Muscat's stand on Spring hunting is disappointing

Despite years of indiscriminate wildlife destruction, Joseph Muscat will continue to stand by those who have a warped and mediocre way of exercising a hobby.

Dear Joseph,

I was very disappointed with your decision to say that you will not ban spring hunting.

I know that you have no special feelings about hunting and needless to say, about wildlife. Indeed, you feel that putting a stop to hunting is not worth it: hunters are too important in this election.

It is a pity that after so many years of indiscriminate wildlife destruction, you continue to stand by those who have a warped and mediocre way of exercising a hobby.

It is the little things that matter, which make me wonder whether it is even worth to visit the polling booth on 9 March (or indeed, ever).

There is little to indicate that you will not win the election on 9 March, but if you think that you can please everybody at the same time, then you are wrong. You have to be strong to gain respect, and you need resolve to govern.

The change that you call for will come about because people are sick and tired of Lawrence Gonzi and his inward form of politics and pig-headed decisions... and more importantly, for allowing a small clique to take over. It is a protest against arrogance and a self-conceited form of governance.

But what happened to the PN, happened to the Labour government years ago. And if you are worried or concerned about corruption and nepotism, then you must realise that it has no political boundaries. Unless you decide to uproot the whole system and shake the soil away from the roots, there is no way you will succeed.

You may superficially succeed or appear to succeed in the beginning but as soon as you settle into the old ways, you will repeat the same mistakes of your predecessors.

I am of course some 11 years older than you, and I think that it is too late for me to change now. I believe you think that just by changing people you can start a fresh page. Indeed, some people need to go and the PN needs to regain some respect and humility... but...

It will take more than that. You will need to introduce new standards, and promote a very clear foundation for effective checks and balances. And where possible, a transparent and accountable structure. You will need good people, who aren't excessively  interested in themselves, their pockets and their ego.

Easier said than done.

But if you fail, you must know that there will be very little respect or understanding for your failures.


