Żwieġ bla Divorzju up in arms over 'derogatory' language

Żwieġ Bla Divorzju 'condemns' Iva's use of word 'bastard' to describe illegitimate children.

Anti-divorce lobby Żwieġ Bla Divorzju has “condemned” what it described as insensitive language by Moviment Iva ghad-Divorzju which used the Maltese word “bgħula” to describe illegitimate children in its billboard campaign.

Bagħal literally means a beast of burden but also describes the mixed offspring of a horse and donkey, and subsequently was used to describe illegitimate children or ‘bastards’.

“It’s an especially derogatory term that we no longer use, and this comes from the movement which claimed children should not be used in the divorce debate without reason,” chairman Andre Camilleri said in a statement.

Earlier today, Moviment Iva said the anti-divorce lobby wanted to stop women suffering domestic violence from starting a new life.

Former Nationalist minister Michael Falzon said: “Żwieġ Bla Divorzju wants to have cohabiting partners instead of new families. It wants children born out of wedlock to simply stay illegitimate. It wants people who have money to obtain foreign divorces while those living in Malta cannot.”

Moviment IVA today presented its new billboards, and reiterated it call that civil divorce would give women suffering domestic violence a chance for a new life.

Chairperson Deborah Schembri also accused Żwieġ Bla Divorzju of using children in its campaign while allowing them to suffer more injustice by being brought up by cohabiting spouses who cannot remarry. “Children are also victims of domestic violence so responsible divorce gives hope to children as well.”

Schembri also criticised Żwieġ Bla Divorzju chairperson Andre Camilleri, who claimed that women abused by their spouses should be made to separate, but not have the right to remarry. “Otherwise we would be giving their abusers the right to remarry and commit his abuse in that family,” Camilleri said on Radju Malta’s Ghandi Xi Nghid.

In a reaction, Żwieġ Bla Divorzju said Moviment Iva was imposing divorce on Maltese and Gozitans “without any reason” while portraying itself as the defender of abused women and children.

