Mullahs in our midst

The way the anti-divorce lobby view society is a reflection of their personal successes.

The divorce debate is getting bogged down in technicalities and unsubstantiated lies on alimony and purported ‘studies’ of the effects of divorce and marital breakdown on children.

Divorce: it will (i) broaden the grounds of what we currently call ‘civil annulment’, and (ii) allow remarriage. It’s brought with it a deluge of spurious claims of how children will fall victim to a new wave of marital discord – a discord that it is already happening as we speak.

Don’t be fooled. Zwieg bla Divorzju is led by a cabal of religious social conservatives, friends of the Gonzi family and laymen held in high regard by the Maltese church (which provided its PRO Kevin Papagiorcopulo to assist them). Behind the rhetoric of people like Andre Camilleri and Arthur Galea Salomone, lies their conservative and right-wing vision of your place in society. And it’s a line of thought that comes straight from Castille and the Maltese curia.

Camilleri and Galea Salomone’s success comes from their fruitful careers in financial and legal services, and of course their political connections – nothing irregular, it just means they are trusted by the Nationalist government.

Their vision of society is based on their Catholic activism and the socially conservative worlds they inhabit. They believe in a social order that does not upset the supreme power the Catholic church enjoys over our civil courts (Malta is the only country where a civil divorce is not required before applying for an ecclesiastical annulment). They are unfazed about the fact that the rich who afford a foreign domicile can get their divorces rubber-stamped in Malta - because the rich have a right to spend their money any way they like; the rest should not have to spend it on lawyers in separation cases.

Camilleri was a president of the forum for Maltese Catholic organisations. Like Stock Exchange chairman Arthur Galea Salomone, before becoming CEO and later deputy chairman of the MFSA, Camilleri was a director of the Maltese church’s bank APS. The greater part of their careers has been spent inside boardrooms and at the helm of government corporations.

They are the leaders in the Maltese world of finance and friends of the anti-divorce prime minister. Eddie Fenech Adami wanted Camilleri to be judge in 2002, but he was turned down by the Commission for the Administration of Justice for not having been a practising lawyer for a minimum of 12 years – ironically by the hand of the very government that favoured his expertise at the MDC and later as chairman of Malta International Airport during the 1990s.

It takes no genius to understand that Camilleri and Galea Salomone are totally displaced from the realities of domestic violence and the vicissitudes of cash-strapped men and women who pursue protracted and expensive litigations inside the family courts and the ecclesiastical tribunals. Their personal balance sheets have been debited with hard work and Catholic temperance, and they expect you and everyone else to do the same.

But life just so happens not to be as boringly simple as the audited financial statements that turn them on.

Look behind the men who are opposing divorce. Camilleri’s wife Sonia is a prime exemplar of the conservative mindset that dominates the Nationalist government. She was Children’s Commissioner when she told the parliamentary social affairs committee of her opposition towards contraception and IVF.

Her hostility towards IVF (and in turn IVF babies) led her to claim that children born by artificial reproduction had a higher risk of developing cancer. As a committed Catholic, she expects infertile couples to turn to prayer instead of choosing to spend their money as they wish because “IVF is a big industry that convinces couples it’s the only way they can have a baby” (this conspiratorial footnote was rich coming from the wife of someone who has earned his living serving oil firm Aramco, aviation, and banking).

Even worse, Camilleri – the lucky mother of four – believes that once a woman tries all natural methods and still fails to conceive, she should accept the fact that that she could not have children. There, 'someone' has made your bed for you, now you will lie in it.

Fast-forward to 2011, and her husband Andre Camilleri (and likewise Galea Salomone) claims that battered women should not have the right to divorce their abusive husbands because this allows abusers to marry other women. It’s a take-it-or-leave-it-situation, marriage, no matter how dreadful it may turn out to be, even if it wasn’t your fault.

I don’t know what ‘studies’ the Camilleris have to justify their prejudices towards infertile women and battered women, apart from their faith. I know they just come from the same conservative milieu of people like Kate Gonzi, who felt at liberty to tell the world her opinion on the un-virtuousness of pre-marital sex. They fall in line with the same prejudice of finance minister Tonio Fenech (who claims the Virgin Mary sheds tears for the Maltese), who scapegoats single mothers as targets for benefit fraud while eulogising the virtues of stay-home mothers like his wife.

[Keep in mind that of an average 1,000 children born out of wedlock every year, 31% to single mothers. In 2008 we spent €9.5 million on 2,678 women (€3,547 per capita). It’s not the biggest drain on a country which spent €20 million on its Brussels embassy to the European Union.]