Saviour Balzan

Jien ha nivvota labour ghax irrid kacca miftuha.
Saviour at least you should have taken notice of three things that Joseph said. !. There is no way that a revision of the agreement with the EU can be made and will not attempt to make. 2. Illegal hunting will not be tolerated 3. PL will work within EU parameters including those derogatives EU permits. What more can one ask for. This is true respect of everyone's rights and not playing one side against the other. The demise of hunting can only come by time and by education rather than legislation.
I've been an AD vote for 20 years, and I like the tremendous improvements which PL have done to the party, but on environmental issues PL are still far from convincing. No. 2 is the highest I am ready to give them for the moment.
David Bongailas
@maltese.....funny that you should attack "labour bloggers" for disagreeing with Saviour Balzan on this one. Aren't you and your nationalist friends always attacking this newspaper for being too anti-pn ???
I am strongly against hunting but we must respect the rights of hunters within the law and any regulations must be strictly followed by hunter`s. We are not less than other Europeans.
@mr j.farrugia Of course you do not agree with him. Is it beacause he is attacking the PL? It is incredible how many labour bloggers think that Saviour is only right when he attcks the PN. Probably you are a labour supporter. How poor.
Where is my comment dear editor. Did it bother you?
Saviour, Kumbinazzjoni ghadni kif smajt lil Carmen Sammut u lil Michael Falzon minn fuq din il-pagna stess u tkellmu dwar JM u l-kwistjoni tal-kacca. Michael Falzon ukoll ikkonferma li dak li qal JM huwa korrett - jigifieri li n-negozjati ma jistghux jergghu jinfethu, imma jista' jinnegozja deroga fil-parametri tal-ligijiet tal-EU. Michael Falzon ikkonferma li hemm hafna pajjizi li ghandhom hafna derogi dwar dan. Jien ma naqbilx mal-kacca, imma jekk fl-EU kulhadd ghandu jkun trattat l-istess, allura ghaliex il-kaccaturi Maltin ghandhom ikunu mcahhda minn xi haga li haddiehor qed igawdi minnha?? Jekk l-EU hija verament gusta, imissha tnehhi d-derogi lill-pajjizi l-ohra, imma sakemm dawn jibqghu jkunu mhaddma, allura ma naghtix tort lil JM jaqbez ghad-drittijiet li haddiehor qed igawdi. We are no children of a lesser god.
Ghalkemm nammirak u naqbel mieghek fuq hafna aspetti tal-gurnalizmu li int tahdem bieh, jiddispjacini izda fuq din il-kwestjoni tal-kacca u l-insib mhux talli ma naqbilx izda talli ghalija int il-bniedem li ttradejt il-mandat li nghatalek mill-PN ( ghalkemm cert li kien kollox orkestrat mieghek), biex tinnegozja dak li sippost kellu ikun 'fair deal' fuq dan is-suggett. Minflok int li kulhadd jaf kemm int kontrina n-nassaba u l-kaccaturi , uzajt din l-opportunita biex teqridna flimkien mal-PN. Ma nistax issa nifhem kif wara li kellna sentenza mill-ECJ li giet accettata (ta bilfors ) anke minn GonziPN, ser tkompli flimkien ma shabek tal Birdlife twebbes rasek u tinsisti li tinqata l-kacca fir-rebbiegha b'deroga. Serrah rasek li dan qatt mu ser isehh ghax ahna sejrin dalwaqt niehdu dak li hu taghna legalment taht il-birds directive, xejn aktar u xejn inqas u dan ovvjament jinkludi l-insib limitat ghall ta l-ghana li int ghent biex teqridulna ukoll. Insellimlek Salv u nixtieqlek is-sahha.
@Marina. Indeed a drowning woman would clutch at a straw. Just to replenish your fading memory. Have you conveniently forgotten who was the person that sent thousands of personal letters to Drydocks, Airmalta, Maltacom and the hunters themselves that under a new PN government assuring them that their conditions would be better ? Yes he did this as Prime Minister of Malta and not as leader of the PN. Which dear Marina, makes it worse. We are in the EU thanks to you and me , but now we just cannot get out of the EU for the hunters' sake and Joe Muscat was man enough to state this. We have to obey Eu rules BUT Maltese hunters would definitely not be inferior to their European counterparts.
JM is just following in the PN's footsteps. We all know that we have to follow EU rules,and JM knows it. So no revelations here. The PN worked within those rules for hunting throughout the decade, and applied the derogations on hunting. On other issues, it sticks out a mile that PN have been successful in all the fields, particularly in the economic fields; low unemployment, economic growth, no austerity measures, no reduction in salaries and wages and pensions. As for the national debt let's not forget the subsistence to the drydocks for so many years. Even so, the debt per capita is a fraction of the US and of several EU states, just Eur 12 500. Compare that figure with that os other |EU states and you will see that it is relatively low. The reference to arrogance and clique is a matter of personal interpretation. Surely, it's nothing compared to what used to happen during the Mintoff era.
