GetUpStandUP! organises music concert against racism

The NGO will host a variety of musicians at Buskett Roadhouse today from 15:00.

In various countries not far from Malta, people are standing up for what they believe is right and bringing much-needed change to their societies. Now, Maltese people have the chance to show their solidarity and be part of bringing change to their own country, through an anti-racism concert being held this Sunday.

The free event is being organised by the NGO GetUpStandUp! and will be held at Buskett Roadhouse in Rabat starting from 15:00. It will feature a large range of local and foreign musicians and bands who believe in cultural diversity, with music ranging from rock to hip-hop and reggae.

Organised as part of the ‘Say NO to racism’ campaign being organised by a number of local NGOs, this event aims to promote tolerance and help fight racism in Malta. It will also encourage Maltese citizens to stand in solidarity with the Libyan people during these turbulent times and support their plight for freedom.

Some of the musical acts performing on the night include Nicki Sultana (Juuls Reggae Set), Jahbazz & Ghislain, Kultural, Irie Flo (Leigh Amber and Banjo), Grigal, Peterpaul and Antoine, Ado, Jerry and many more. The event is kindly funded by the Voices Foundation.
GetUpStandUp! is confident that this event will bring together old and new faces, all of whom believe in the core issues we seek to communicate: the promotion of human rights and friendship amongst all cultures. GetUpStandUp!  aims to be a portal for volunteering across a spectrum of areas.

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