I don’t know if you see it the way I do. But their idealistic vision of a society made up of virgin wives and the supremacy of the Catholic church is simply a reflection of their religious chauvinism. Are we ready to let these mullahs control our lives?

The exchanges in these comments and, indeed, the blog entry itself, show quite well what is wrong with the divorce campaign. . Instead of talking about divorce (admittedly a boring enough subject), many commenters have followed Matthew Vella's lead in making personal and totally irrelevant attacks on those they disagree with.
The Pl and his appologists never change.
@ zunzan - are you trying to pull the Mickey out of me or what? Do you honestly expect to accuse someone of getting a plum job through graft and then not to get hot under the collar, in the same breathe? The information (e.g. scientific publications, work experience, etc) in a CV is substantiated and can easily be scrutinised by all and sundry, unlike your anonymity and gratuitous smear campaign. Here again, just scroll thrrough the downloads section of for such papers and work experience a figment of my imagination and dont exist? Tajba din - mela jekk int blue-eyed boy, nuzaw l-espressjoni 'ticcappas mal-politika' - imma jekk int ta' kulur iehor, nghidu li int qieghed taghti kontribut u li qieghed tippartecipa - u hallina trid
@Maltese. The victims are the ones who feel the abuse, the abuser thinks he is God's messenger. There is separation between Church and the State in Malta? You are either naive or cynical; take your pick. By the way, is it true that all the sensitive posts at the University are reserved for men in frocks? Take your pick; Philippines or Malta!
@Alan Deidun As I said it was my mistake to think green=AD. From your contributions it is obvious that you are a green activist in what has become the Maltese 'Party of God' (Hizbollah in classical Arabic). You and the PaiN deserve each other. The next political hurricane will not be the effect of global warming believe me....
@alan deidun. Why are you getting so hot under the collar? In Malta a CV is worth as much as it is to those assessing it. If you went to battle ill prepared, you have only yourself to blame. Qatt ma messek iccappast u saddejt toqba. If character assassination bothers you, ask advice from Alfred Sant. Believe me I contibuted more than you can ever immagine but I am no blue eyed boy so I have to remain ANNONIMOUS.
@zunzan - if only you have the damned guts to sign under your name, I would gladly pursue you legally for your callous comments - my CV is online for all to see ( and I have been working at my current workplace (University of Malta) long before the MEP campaign - anyway, I need not justify myself to someone who lacks the spine to take responsibility for his smear campaign. During the MEP campaign, I had to face: - an inexorable character assassination campaign from media like MaltaToday - very limited funds (I did not enjoy the support of sponsors like business interestsm etc) - a very limited campaign period (I was nominated as candidate just 3-4 months before elections) Against this backdrop, I trust I still got my message across - its very easy for you, from the comfort of your armchair who has probably never ventured beyond writing in anonymity on blogs, to say otherwise
@RC - did my contesting with the pn change any of my positions? Did it hinder me from being at Bahrija, at Wied l-Ghasel, etc, etc - having an environmentalist in the midst of a large party (since the PL is also close to a cohort of contractors and developers) is healthy, or no? I reiterate - I could not contest with AD since I do not share some of their guiding principles whilst I genuinely aimed to breathe some fresh air in the PN - anyway, I think its useless arguing with cynicism
@Alan Deidun Ahjar bla bajd milli bil-bajd f'idejn haddiehor! In spite of your big headdedness you still failed miserably as an MEP.With regards to you job and achievments, that can be all subjective. Part of it on your own and part with a gentle push from behind! Being a candidate on the PN ticket, especially if you declare you do not share their veiws, automatically qualifies you as a LICK ASS.
faceless 'urizen' - pls quote chapter and verse whenever I went against my green principles since you seem to know more than I do about such principles. Otherwise, just shut up and continue napping in anonymity rather than indulging in smear campaigns
Gilbert Bartolo
@ Urizen... yep in fact Alan Deidun is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO green that he joined the partit tal-kuntratturi... no civil liberties (no all at least.... not even divorce!!! god forbid! x'gharukaza!) change it (lol!!)... the party with the worst environmental voting record in the EP... u hallina tridx Alan!
@ Alan Deidun Every time you went against your Green principles you defended it by calling yourself an "ambjentalist bil-kuxxenza"...........yawn. Spin, just like the rest of them.