Sur Balzan, Bir-rispett kollu int lanqas wiehed li tista titkellem fuq il-kacca, u se nghidlek ghalfejn. Il- PN avdak biex tmur taghmel in-negozjati mal- EU ghan-nom tal-kaccaturi u n-nassaba, kontra il-pariri li tatu l-FKNK, ghax biex tkun gust biex taghmel negozjati tajbin trid tkun PRO Kacca u mhux ANTI Kacca bhal ma int int. Ahna il-kaccaturi u nassaba qeghdin fejn qeghdin it-tort tieghek ghax int ma innegozjajtx tajjeb ghax, forsi ma tafx kif, jew forsi ma ridtx. X'misna naghmlu ahna il-kaccaturi meta naraw persuna bhalek ANTI Kacca mort tinnegozja f'ismi minghajr jien ma tajtek f'iducja. Ghidilhom lin-nies li int mort tinnegozja ghalina, u gibtu lil Varhoigen taparsi li ghandna pakket specjali. Ma tkellimt xejn dak in-nhar ghax kien jaqbillek hekk ux. Imma bis-sahha tar-rieda soda tal-FKNK u l-avukati ta fiducja taghha flimkien ma l-avukat generali irnexxilna nirbhu kawza mitlufa u illum iva nistaw ingawdu ftit min dak li tlifna, bit-tort tieghek. Din hija il-verita. Nispera li iggib dan il-kumment. Dejjem tieghek, Clayton Borg
Saviour,I am anot a hunter. I see nothing wrong in letting hunters excdersize their hobby on the same basses as other EU countries are doing. This is what Muscat has promised. But an important think is that Dr Muscat listens and take real consideration. That is the reason I will vote Labour this time
Savior, One cannot please all the people all of the time. And no one is perfect, I would advise to choose the best of both teams. The team that at least respects you.
The bloggers on Maltatoday are almost all labour. What a pity. Unfortunately your article is one of the few against labour. Your newspaper has been churning out only negative tings about the PN. Why dont you say anything about the €1000000000 Gonzi got from the EU? The people have to realise that only by voting the PN can change come. With Labour we will default.
Bir-rispett kollhu, jiena namirak fejn jidhlu skandli u fejn hija serjeta, imma fuq din l issue ma naqbel xejn mieghek. Jien niskanta kif il gvern kien batt lilek personali biex tinegozja xi haga fuq il kacca meta inti bniedem kontra il kacca all-out. Kif tista igib pakkett tajjeb lil kaccaturi u in nassaba meta min mar jinegozja f isimhom huwa kontra id delizju taghhom. F dan ir rigward kulhadd ghandu l opinjoni tieghu, il ligi tal EU tatna id dritt li nikkacjaw fir rebbiegha u issa dan ma jista inehieh hadd. Issa kull ma ghandu bzonn il pajjiz mexxej li ikun jaf japplika id derogi sura ta nies u jghati id drittijiet li jisthoqilhom lil kaccaturi u mhux ninponi iktar ligijiet li ma hemmx bzonn fuq dan id delizzju.
@marina: OMG how pathetic you are. The PL campaign was professionally laid to the brim. The GOnziPN campaign was amateurish and pathetic. The PN has nothing to offer and thus they are reverting to mudslinging to cover their own mountain of dirt. Your orgasm on Gonzi is so pathetic. He has contributed to 1/3 of the National debt, has failed on many fronts such as energy and transport (to mention 2) and squandered millions of euros of our hard earned money. After 9 March hopefully Malta will see the light. Dear Saviour, JM was at least honest and didn't try to please one side or another. I am against hunting too but at least the PL was clear while the PN has already changed many versions in a couple of days. This letter you should have directed it to Gonzi.
Saviour jien dejjem kelli rispett lejk u jibqa jkolli , imma fuq din ma naqbel xejn mieghek . Jien ma nafx l-anqas naqbad senter b`idi imma b`daqsek ma fissirx li minn ihob il kacca hu xi kriminal l-anqas. Int ghandek l-opinjoni tieghek u hadd iehor ghandu tieghu , imma int li grejt u siefirt hafna aktar minni , insaqsik jekk hawnx xi pajjis li abolixxa il kacca minn pajjizu ? U haga ohra , id deroga tal kacca Joseph ghamilha ? Hu kien car bizzejjed u qal li hemm ser jibqa hemm u jekk il kaccaturi ghandhom xi haga niqsa minn kaccaturi barranin naraw li jigu l-istess. Int ghandek kull dritt li ma tmurx il pooling boot f` 9 ta Marzu , imma nahseb li hemm hafna izjed affarijiet serji minn din ghalix wiehed ghandu jmur jivvota .
Marina quote: Gonzi is the safer choice. I am not yet prepared to become poorer! Lol with €5billion debts , all assets gone with pittance of just €980million and gold reserves vanished, besides debts at Government entities amounting to another €1.5billion. Where is all that money gone? We haven't even yet started to pay the Delimara Power Station which was built in 1993, the oil scandals with Ministers like Austin Gatt and Tonio Fenech surely make one wonder where all this squandered money is, adding by giving us €1.16 a week increase in wages and yet they increased their weekly wage to €500 . I am not prepared to become poorer so PL is the safer choice
There will be not respect for lies, so watch out.
@marina...had Gonzi been a CEO in an international with a good reputation company, he will have been encouraged to resign politely. If you do not have such experience in big international organisations..just zip your lips. No shareholders in big organisations would risk a reputation risk. On the other hand big international organisations do not encourage comfort zones but instill a culture of thinking about change as a positive change. To Saviour Balzan I say, Malta taghna lkoll. I am against hunters but I do encounter hunters in my area. They are not as bad as they say. Everybody has the right to relax to destress himself. I think that the hunting season has been reduced alot and restrictive comapred prior to 2004. I would rather enforce the law of those who breech the law and raise again the age of when a person may apply for a gun license. Don't forger that the PN have lowered the age.
