Balancing technical skills with a well-rounded education
Alexiei Dingli
A well-rounded education is crucial for developing critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and cultural awareness-indispensable professional skills, especially in the tech industry...
Just 60 years ago
Michael Falzon
Over the last 60 years we had different Maltese governments that took decisions in the interest of Malta and that made the difference, even when these decisions were the wrong ones
Thanks, but no thanks
Michael Falzon

The people who run the party keep on making the same mistakes, provoking more people to abandon the PN

The people who run the party keep on making the same...

Fancy a takeaway – from someone earning slave wages?
Josanne Cassar

As long as they remain underpaid, every time you use that food app, you are...

As long as they remain underpaid, every time you use that...

Is balance between environment and business attainable? | Steve Ellul

Quality tourism and greener urban areas are examples that can deliver more...

Quality tourism and greener urban areas are examples that...

Give me real Velociraptors, any day of the week…
Raphael Vassallo

And you know what? I’m beginning to think I’d much rather take my...

And you know what? I’m beginning to think I’d...

Rigging, rationing and equity in education | Lara Said

All children have a gift and/or a talent. Unfortunately not all schools allow...

All children have a gift and/or a talent. Unfortunately not...

One gridlock too many
Michael Falzon

n spite of the millions of EU and Malta government funds spent to upgrade the road network, the ordinary citizen is still being treated shabbily when it comes...

n spite of the millions of EU and Malta government funds...

When is Metsola going to start delivering on all those ‘women’s rights’ promises?
Raphael Vassallo

Maybe it’s just that Roberta Metsola really DID intend to fulfil those promises, all along … but – in between posing for one...

Maybe it’s just that Roberta Metsola really DID...

Was this about insubordination... or a clash over liberal policies?
Josanne Cassar

Someone with such a liberal ideology as Mario Mallia working within the...

Someone with such a liberal ideology as Mario Mallia...

What the sacking of Mario Mallia tells us about the Church
Saviour Balzan

Mallia’s sacking does reveal how the whims of religious zealots inside...

Mallia’s sacking does reveal how the whims of...

Climate activism has so far been fairly peaceful: that might change
The Conversation

Rob Jubb, Alex McLaughlin | Peaceful protests hailed as producing political...

Rob Jubb, Alex McLaughlin | Peaceful protests hailed as...

Can we stop all this ‘Balance between Environment and Economy’ bullshit, please?
Raphael Vassallo

Where, in a nutshell, can any sign of this so-called ‘balance between environment and economy’ ever be seen: in this, or any other analogous case?

Where, in a nutshell, can any sign of this so-called...

Aaaargh... Azerbaijan!
Michael Falzon

Forn the EU, choosing between Putin and Aliyev is an exercise in opting for the lesser evil. No kudos for Muscat or Malta, surely

Forn the EU, choosing between Putin and Aliyev is an...

Shine on you crazy… butterfly
Raphael Vassallo

Let’s face it: you can’t not at least ‘appreciate’ that sort of ballsy, in-your-face, cockiness… not to mention the sheer,...

Let’s face it: you can’t not at least...

The elephant in the room
Saviour Balzan

When the recession emerges with a vengeance, rest assured that the rich and well-off will be the biggest moaners... and the least affected

When the recession emerges with a vengeance, rest assured...

Escalating violence and Malta’s changing demographic: perception or fact?
Josanne Cassar

Rather than a laidback, slow-paced island, the country has turned into a sprawling metropolis where one town and village spills over into the next and...

Rather than a laidback, slow-paced island, the country has...

How much of Malta has to burn to ashes, before we start taking climate change seriously?
Raphael Vassallo

So instead of ‘doing their bit’, by trying to be as hydrologically ‘self-sufficient’ as possible… these new developments only...

So instead of ‘doing their bit’, by trying to...

Sexual violence in conflict
Renee Laiviera

Sustainable peace can only be achieved through women’s economic and political empowerment, alongside their involvement in decision-making processes

Sustainable peace can only be achieved through...

The right to health for people who use drugs | Karen Mamo

Employed as a double-edged sword by actors representing the interests of...

Employed as a double-edged sword by actors representing the...