor to know the whereabouts of Dr. Franco Debono ( now silenced) when his vote was needed and than again Speaker Frendo came to the rescue!
Jon Sciberras
James Borg, I agree with your idea, but as soon as you pay by card or even remotely use payment connected to internet or credit cards/debit cards, its registered. So you need to pay cash, not register your sim and don't go to any outlet.
Jon Sciberras
What the heck ! Don't these people have some basic knowledge in IT. Calls, sms's and photos are stored on the main databases of the operator, but only later deleted. So anyone inside can have access to your info (with a reason), as simple as that. Now he knows how it feels when it happened in the 70's and 80's?.
Pauline Moran
Hello...Hello...I would like to speak to Mr.Breshnev please... (sweet female voice) Da, hold a second please Sir... ....(russian patriotic melody while the line on hold)... ...(Rough Accent) HALLO...Who is this? ...Mr.Breshnev...Its Malta here. We like to thank you for the professional way you're helping us with our telecommunications system. ...NO PROOBLEM, PREMIER MINISTER.
The Nationalist dirty machine is in full swing!
Qisa fir-Russja fis-60's. Qeghdin sew hafna u bhal ma jghidu ma tista tghid xejn imkien ghax hawn hafna widnejn qed jisimghu u jitkixfu halli jwasslu u wara jigu ppremjati. Mela zokk Nin.
Guys, until then. Just purchase a cheap mobile and a sim and dont register them with any telco company. Share the numbers between you two and speak tru them re this divorce thing.
Ma niskanta b'xejn bil-gvern tat-Talibani taghna.
Watergate, Divorcegate or what?