Jistghu tal -Moviment kontra id -divorzju jghidulna kif ghandu jissejjah minn jiwield minn relazzjoni barra iz-zwieg, specjalment jekk imqar parti mill-koppja tkun legalment marbuta fiz-zwieg? Ghalfejn ma jistghux jifhmu li ligi dwar id-divorzju trkun qed tirregola bil-ligi dak li qed jigri iktar ta spiss, jigifieri relazzjoni gdida wara li l-ewwel zwieg ikun inkalja u tfarrak?
Bil-Malti nghidu " IL-VERITA TWEGGA " ! Ghalhekk il-Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju " ( u bla rgumenti li jghamlu sens !) qeghdin joqomsu, ghax jafu li huma hekk iridu, li jibqghu jitwieldu t-tfal barra z-zwieg, li bil-malti pur jissejhu 2 BGHULA "! Il-misthija mhux ta' dawk it-tfal, IZDA TA'MIN IRIDHOM JIBQGHU HEKK ! Eddy Privitera
dawk li se jivvutaw LE se jkunu qeghdin jikkundannaw lil min hu separat u jixtieq jerga jizzewweg u mhux IPOGGI, ghal SKJAVITU MATRIMONJALI ghal ghomru jekk jirbah il-vot LE. Bla ma qeghdin jindunaw, jistghu ikunu qeghdin jikkundannaw lilhom infushom, jew lil xi hadd minn uliedhom jew ulied uliedhom, jekk iz-zwieg taghhom ghad ifalli, ghalkemm nawgura li hadd ma jghaddi mill-esperjenza li ghaddejt jien. Ili 30 sena separat u ili POGGUT 25 sena. Nixtiequ nizzewwgu izda l-"qaddisin" ipokriti Maltin ma jriduniex ! Ghajnuna inthom li se tivvutaw IVA. U Alla jberikkom u mhux jikkastgakom ! Eddy Privitera
Il-verita' qed tinkwethom lill-tal "Le" jaqaw? Staqsu lill-genituri ta' dawn it-tfal kif jikkonsidrawhom lill-dawn fli skejjel u fost tfal ohra. Mela ma tafux xi pregudizzju hemm fuqhom dawn it-tfal? Il-ligi forsi ma taghmilx distinzjoni,izda ir-realta hi ghall kollox differenti.
Isabelle Borg
Sa fejn naf jien dawn kliem bil Malti uzaw. Jew issa anke il Malti qed iddejaqhom.
as former judge sciberras clearly stated it is all a matter of money. I have no doubts that the second comming of jesus will end up the same way by the same folks who created his idolatry on earth. yes let us all (including the so called no voters) to vow a sincere conscience evaluation and we will all be amazed with our enlightenment. search for the true teachings if Christ from within . from without we all know the results, as they are visible to all to see.
IN the 60's still born babies were not even given a Christian burial because they were considered to have no soul; they were ( embryos whatever) buried in the unconsecrated part of the cemetery. These were bhula tal-bhula, and now the Guinta member 'Le' is scandalised! Halluna nghixu!
Actually, they want to keep those kids bastards. Why are they so shocked? For more stories on divorce in Malta log on: mazzun.wordpress.com
Jahasra dawn tal le tkassaw b'kelma. MELA X'MISSHOM GHAMLU META TANT U TANT TFAL GEW ABBUZATI MINN SHABHOM TAC-COQQA ? Jekk huma rgiel u suppost ghandom bocci tal-laham jirrisponduni. Qed nistenna inkella nivvota IVA.
Abdullah alhrbi
It seems the No camp cringes from the state of the art as expressed in the Maltese vernacular. What I find really derogatory are the guidelines for political parties expressed in the document "For worse not for better" by Progett Impenn/The Today Public Policy Institute regarding divorce, cohabitation and such alternative families. I assume that this document is one of the beacons of light that guides the NO camp. After the politically correct lip service to the right for state assistance the real intention i.e. exclusion surfaces "However those who are not married, should not be given exactly the same form of assistance as those who are married. While acknowledging the existence of such relationships, the State cannot treat all forms of social relationships in the same manner." ( Pg 29) http://www.canamovement.org/testing/publications/4worsenotforbetter.pdf The implication of course being that in discriminating against these families, children from these relationships are therefore to be deemed as lesser children of the state according to this document. One hopes that politicians eschew this far from inclusive piece of advice.
ghandhom r-ragun. jekk issa ha nsejhulhom bghula dawn sa jizdiedu mhux se jonqsu bid-divorzju. dawn juru l-fatti... mela kull minn hu poggut ha jerga jizewweg?
Has M.A.D really lost it now???? Maybe one needs to refer them back to the old days of the Kalepin.... What is particularly interesting is the following quote: "In a reaction, Żwieġ Bla Divorzju said Moviment Iva was imposing divorce on Maltese and Gozitans “without any reason” while portraying itself as the defender of abused women and children" So is Andre Camilleri implying that the day after the referendum he and his followers will be forced to file for divorce? The truth is that : Iva stands for freedom of personal choice and; Le stands for forced oppression of personal choice. "