Had Joseph Muscat also fooled you Saviour Balzan. Is it the issue on Spring hunting that has made you come to your senses Saviour Balzan? Have you not realised how populist the whole PL campaign and marketing has been? Nor Joseph Muscat, nor Laurence Gonzi will "shake the soil away from the roots". Politics is what it is every in the world (bar switzerland) and you who has seen more then the average voter should know this. Malta needs Gonzi to be re-elected this time round as we run the risk of a Mr Hollande II on our little island. Gonzi's team have managed to negotiate seriously important funds from the EU and kept the economy going stronger then most other european countries. If Gonzi was a private company CEO, I bet my last euro all shareholders would agree to extend his contract. And although a prime minister is not a company CEO, I still wish to reduce the risk on my investments. Gonzi is the safer choice. I am not yet prepared to become poorer!
Dear Saviour, maybe this issue should have been sorted before the EU referendum once and for all..dont you think it is a little too much to place on PL now...a number of people were satisfied with the EU derogation so why bring it up now again. thank you..
Saviour, but why should Maltese and Gozitan hunters be denied the hobby they have been practicing for so many years, as long as they are within the parameters of EU rules which allow derogations. And when ALL hunters in other EU states are also allowed to practice this hobby or sport , just because you hate Hunting ?
Dear Editor, Give the man a chance, his party is not in Government yet. I cannot agree with you about the hunting issue as the little hunting we do in Spring is according to the European Court of Justice as established in Strasbourg. So why do you expect us to have inferior conditions than other European Union hunters and trappers? Apart from this the other comments made by you are in my opinion fair and correct. peter camilleri
Dear Mr Balzan, this message is written with respect. The content of your letter is valid, but do you really think you are being rational when you say "It is the little things that matter, which make me wonder whether it is even worth to visit the polling booth on 9 March (or indeed, ever)." Can you sit at home, like Achilles in his tent, when so many other crucial issues are at stake? Do you really believe that Labour can fight the battle and win on all fronts? WHO EVER HAS? Just like we got there on the divorce issue, just like we will get there on legislation for cleaner politics, for more gay rights ... who do you think is more likely to work genuinely and without deceit on the hunting issue between PN and PL? Does it all have to happen at once? What has the PN done to help the hunting/trapping lobby to make the switch to other options? How easy is it? I stopped smoking and I stopped trapping ... both were equally painful. Just as divorce was unthinkable five years ago, time can help to make the solution to issues meshed in our traditions: like excessive fireworks and hunting, more accessible. But will sitting at home help the turtledoves and the night herons?
Sur Saviour Balzan jiena kontra l-kacca bhalek pero tinsiex li la int ivvotajt ghal biex nidhlu membri fl-EU irriedu nimxu skont id direttivi taghha kolla, issa jekk se toqghod sejjer ghax Muscat ghandu jabolixxi il kacca u n-nassaba b'xi referendum kif iried Gonzi waqt li stqarra waqt dibattitu li organizzata it-Tmes hekk fic cert tigi kontra r-regola tal EU ghax Spring hunting ha jibqa , inti mid dehra trida hobla u tredda li ma jistax ikun qatt. Naf li kieku Malta nghamlu referendum fuq il kacca u nsieb jghaddi fejn jigi abolixxiet imma nsaqsi lilek issa dan li speci ta referendum qatt sar f'xi pajjiz iehor ta L-EU? Qieghed insaqsi ghax vera inti bniedem li nammira li tghid u hdimt kemm flaht ghad demokrazijja ghax li ma kontx int ma kienux jinkiexfu l-iskandli taz zejt fejn hemm ninzalek il kappell. Muscat ta onest li hu qal li ma tistax thalli l-kacca deccedi r-regolamenti ta L-EU, jigifieri kif inhuma issa r-regoli se jibqaw, ma qghadx joqghod jigdeb bhal Simon u EFA li l-kacca mhux sejra tintmiss meta issa nafu x'gara , pero dejjem ta onest li hu ma qalx li se jiftah xi staguni zejda ghax ha jimxi mar regoli , li hemm hemm, u hekk se jibqa , jigifieri ma ta xejn xi tghama lil kaccaturi li jiehdu izjed milli jghidu r-regoli tal l-EU. Mghandekx ghalfejn ma tmurx tivvota ghal PL jew A.D. ghax li qal Gonzi li jghamel referendum biex jabolixxi l-kacca ma jistax . Mur ara jekk sarietx f'xi pajjiz iehor, jekk jistax jghamila , risposta le u int la vvotajt ghal biex nidhlu fl-EU dmirek li ma jkunx hawn kacca aktar milli tippermetti l-ligi u dak li qal Joseph Muscat infatti jried li jsir Sanctuary iehor biex l-ghasafar fin naha ta isfel ta Malta jigu protetti , Muscat ghalhekk qal hekk biex ikun hawn l-armonijja biex jkollna natura protetta imma rigward kacca u nsieb ma tistax tnehhieha qatt ghal kollox min dan il pajjiz u nassigurak l-anqas min xi pajjiz li hu membru tal EU.