Thanks for getting back alan deidun. The world is full of many religions and full of people trying to convert others to their religion. Where does that leave the mission of your church? From a global perspective, the RC church is no more than a cult. And the more restrictive its approach and the more people it excludes (example divorcees) the more of a cult it is sounds. Now I have no objection to people following their own cults, but please keep off my turf. Does your church not know and understand what civic respect means? Marisa
@Alan Deidun, don't worry to such comments because the same people try to throw mud to anybody who is linked to the PN. Keep it up, just a note that in the civil service most top places are filled by pl supporter even ex pl mayors but they keep grumbling. I think when joseph will be pm the pl supporter will not pretend to be preferred.
@zunzan - failed MEP - do you honestly think I will be rubbed the wrong way by such a baseless comment? I managed to glean many more votes than some other established candidates who were also running, garnering almost as much as Cassola did - anyway, personally, I believe I was not elected since I did not lick ass as others would have done Meta tghid : Int hobzok mahbuz siehbi ghax qdejthom - uri li int ragel u spjegali kif u come xoghlhi hadtu mill-PN. Jien posthi hdimt ghallieh u veru vili nies bhalek li tipprovaw thammgu billi tinhbew wara bicca isem - nerga nghidlek, veru bla bajd @ marisa lincoln - I am humbled to be labelled as the chosen one - hence, you believe that all those against divorce are the chosen ones? When you state that 'Why in God’s name must the church rule, interfere and lord it over those who are NOT interested in its teachings?'- it would be very sad if the Church were to abdicate from its mission of conveying the message to the unconverted - ever heard of the expression "preaching to the converted? @ John Citizen = your garbled notions fudge together green with liberalism = you seem to believe that environmentalists cannot be liberal conservatives at the same time? You seem to believe that being green implies you have to be in favour of divorce and of all civil liberties under the sun - well, I am sorry, I do not fit the bill and that's why I did not candidate myself with AD (and not because I was promised some plum job as zunzan and other malicious individuals hiding in anonymity would have it).
@Maltese I have to subscribe to the same sentiments expressed by human torch. If you really believe that the church is not interfering in civil matters I am sorry to say you are delusional at best. Are you oblivious of the fact that the church is currently in a crusade on divorce (a civil matter) They are so knee deep into civil matters that a dummies guide (literally for dummies) was issued that included a note that not voting means one voted in favour of divorce. Are you oblivious of the several statements made by the bishop of Gozo that went to the point, in my humble opinion, that stated that there was no leeway on divorce? Let me spell it out to you. This referendum is not about whether divorce should become part of the Roman Catholic religion but whether divorce (already recognized for Maltese abroad) should become part of the civil code. Quoting Iran, Saudi and Muslim countries as the ' many countries' that have divorce in an attempt to lessen the fact simply proves the opposite. If even these countries you disdain have the right to divorce, what does it say about Malta?? (l'ahhar grad perhaps). However since we form part of the EU (closer to home) you would have been more credible if you referred to them. All these countries together with all the Western world, Asia Pacific and the Far East have recognized divorce as a right. However in the Apostolic Fifedom of Malta there are still people who want to oppose this and impose ther will on others. Alan Deidun, I had a different impression of you but your texts illustrate how wrong I was....maybe because I foolishly imagined that green = AD. My mistake, you definitely belong to the 'new' PN. Enjoy the tea party. Finally, Matthew - well done - you really hit the nail(s) on the head.
Vcas1 The advantages and disadvantage of divorce are exactly the same as the advantages and disadvantages of marriage. It's a dual carriageway with some moving in one direction and others moving in the other. When people reach the roundabout some keep going straight ahead (stay married) others turn left or right (seek divorce or seek annulment) whilst others are forced to turn back where they came from and to repeat the same stagnant journey over and over again (because they are told they cannot get a divorce); or they are allowed to freeze at the roundabout because all they are allowed to do is separate. For some it feels like they might as well be designated to hell. Gee thank you church for your understanding guidance. I have a question for the anti-divorce camp: Why in God’s name must the church rule, interfere and lord it over those who are NOT interested in its teachings? Listen you guys, you may uphold your sacraments as much as you please – but please do not interfere with my values. One may choose to unbind oneself from the trappings of the Church and still be a self respecting citizen. Some might argue that we become more self respecting when we become self responsible. Did you know divorced people work and earn money through highly respected work? And did you know that divorced people offer their services (teaching; social care, nursing, doctoring etc. ) to married and divorced alike? Just like marriage, divorce is not the prerogative of the rich or the poor. It cuts across all social groups. Okay Maltese?
