Did we really need to sacrifice the small on-board bag at that particular altar?
No. 222 - New Horizons With No Baggage
What are we skinning? The new national airline - KM Malta, aka Air Malta 2.0 - announcing that it will no longer allow passengers to board with an extra piece of hand luggage over-and-above the 'small bag', for 'free'.
Why are we skinning it? Because such a decision cuts to the quick of what makes the Maltese tick: resistance to most forms of change, especially those which require them to cough up more cash than they're accustomed to.
But the whole issue with Air Malta was that it wasn't profitable in the least. Yes, so some changes are to be expected.
We can't have a State-subsidised airline bleeding money for another quarter of a century or so, can we? Of course not, but did we really need to sacrifice the small on-board bag at that particular altar?
What would you rather sacrifice? Actually, I'd rather not be talking about sacrifice when dealing with a process which requires the delicate transportation of human beings across the skies, where both comfort AND safety is paramount.
I still don't think we should pay through the nose for every little commodity if we want to go on holiday. Particularly given that we live on a tiny island.
If anything, the government should provide us with a regular quota of free trips away from its confines for the sake of our wellbeing. That's a great idea. It would certainly save them a lot of hassle further down the line.
Yes. Travel-happy citizens are less likely to protest, for example. Or complain about airline baggage fees.
Who ARE these people who go on holiday packing just a messenger bag or something? People who hate clothes.
Do say: "While it's a truth universally acknowledged that the Air Malta business model needed a drastic overhaul, introducing yourself to the population by forcing austerity upon them does not augur good vibes.
Don't say: "If I'm to travel as light as the new airline wants me to, I would expect them to provide me with a pre-paid servant to follow me around and dress me all throughout the duration of my holiday."