Everything that’s wrong with Maltese politics, in one online app…
Raphael Vassallo
But like I said at the very beginning: this is an experiment you can try for yourselves, at home. And I think you’ll find that it explains… Oh! So very much, about...
For someone to buy your vote, you have to be willing to sell it
Josanne Cassar
As the Prime Minister, himself has pointed out with the publication of the Vitals inquiry, timing is everything, so he should be the first to appreciate why the nation is so...
Welcome, welcome to Malta’s justice system
Saviour Balzan

It is a cruel world, made all the more cruel when justice is not meted out in...

It is a cruel world, made all the more cruel when justice...

Facing the demographic time bomb: the urgent need for action on gerontological and geriatric issues | Christian Borg Xuereb

As the global population ages, it is essential that we have a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges of older adults.

As the global population ages, it is essential that we have...

The right for freedom of movement for workers in the EU
Renee Laiviera

The number of citizens interested in working in another EU country is on the...

The number of citizens interested in working in another EU...

So much, I suppose, for the European Parliament’s ‘Rule of Law’ crusade...
Raphael Vassallo

And, well... what does all that tell us, about how value the European Parliament REALLY attaches, to ‘fundamental principles’ such as the Rule Of...

And, well... what does all that tell us, about how value...

Winning the ODZ lottery
James Debono

The regularisation scheme for partly ODZ properties with illegalities which stop them from selling, is not the equivalent of the far more extensive 2006...

The regularisation scheme for partly ODZ properties with...

Nothing but the truth
Michael Falzon

The contradictions in the sworn testimony given by Edward Scicluna, Keith Schembri, and Silvio Valletta are too blatant to be acceptable in a country that is...

The contradictions in the sworn testimony given by Edward...

Chronology of a dog-attack, foretold
Raphael Vassallo

Ah, but who actually gets the blame, for all the Minister’s evident FAILURE in this regard? Anton Refalo himself? Patricia Azzopardi? Anton Grech? Who?

Ah, but who actually gets the blame, for all the...

A country with two faces
Josanne Cassar

It never ceases to depress me how, on the surface, we seem to have a thriving economy and yet, we have sectors of the country which are very underpaid and...

It never ceases to depress me how, on the surface, we seem...

When reports sound the wakeup call
Saviour Balzan

A report by Grant Thornton report shows that between 2013 and 2021 house prices increased by 100% • The very fast upward trend in the economy in...

A report by Grant Thornton report shows that...

Imagine all the people
Peter Agius

People are getting angrier by the day at Labour’s attitude of pigs at the trough as nicely illustrated in Rosianne Cutajar’s chats. We will seek...

People are getting angrier by the day at Labour’s...

The islands awash with cocaine
Daniel Xerri

Misconceptions surrounding cocaine are one of the chief reasons why certain people fall into the trap of using it

Misconceptions surrounding cocaine are one of the chief...

The shoddy low-standard coalition
Ralph Cassar

To reach the target of zero-carbon we cannot postpone any more, we must start changing now, otherwise a sudden change will hurt

To reach the target of zero-carbon we cannot postpone any...

Hunters, accusing Birdlife of ‘handling dead birds’. Whatever next?
Raphael Vassallo

Yes, the federation is quite right to accuse Birdlife Malta of ‘attempting to influence the law-courts’, in a case which was scheduled to commence...

Yes, the federation is quite right to accuse Birdlife Malta...

Brooke Shields’ story and the sexualisation of young girls
Josanne Cassar

Despite decades of feminism, society still places too much importance on...

Despite decades of feminism, society still places too much...

The art of being a friggin hypocrite
Saviour Balzan

The concern facing revolving doors is not one that only concerns government officials, it also involves journalists. There have been several astonishing...

The concern facing revolving doors is not one that only...

It’s time for the facts | Chris Fearne & Jo Etienne Abela

As ministers of the government in this sector and representatives of the...

As ministers of the government in this sector and...

Far-right nutters come aplenty in Malta. Why are they on our TV sofas?
Matthew Vella

PBS’s inquiry on quality control over Fuhrer-gate should lead to a clear ban on voices who trivialise the Holocaust and insult us by their dearly-held...

PBS’s inquiry on quality control over Fuhrer-gate...

Talking about an ‘Economic Revolution’...
Raphael Vassallo

After all: wasn’t it Clyde Caruana himself, who so recently told us:...

After all: wasn’t it Clyde Caruana himself, who so...