Thanks for really good laugh [email protected] Alan Deidun You write: “you simply have no idea of the disservice you are doing to the great work done by many sectors of the Church in this country - you have simply turned the divorce debate into an anti-clerical one, probably to appease the atheists within your fold” Kindly let us know what the church is doing to assist those who need to release themselves from the trappings of a disastrous marriage? You think that inciting people against divorcees is a good idea? I have no issue with individual clerics but I have a right to speak my mind about the ecclesiastical system. If Roman Catholicism had not proved harmful to many people, they would have stayed loyal to it. And that’s not to stay that anyone wishes to steal your glorious status of being a ‘chosen one’. Same goes for the comments made by Maltese. You and Maltese are the chosen ones. The writer of this message – is very happy to say - is not one of the ‘chosen ones’. I can live with that. Can you?
Most, if not all, those against divorce hold premier positions offered on golden plates by Gonzi and co. Can you imagine any of these comfortable bigots chopping off the hand that feeds them so handsomely ?. Who , except lackeys and hypocrites ,wouldn't tow the lines in such circumstances ?. Forget it. They've got much to lose if they ever transgress against their earthly god, Gonzi and co. I bet we'll be witnessing prizes being handed out when all is said and done, especially if they're successful in the mission.
@Alan Deidun. Mr. Failed MEP we write under a false name because most of us are not protected from abuse at work like you. Int hobzok mahbuz siehbi ghax qdejthom.
Jessica Chetcuti
Maltese, Frankly I don’t know whether I should be flattered at being called modern? Having passed my three score years plus ten I guess that at times I do have more of a tendency to live in the past, but you’re wrong in calling me close minded as I’m not intolerant to other peoples opinion, I may not always agree with them, and that’s as far as it goes. You go on to say that people like me should respect others peoples opinion, then why aren’t you doing the same thing? After all, all that I’ve done is given my point of view with the religious aspect of Matthew Vella’s story. If you think that what I said is wrong then so be it I’m not sure why you find it so insensitive at the mention of cloistered nuns, but let’s face it they lock themselves away for years on end and only emerge when it is expedient to do so, which is most probably at the church hierarchy’s request. By the way I’m not saying that they will be voting, however I would be surprised if they didn’t. You ask, who says that common sense means voting “yes” to divorce? Well actually I said it, that is my opinion which I’m quite entitled to make, but here’s the rub, you are quite at liberty to disagree, which I see you have. I fail to make the connection between divorced people ending up in poverty. Surly this is up to the lawyers and courts (if necessary) to come to an amicable settlement on behalf of their clients. .
The Church is a social institution and has the right and the obligation to participate in debates pertaining to civil rights; just like any other lay person has the right to contribute into faith matters. Who ever says to the contrary is intolerant himself/herself. After all many people who are in the Church are neither nuns, nor priests but lay people who are themselves fathers, mothers, and children; people with a very wide practical knowledge of what family life is...more than some commentators here. Unfortunately this opportunity for a healthy debate has been aborted! For instance, I haven't heard anyone provide thoughts about BOTH the advantages and disadvantages of divorce. It's either white or usual in this country. For example: why four years and not five or two? Will a person who divorces need to maintain his ex- and children? And if he re-marries will he cope in maintaining financially his new children and those of his ex? May this increase poverty? How true is it that divorce will weaken the family? Does it make sense to use foreign data and transpose them into our cultural context? What the Church must not do (and any other institution or person for that) is to impose one's dogma on all. Alas...this country is far from a state where one can have a mature and informative civil debate about civil rights because everybody ends up shouting this and that to the other.