For those of you who can`t read Maltese.The Sixties are coming back Denied Holy Communion for her stance in favour divorce http://www.maltastar.com/pages/r1/ms10dart.asp?a=15250
I have said it before that the sixties are coming back to Haunt us .Remember being buried in the MIZBLA .Read this article and you will confirm this Patri jċaħħad lil anzjana mit-tqarbin għax qaltlu li se tivvota “Iva”: "La darba tbiddel fehmtek ghidli" http://www.l-orizzont.com/news.asp?newsitemid=72272
Ian George Walker
More proof, if any was needed, of the sheer hypocrisy of the NO" camp. They are doing their best to see that children are born out of wedlock by preventing cohabiting couples from getting married - yet they object to these children being called "bastards". All they care about are appearances.
Le mhux sew hi; ejja nilghabu bil-bzallu ! Le, iggib tlett annullamenti skond ma ghandek hbieb il-Kurja sewwa. Darba ir-Rev il-Profs Coleiro, Alla jahfirlu, qalli mis-shab l-isfel temmen lil hadd wara li kont kellimtu fuq skond kemm jimxu fuq il-kelma t'Alla dawk tal-Kurja! Aktar ma il-Knisja tirbah voti b'din il-Krucjata, aktar se jintilfu erwieh! Wara kollox when money talks, the Church listens! Its is cruel but it is true!
kulhadd jista jimrad hekk hu, allura nsejhu tabib jew immorru l-isptar halli niehdu l-kura u nergaw niehdu sahhitna lura. Imma tal-moviment tal-LE inkluz il_PN qed jghid , "LE ,Jekk int marid tista tmut, ma hemmx kura ghalik, ". Ara ghas sinjur hemm ghax jaqbad eleuf ta liri jmur barra min Malta ghal perjodu ta zmien, imbghad jigi hawn u jekk irid jerga jizzewweg, proset PN , dik hija Xoghol gustizzja U liberta.. skond ghal min
well put T.J. Ebb
ija dik hija l-verita hekk isejhulhom dawk li jissejhu kristjani pero fundamentalisti. jew pogguti hekkk jirreferu ghalhom . dik li ghandhom go fihom hdura ghal min ma ghamillom xejn. Jekk hemm xi hadd li uza ritratti hziena , insensittivi u diskriminatorji huma inthom tal-Le. Tant hu hekk li dak ir-ritratt ta familja mqghudha huwa ezempju car. dan bhal meta qed iggib ritratt ta persuna f'sahhitha li , li bih trid taghti messag li l-ahjar nies huma dawk li huma f'sahhithom, allura nies morda , xtghamlhu tarmuhom? jew tghinhom? nerga ntenni u nibqa nghid, min verament ghandu zwieh tajjeb qatt ma ghandu jivvota LE lil haddiehor. Il-Le ikun qed jghidha biss lil haddiehor mhux lilu innifsu. Allura ma ghandux zwieg b'sahtu huwa stesss. Ftkaru li x-xita tinzel l-isfel ghal kulhadd :) kif ukoll ix-xemx titla ghal kulhadd, mela ahjar wiehed jieqaf u jahseb ftit, U jekk jigri lit-tifel jew lit-tifla? jew lil-neputijiet? Tista tkun int ;-) Fl-ahhar mill-ahhar il-ligi tad-divorzju ser tkun BISS Ghal min ikollu bzonna
Bghula, illegittimini, bastards. Where you are concerned these children are cursed by being born out of wedlock. What is there to condemn we hamalli and jaq people call them bghula you puliti tal-knisja with love and charity oozing out of you ears call them illegittimi. So bloody what? Stop judging and condemning and get on with scaring people. If you want to condemn someone, condemn me YOU HYPOCRITICAL RETROGRADE OBSCURANTISTS FUNDAMENTALISTS BA........
Zidu mal-lista. Mill-bierah l-ewwel ta' Mejju haddiema mill-EU bl-eccezzjoni dawk mill-Bulgarija u r-Rumanija jistghu jigu jahdmu Malta BLA EBDA PERMESS. Dawn se jkollhom l-istess kundizzjonijiet tal-haddiema Maltin. Dawn jistghu igibu d-divorzju minn-pajjizhom u jsiru single parents. Jghaddi w ma jghaddix id-divorzju se jkollhom id-dritt ghal beneficcji. Dawk it-tlett elef Malti li qed jahdmu barra minn Malta u gejjin jivvutaw fir-referendum ghandhom id-dritt li jiehdu d-divorzju fil-pajjiz fejn qed jahdmu u dan ikun rikonoxxut Malta. Ghaliex il-Maltin li jghixu Malta huma diskriminati?
Żwieġ Bla Divorzju said Moviment Iva was imposing divorce on Maltese and Gozitans “without any reason” ....Now if there was ever an outright lie this mustbe it because the Iva movement are not forcing anyone to divorce. They only want divorce legilslation to be available to those who are not bound by the Catholic church incompassionate interpretation of Christianity. Nobody will be forced to divorce unless they want to.