Developers want breathing space over hiked penalties for not providing parking spaces
The new penalties for building apartments without providing parking spaces reflect the market price of garages
Solution for rent-controlled housing ‘only partial’, say owners seeking better return
Controlled rent rates can’t last forever, revisions only partial solution, property pundits say
Energy use must be advertised with all property listings

As from 1 March 2018, property placed on the market for sale or rent and...

As from 1 March 2018, property placed on the market for...

Property only remaining viable investment option, developers’ lobby claims

'Property is practically the last viable investment option in this country, and more people are choosing to invest even their life savings in the...

'Property is practically the last viable investment...

Don’t call it a property bubble: developers say ‘some overheating’ in housing market

A study of Malta’s construction industry and property market highlights alarming increase in rent prices, fuelled by an increasing influx of expats, with...

A study of Malta’s construction industry and property...

How neoliberal capitalism shaped Tigné Point to sell the Valletta view

The view of Valletta was commodified – even ‘weaponised’ – to make the Tigné Point apartments a desirable prospect for a few...

The view of Valletta was commodified – even...

High prices send Malta soaring in buy-to-rent league

Malta’s soaring rent prices are biting hard at home, but keen observers...

Malta’s soaring rent prices are biting hard at home,...

What property bubble? Economist snubs reports of industry’s pending collapse

Economist Gordon Cordina says Malta does not have a property bubble and land demand could grow by 1.5 million sq.m in the next 15 years

Economist Gordon Cordina says Malta does not have a...

Gzira high-rise 14 East renting out highest office floor for over €220,000 a year

Eight storeys of high-rise office space snapped up by investors now being rented out to tenants

Eight storeys of high-rise office space snapped up by...

Malta property blockchain website to host promise-of-sale and public contracts

Malta-built blockchain app can be used by notaries handling property transfers

Malta-built blockchain app can be used by notaries handling...

Couple wins €374,000 from rogue developer who sold them land he did not own

Court victory vindicates MaltaToday reports on property developers who sold Ibragg land on misleading contract

Court victory vindicates MaltaToday reports on property...

Senglea’s iconic Macina revived as exclusive Cugó Gran hotel

The Sheer Bastion, one of the Grand Harbour’s iconic landmarks, deriving...

The Sheer Bastion, one of the Grand Harbour’s iconic...

Architects rail against Planning Authority freeze on applications during Easter

Architect’s chamber says members not allowed to submit planning applications during Easter Week

Architect’s chamber says members not allowed to...

No sign of any bubble bursting yet... | Kevin Buttigieg

Malta’s property market is currently booming... but can prices rise...

Malta’s property market is currently booming... but...

Houses in Malta record highest price increase across the EU

House prices in Malta increased by 6% during the fourth quarter of 2016

House prices in Malta increased by 6% during the fourth...

'Irrestawra Darek' €8 million scheme taken up completely ahead of schedule

Sliema, Haz-Zebbug and Valletta were the top three localities to apply for a scheme allowing new house owners to receive refunds for works on property in urban...

Sliema, Haz-Zebbug and Valletta were the top three...

MIDI appoint Jefferies as financial advisor on Manoel Island project

MIDI appoint Jefferies as financial advisor on Manoel Island project to prepare...

MIDI appoint Jefferies as financial advisor on Manoel...

New lease of life for Villa Priuli on Balluta Bay

Dutch property entrepreneurs are seeking investors to turn one of St...

Dutch property entrepreneurs are seeking investors to turn...

Sliema palazzo on sale for €3.7 million, but claims of hotel permits fall short of reality

PA still processing request to convert house into boutique hotel together with another eight levels of apartments, despite adverts saying that palazzo has...

PA still processing request to convert house into boutique...

The Architect - out with the MaltaToday

This edition includes interviews, design and architecture news and events

This edition includes interviews, design and architecture...