@ Human Torch Why may I ask is my general knowledge below poor my friend? Where have I been intolerant and drunk with dogma!!!!? I did not even mention one dogmatic principle. I am living on earth and for your information the Church is minding its business when it speaks about social issues. When the Gozo Bishop spoke against poverty was he wrong? When Bishop Cremona spoke against corruption was he wrong? Where is the interference with civil rights? The Church is just expressing its view. It is you who is intolerant. Many countires which have divorce (99per cent) are countries were civil rights are not respected Ex:Iran, Saudi Aarabia and all the Muslim Countries. Your argument doesnt hold because it is religion itself which imposes divorce in many societies. And where are the threats of the Church may I ask? Do yo believe all the hogwash that the media like Xarabank and Bondiplus regurgigate? And please what do you mean about selling our country? I am a true Maltese, open-minded and not still closed in the sessantotto anti-clerical arguments. Fortunately many young people today, for or against divorce I dont care, are more tolerant than you and respect the ideas of who is different from them.
coacktail to write an article. put a rubbish title, attack anybody who is against you, and than throw some figures so that your article might look realistic. I think the real mullahs who are trying to control our lives are the ones who say they are independent journalists without any agendas and then write a biased article.
@ Maltese I think your total idea of general knowledge is below poor my friend. 1. You are accusing me of being a fundamentalist when you are clearly arrogant, intolerant and drunk with dogma!!!! 2. If you are presently living on earth and not on the moon you would know how thoroughly UNTRUE is your cliam that chruch and state are divided in our country. Until the church starts minding its own religious business and so not interfere with civil rights (like in 99per cent of countries worldwide) then, and only then, I will believe you. 3. My legal knowledge is good enough to understand that the Church has been breaking the law since this campaign started...In fact the law clearly says that :::every person who directly or indirectly... makes use of or threatens ... any temporal or spiritual injury, damage, harm, or loss ... in order to induce or compel [a] person to vote or refrain from voting... shall be guilty of the offence of undue influence."::: Who is throwing the bad seeds now...Ja taparsi Maltese!!!!! Il veru Maltin ihobbu lil pajjizhom siehbi u mhux jmorru jbejwha lil barrani!!!!!!!! Fhimtni hux!
@jamrie Who said that it is just those of religious persuasion who will vote against divorce? There are ateists who are against divorce. And please be democratic, the religious 'hierarchy' has a right to state how people should vote. Every other institution can do so. Your comment about the cloistered nuns is really insensitive. What have the cloistered nuns got to do with your argument. Do you want to take away their right to vote? And who said that common sense means voting yes to divorce. I myself wasnt going to vote but common sense tells me that it is better to vote against divorce because social services will be milked dry and then we will all cry because we are paying taxes to support divorced people who fell into poverty. Its incredible how people like you are so close-minded that they think they are modern when being modern in the post-modern world means repsecting other people's opinion and the right of religious people and the not religious to speak their views.
@Matthew Tabone First of all I am not a philosopher but I do read about political philosphy (its good to keep an open mind and read about everything). So are you saying that just because you are a journalist you only speak about journalism? And who says that philosophy is boring? Secondly what is wrong if the Catholic Religion is given its due importance in State media and schools...the Maltese are in their great majority Catholic and are happy to be so...this does not mean that there is no separation between Church and State because in Malta every religion is respected and the State never legislates under impostition from the Church. Thirdly civil society is already untainted by religious prejudice. Not only this but furthermore there is a prejudice against the Catholic Church in the media (Watch xarabank and all the mentally-challenged programmes on TV). Last point: freedom of worship already coexists peacefully with civil rights in this liberal democratic society that is Malta. One of the civil rights is exactly that of respecting other's opinions and not insult Mr.Camilleri and Galea Salamone just because they are stating their views.
Jessica Chetcuti
I’m rather hesitant in writing a comment especially with all the fracas going on between Alan Deidun of whom I have the greatest respect for, and some members of MT. Never the less in keeping with the subject matter this much I have to say and I don’t mean to sound patronising is well done Matthew Vella, you have hit the nail on the head with this article, and I couldn’t agree more. However my main concern is that come voting day I, just like all others who are eligible to vote, will find ourselves queuing behind those of the religious persuasion who because of their vocation have no idea of what family life is about, but are intent to dictate what they think it should be. No doubt the religious hierarchy will demand that they, (probably including the cloistered nuns) must make it their duty to vote, so together with the other religious fanatics it seems that the “Yes” camp could be in for a tough campaign. On the other hand I’m hoping that common sense will prevail and people will vote with their head.
