Best approaches for effective online learning

Effective online learning is all about planning and interactivity 

After the widespread of online learning experience caused by Covid-19 restrictions, we have now understood that remote learning is here to stay. Entirely online taught or blended courses are gaining popularity in post-secondary education, and a growing number of higher education institutions offer this kind of degree programs. 

But which are the best methods of delivering online lessons? 

Principles of pedagogy

First of all,  the principles of pedagogy remain the same. That is, the basis of teaching remains unchanged even if the delivery method is different. Nevertheless, the lessons must be adapted to work properly online. Classes must be redesigned for being delivered online by globalising digital elements in them. Engaging discussions, screen recordings and interactive tech tools are just some additive components used in online lessons. 


Secondly, educators’ expectations must be cleared out from early on. Expectations for student participation must be explained to the learners from the beginning of the course. For instance, partaking in class discussions, asking and answering questions and taking notes could be just some factors that can be brought over from residential classroom codex. Moreover, educators should consider including explanatory discourses on having their students’ microphones muted unless they are speaking or the webcams switched on.

Practical planning

Before planning an online course, professors and educators should also think if they are using a high-quality audio set and a stable internet connection. Moreover, they should consider that, since their students are attending their classes from different parts of the world, they might be in different time zones. This may make lessons hard to follow if they are being delivered particularly late or early. Interactive lessons are an excellent solution to this problem. 


When it comes to the interactivity, lessons are difficult to follow if their delivery method is that of a lecture. That said, educators should also consider using polls or online mind maps. For instance, online classroom communities also help to connect with the students and keep them constantly updated on what is going on in the classroom. Moreover, there are thousands of online tools that facilitate the delivery of online lesson material. These tools are usually used to get feedback from the class, keep it united, and make the teaching methods more interactive and less monotonous. 

Flipped classroom

Teachers may also consider classroom flipping and therefore giving material to their students to be analysed before the lesson starts. This sort of approach is used for keep students more engaged since they are expected to know what the lesson is about long before its beginning. Moreover, educators should plan their lesson time properly when online; they often tend to explain too much in little time since they may be lacking immediate feedback during online lessons.

Synchronous and asynchronous teaching

It is a good idea to combine synchronous and asynchronous teaching. Synchronous teaching in real-time face-to-face (even when using webcams) teaching, and it is done both on- and offline. Asynchronous instruction is all about pre-recorded lessons or video material. Educators should use asynchronous teaching methods to get the best out of online education and combine them with synchronous classes. Asynchronous approaches can be used before the synchronous lessons for preparing the students for the upcoming study. Asynchronous methods can also be used after the lecture to summarise what has been said or for adding extra information.

Online teaching at ASOMI College of Sciences

At ASOMI College of Sciences it is possible to attend blended or entirely online taught courses. ACS moreover puts several digital facilities at the disposal of their students, educators, and collaborators. Whether fully online or blended, the teaching methods must be efficient to deliver online lessons properly. Therefore, the facilities and online teaching methods mentioned above are vital for ASOMI College of Sciences. Moreover, ACS stays updated on the last news of the methods of delivering lessons online to provide its learners with the best available student experience.  

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