Social security: minimising fraud risk | Mark Said
It may be that the department has limited administrative capacity to verify...
It may be that the department has limited administrative...

Turning waste into wealth - Malta’s journey towards a cleaner, greener, future | Matthias Iannis Portelli
Traditional waste disposal methods are no longer adequate, leading to environmental pollution, health hazards, aesthetic depreciation, and an overall decline...
Traditional waste disposal methods are no longer adequate,...

Abortions can be prevented | Natalie Psaila
Studies have long shown that comprehensive sex education and easy access to...
Studies have long shown that comprehensive sex education...

Failure is not an option: Malta’s waste management crisis | Martin Galea De Giovanni
Managing our waste should not start at the point from when the waste is already generated but from the point of manufacturing, down to the supply chain and...
Managing our waste should not start at the point from when...

Labour upskilling: An opportunity to boost our economic model | Steve Ellul
A further increment on this top-up would make it more attractive for these skilled employees to remain in employment
A further increment on this top-up would make it more...