@Human Torch First of all many states in the world grant divorce just because their religion says so. Imagine a Muslim State without divorce? Secondly many arguments against divorce are not religious but social. Thirdly your argument is a fundamentalist one because you want divorce just to prove your point against the church. Who said that there is no seperation between Church and state? Your legal knowledge is very limited. Furthermore the Church is disadvantaged because every time it speaks all the media like Xarabank and bella compania turn up against her. Unfortunately there is still a minority of people like you in soiciety who are still stuck in the sessantotto.
Joseph Caruana
@Maltese I don't do philosophy, just journalism. I'd hate to bore people. This blogpost is not about the Church, and if you think Malta is a secular society when (i) Catholic religious programmes have to be given prime-time slots on TVM as per the public service obligation (ii) the Ecclesiastic Tribunals supersede the civil courts in Catholic marriage annulments (iii) the State employs the teachers that educate inside Church-owned schools... ah well... And what do I want? No I'm not crusading against the removal of the Catholic religion from our Constitution, or that we stop the expansion of Church schools. I want civil society to be untainted by religious prejudice. I want freedom of worship to coexist peacefully with civil rights in a liberal democratic society.
Very good article Mattew. The whole point regarding this whole circus of an issue, which in my opinion should have never been an issue in itself due to its civil merits granted by worldwide laws to global citizens in a 'true' democratic society (unlike ours), is that Malta resembles more like the Vatican state then a state of the EU. Those in power should say mia culpa to the situation at hand cause if the gross negative effect this scenario is portraying us to the world of today. Those from the NO camp are only INTOLERANT. There is no other way to describe their negative attitude towards this civil right. Morover, those hypocrits who are campaiging against this civil right are doing so due to their fanatical beleifs in an an institution which proved time and time again to be teaching just a brainwashing dogma...not the words of Jesus. Sadly, the scenario is what it is because this island is captured under the claws of those who want to make us believe they are following Jesus when in fact they are worshipping his greatest opponent. Unless the Church is FULLY DETACHED from the State, the Maltese will keep struggling to achieve their own true God-given Liberties. I will Vote Yes because I believe in civil rights and the Liberties of humanity. What will you do?
'what the hell has this got to do with the whole debate'? - the same way that a comment about Alan Deidun running on the PN ticket has nothing to do with the divorce and mullahs issue. By the way, I am still waiting from your end proof that my arm and principles were twisted by the PN two years ago during the MEP campaign - should I take your silence as acquiescence? I am happy you have taken umbrage at my callous comments Saviour since it shows you are human after all - you had gloated one day over the fact that your articles during the MEP campaign were rubbing me the wrong way.:) back to work now
@Alan Deidun Granting Vince Farrugia: a weekly column? Why not? Vince Farrugia surely has never been in my good books. MT offers space to everyone, including Alan Deidun. But it does no mean we agree with what is written. And regards me being a father ... what the hell has this got to do with the whole debate. Plus ca change!
An article that shows that political philosophy is not your 'forte'. First of all you have to describe what 'conservative' means. One need not be a conservative to be against divorce (there are many left-wingers who are against divorce). Secondly even if one is 'conservative', this term has more positive connotations then negative ones, because many conservatives beilieve in progress more than anybody else (Ex: they believe in privatisation, non-abuse of the welfare system, the right to be religious in a secular society etc...) Thirdly you cannot divide society in liberals and conservatives. In fact in Malta we neither have a conservative party and neither a liberal one. We have a moderate centre-right party which is mainly Christian Democrat and a moderate left-wing party which is mainly socialist. Fourthly conservatives (especially in Europe) can be liberal conservatives, right-wing conservatives and so on. Why do you confuse economically successful people with PN connections as being generally conservative? The last point. It is people like you that are using divorce as 'secularism' vs. 'conservatism' when Malta is already a secular society. Did the Church impose anything? No. It is just teaching its values. Even Malta Today preaches its values (Which are supposedly liberal), even though it is obvious that this newspaper does not know where the word liberal stands. Being liberal means respecting the Church position.
agreed Matthew - glad to have finally found some common ground :)
Joseph Caruana

