American movies dominate Malta's cinemas in 2017
The most popular movies in 2017 were ‘Beauty and the Beast’, 'The Fate of the Furious’ and ‘Despicable Me 3’

American films dominated Malta’s cinemas in 2017, with 86.8% of cinemagoers opting for films originating from the United States, NSO statistics revealed.
The statistics show that Maltese productions only attracted 1.5% of total admissions in 2017.
In 2017, cinemas in Malta and Gozo projected 409 film titles and registered nearly 760,000 admissions.
For Maltese productions, there were 11,710 admissions with total gross box office receipts of €62,000 corresponding to 436 screenings, while foreign productions had 745,493 admissions with total gross box office receipts of €4.8 million in 50,360 screenings.
Cinemas registered a total of 757,203 admissions in 2017.

The most popular movie was ‘Beauty and the Beast’, having 8.4% of total admissions. ‘The Fate of the Furious’ and ‘Despicable Me 3’ gained 3.4% apiece of audiences.
Regarding genre, 242 fiction films were screened in cinemas across Malta and Gozo, which drew 76.8% of total admissions. Animation films numbered 32, attracting 21.6%.
In 2017, cinemas employed an average of 177 persons, the majority on a part-time basis.