Abandon cheap provincial politics, go Green
Ralph Cassar
Roberta Metsola’s political group, the EPP, led by its President Manfred Weber and his right-hand man, and the political group’s secretary general Simon Busuttil are...
Corrupt profits over patients
Peter Agius
CGMs should be given to all diabetics in Malta free of charge, and this would be a pivotal step towards modernising diabetes care, improving patient outcomes, and reducing the...
If it is wrong, then bloody well fix it
Saviour Balzan

The Planning Authority issues a permit in the environs of a government owned Natura 2000 site managed by Birdlife Malta.  A decision which shows the...

The Planning Authority issues a permit in the environs...

Abortion: Your discomfort, her pain | Open letter to Prime Minister Abela
Isabel Stabile

'You must surely realise that our country is at a crossroads. It can either go down the path of protecting women, or it can cave in to conservatives and...

'You must surely realise that our country is at a...

Party loyalty is on the decline. I wonder why?
Raphael Vassallo

But that leaves us with yet another, niggling little question. Judging by his...

But that leaves us with yet another, niggling little...

Work-based learning: Adding relevance to the educational experience
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

The National Skills Council is committed to bringing the educational and...

The National Skills Council is committed to bringing the...

The right to the environment
Michael Falzon

Can one breach the Constitution for an act because of a subjective opinion about the effects of one’s actions?

Can one breach the Constitution for an act because of a...

If Robert Abela is so ‘uncomfortable’ with that abortion verdict... why doesn’t he just change the law?
Raphael Vassallo

Can anyone out there explain to me how, exactly, the same Robert Abela who has always been so consistent, in opposing the decriminalisation of abortion in this...

Can anyone out there explain to me how, exactly, the same...

Our athletes excelled… despite the promised facilities which were never built
Josanne Cassar

These outstanding achievements were all due to the blood, sweat, and tears of athletes who are ultra-dedicated, spending hours and hours training in their...

These outstanding achievements were all due to the blood,...

Clutching at straws
Saviour Balzan

The truth is that Muscat has only himself to blame for this state of affairs - and if he had any respect he would stop acting as if wants to bring...

The truth is that Muscat has only himself to blame for...

Revolutionising the criminal justice system | Veronique Dalli

The criminal justice system is about to become a lot more efficient. With the...

The criminal justice system is about to become a lot more...

You should be smelling more than just ‘weed’, Claudette...
Raphael Vassallo

You can no doubt guess for yourselves; but I’ll leave you with a small...

You can no doubt guess for yourselves; but I’ll leave...

How many authorities does it actually take, to install a single speed camera?
Raphael Vassallo

"The authorities, in this country, always give priority to cars... never to people. Their only concern is to ‘keep the traffic moving’ –...

"The authorities, in this country, always give...

A new economic model
Michael Falzon

Everybody is fed up with the present situation but it must be the PN that shows the way. It must be ready to show how all that is bothering so many people can...

Everybody is fed up with the present situation but it must...

Not just another protest
Saviour Balzan

We need to inject some environmental quotient in our Cabinet of ministers and we need to ask our Opposition to get serious and make some daring proposals not...

We need to inject some environmental quotient in our...

16 projects reaching 110,000 people | Steve Ellul

Having open areas in our communities is likely to increase the inhabitants'...

Having open areas in our communities is likely to increase...

The 'Butisti' monster: Why I’m attending tomorrow’s protest | Denise Grech

If we fight, we could lose. If we don’t fight, they will inevitably win

If we fight, we could lose. If we don’t fight, they...

King Charles keenly interested in visiting Villa Guardamangia… | Charles Xuereb

In republican Malta, the State, through its main arm on heritage, is inexplicably spending €15 million on a museum for the colonialist ruler rather than...

In republican Malta, the State, through its main arm on...

Encouraging youth engagement through YAF | Andy Ellul

This first step is the key to obtaining the experience and voice you have...

This first step is the key to obtaining the experience and...

Between a rock and a hard place
Michael Falzon

Does Abela acknowledge that he owes his victory in the leadership race to Joseph Muscat’s camp and now he is anxious not to upset this camp?

Does Abela acknowledge that he owes his victory in the...