@Alan Deidun No, you don't need to prove anything. Like when you wanted to be an MEP for the PN. But then again, politicis is not your main profession and hence, being just there amongst the other candidates was an honour for you.

better luck to you as well Matthew in the IGM awards - at least, you dont boycott them, as someone you know very well does :) cheers and pls remember that, unlike you, journalism is not my main profession and hence, being just there amongst the finalists, was an honour for me, since I dont need to prove anything
You have quite a cheek Saviour to speak about hypocrisy (at least, unlike many writing on this blog, I have the balls to sign under my own name, rather than throwing mud and hiding in anonymity) (i) you lament that the divorce debate is lop-sides in favour of the anti camp in terms of resources, etc and then your paper features almost exclusively contributions by those in favour of divorce - lats Sunday alone, you must have had 5 or 6 pro-divorce contributions and not a single anti one to show. Not to mention the pro adverts you continuously carry on the electronic pages (ii) you now embark on a crusade against Vince Farrugia (and I agree with you re the Good Friday debacle and about the Sandro Chetcuti event) but then you courted Farrugia during the MEP campaign, going as far as granting him a weekly column in your paper - I can cite many other instances if you wish where you have shown yourself to be inconsistent to say the least (iii) last Sunday you stated that Kate Gonzi's comments opened her up to commentary - you are wrong here - you should have specified that such comments opened her up to your ridicule and lampooning, something which you are very apt at, with very little opportunity being given to those on the receiving end to defend themselves (iv) every opportunity is good as any to take a pot-shot at the clergy, overblowing any slights they have committed without mentioning in the least all the good that the clergy do on a daily basis by working in the shadows - you simply have no idea of the disservice you are doing to the great work done by many sectors of the Church in this country - you have simply turned the divorce debate into an anti-clerical one, probably to appease the atheists within your fold (v) now coming to the MEP campaign - stand up the plate and list JUST ONE instance where I was not true to my green principles - JUST ONE SAVIOUR where I caved in to the PN and did not feature any issue I wanted to - MAY I REMIND YOU THAT I WAS THE ONLY PN ACTIVIST PRESENT AT THE BAHRIJA AND WIED L-GHASEL PROTESTS but probably you were too too engrossed in drawing your pound of flesh to realise I though that upon becoming a father you would stop lampooning and assassinating people through your holier-than-thou license, but it seems you are too engrossed in your infalillibility for that - why dont you resort to what you do best and you write a piece next Sunday about the undersigned, in which you dig every single insalubrious detail you can conjure???????
Joseph Caruana
@AlanDeidun If mullah sounds pejorative, then 'priests' should be pejorative as well... Please don't try lecture me about tolerance/objectivity. When you write your environmental reports in the press (oh... better luck next time in the awards) you stand up for what you believe is right. And we appreciate your bias. We know where you stand. Keep up the fight.
I think that Mullahs is far too polite, indeed bigots and hypocrites would be more like it. Alan Deidun, former PN Candidate should know all about hypocrisy. He represented a party on a green ticket when the party is/was responsible for unforgivable environmental disasters.
Matthew Vella great article. Antoine Vella jealousy gets you nowhere. Vote yes for divorce Send the Mullahs, the Taliban and gonzi a message.
Micheal Bonanno
@Alan Deidun. Haven't your learnt your lesson from the MEP elections? Haven't you learnt what the PN stands for? Yes, they're all mullahs in my opinion, and to add another, the PN and its satellites are self-centred bigots.
"mullahs' now joins the list of pejorative terms being use to describe those who counter divorce in this country - seems like Taliban and Kabul clan were not accentuated enough - tolerance and objectivity indeed by Maltatoday staff!
@ Employee Your`e right.It looks like Dr vella cannot take of his Blue glases of .If he at least writes things the way they are I would be more than happy but as you said a blog need someone to make him smile Can`t you see all the comments below?
@Antoine Vella The only persons who make me see red are those who want to rewrite history. At least most of them do so a long time after the events happen, but you take the cake. Unless i am going senile, it was JPO who dragged the divorce issue in the opne and put it on the country's agenda. what has JM got to do with it ? he expresses a personal opinion like everybody else. He doesn't impose his convictions on everybody like Gonzi did when he committed the PN to a no vote; and he doesn't pontificate like gonzi's wife on what to do in one's private life. However, please do not stop writing here; every blog needs a joker
duncan abela
A well written article. My only gripe is that true Mullahs are highly respected educated Islamic scholars versed in all aspects of Islamic theology. What we have here is a local version of religious police like the Basij in Iran and the mutaween in Saudi Arabia. May I suggest that the Gonzis Camilleris and Salamones emulate them further by setting up a committee for the Propogation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPPV) .
What I cannot understand is the attacks against the anti-divorce lobby, in one word we say the church should be democratic and i another one we try to close the mouth of everyone who is against us. Just a note to the author of this article, I telll him that there is an alternative to IVF and it is adoption. With the way the author is criticising only one side I feel that you are biased. Even people from th pl expressed their thoughts against divorce but were forced to vote yes duiring the referendum bill. It think authors like you are more themselves mullahs because they do character assasination. There are people from the pl that expressed their catholic views and are aginst divorce, you are not quoting them so it looks like you are a pl mullah my friend
