[WATCH] Why Labour hasn’t criticised Adrian Delia

In today’s video-blog, MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan comments on last night’s PN leadership debate and questions why the Labour Party has refused to criticise Adrian Delia

As Nationalist councillors prepare to vote in tomorrow’s preliminary round of elections, MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan questions why Labour has refused to criticise Adrian Delia, one of the contenders.

Balzan points out that the Labour Party however chose to hit out at two other notable contestants.

He opines that PN die-hards have now turned against columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia because they see Delia as the man who can lead them to an election win.

“Political temperature will reach new highs and both leaders will end up spending most of their time defending their patch and attacking each other,” Balzan says.

He went on to question Frank Portelli’s credentials and objects to the accusation that MaltaToday had called on the electorate to vote for Labour. In fact, Balzan adds, all journalists at MediaToday were

free to express their political preference.