@Antoine Vella Come out in force against what? Against a law that will regulate separated people and their broken families? What about the law for cohabitation? What are your views on that? That is a law which GonziPN will be launching later on this year. Will the so called catholics, like yourself, also come out in force against that as well? It is about time that you open your eyes. The maltese church is only interested in the money it would loose if the divorce law goes through. It has always been about money and power. Unfortunately people like yourself are being led from their noses, but when the time comes to debate the cohabitation law, the church will stay mum,leaving the people more confused then ever.
SaveGozo, you should stick to the subject, i.e. referendum campaign. Whoever wanted the referendum at all costs should have known what he was unleashing: anyone who was not immature and inexperienced would have guessed that most Catholics - moderates and extremists alike - would come out in force. Instead of insulting Catholics for their beliefs, one should ask why they were put in a position of having to campaign against divorce. . The issue should have been resolved in parliament if and when there was a pro-divorce majority and, yes, there certainly are political responsibilites for this mess.
Matthew, I don't often agree with you on certain topics but on this one you come out with flying colours. No one could have put it better. It is very sad indeed to see these people behaving like the Taliban dressed in western european clothing dictating to all and sundry.
As one famous German author once said - everyone was a Nazi when it was a quick path to promotion and power. The same applies to these people. Their position is so riddle with inconsistencies and their the 'integrity' of their views so conflicted by unprincipled self serving compromises that further their ambitions ... that at the end all that you have are mercenaries and prostitutes for hire. So people who should be ashamed to show their faces in public now offer their opinion on morality. That pretty much sums up this pathetic excuse of a country. If they believed in God for one minute, they would be hiding in shame and fear and not mocking the rest of us.
@ Antoine Vella. What makes you asking for Dr Muscat to resign? Do you live in Malta ? What about Dr Gonzi he should explain to us for literally bankruping us . Will name you some things that you seem unwilling to mention 1 Mater Dei Going You know when you go in but getting hospitalized HUH god knows when . It took PN government over 18 years went to built went over budget by far and we ended up with a less bed occupancy than St Luke`s 2 a pay rise of 500 euros per week while the rest of Malta and Gozo gets 1.16 Euro 3 Water and electricity Bills the Highest in Maltese History Ask a leading hotelier when last week he told Tonio Fenech that his bill went up by 700 thousand euros and also a record number of ordinary people getting their electricity and water disconnected 4 For bringing us a card factory in Gozo and ended up leaving the island without paying it`s employees? Xewkija industrial estate is a Ghost Town 5 For doing up 4 main roads this last 22 years here in Gozo while the rest are over 30 years old since the PL government 6 For dismantling the Helicopter service in Gozo? Let`s stop it here for now 2
BertuDimech, the vote that was "lost" by government was on a motion that Alfred Sant later described as a mistake. How's that for consistency?
Matthew, I confess that I don't hold your views on national interest and illegal immigration, but this article is brilliant. Very well written. NO, NO, NO, I will not let these religious fanatics control my life. They want to take us back to the doom of the 1960s. It's up to us to prevent this. @ Antoine Vella: What the hell has your irrelevant comment has anything to do with the content of this article? Do you always have to find a reason to attack Joseph Muscat? It was JPO who brought this issue into light and in doing so he has managed to show beyond doubt what a archaic party the PN is. What did you expect JM to do? Let me remind you that this new kid on the block is down in history to have caused the PN to loose a vote in parliament. Excuse me if this is a small event. I'm more than certain that Gonzi and his flock will remember it for a long time.
paul sciberras
Mr Vella, why don't you challenge GonziPN to include the exclusion of divorce in his next electoral programme?
Joseph Sant
No indeed Mr Antone Vella, we will not need to look for scapegoats since apparently you have already found one. In this country every evil is always the PL's fault isn't it? Of course, unlike you we do not have such short or thwarted memories. If the PL had not pushed the referendum motion the divorce debate would have died before it was born.... killed by the mullahs in Parliament. And by the way - since when are you in favour of divorce? (Someone turn on the air purifier please.)
All this shows how foolhardy Joseph Muscat was to impose a referendum on the country – how naive and irresponsible. No wonder Alfred Sant indirectly rebuked him and called his motion “a mistake”; never mind that Sant himself had voted in favour of that motion. . Muscat did not dare include divorce in the PL electoral programme as he knew he would lose votes but then, very unwisely, decided to try and force the issue through a half-baked initiative. Did he actually think that Catholics would not mobilise? . If divorce does not pass we should not look for scapegoats – he who insisted on a premature referendum should bear responsibility and resign forthwith.
I wonder what these mullahs would say about the abuses carried out on children by priests all over the world. I wonder what they would say about their friend Gonzipn depriving the charities of Malta of 130,000 euros that were due to Joseph Muscat. They are so Chrisitian, that they would be beatified before their deaths. Indeed they are a rare breed of HYPOCRITES.
Gilbert Bartolo
Prosit Sur Vella... don't let these people YES.
Are we ready to let these mullahs control our lives? judging by the latest polls, yes, unfortunately. This will be the deadknell of Malterse we say in maltese "il-bambin, qabel jiehdok, igennek!!"