Loggerhead turtle lays eggs at Ghadira Bay
Malta now has three active turtle nests in its beaches

A Loggerhead turtle has laid eggs on one of Malta’s most popular beaches, Ghadira Bay.
Environment and Resource Authority (ERA) and Nature Trust Malta went on site and confirmed the sighting on Wednesday night.
This is the third nesting of the year, after one in Ramla Bay in May, and another in July in Golden Bay.
An Emergency Conservation Order (ECO) will be issued by ERA to ensure more direct protection to the nesting area. Excessive noise and artificial light pose a danger to the eggs and hatchlings, and so people are advised to take caution when in the vicinity.
This is the first time on record that Malta is hosting three turtle nests simultaneously.
ERA is calling for the public’s collaboration in reducing impacts to such nests and that any observations of any turtle activity or environmental illegality should be immediately reported to ERA on 9921 0404 or [email protected].
The Loggerhead turtle is a long-living, slowly maturing marine species that inhabits tropical to warm temperate areas.
This species is classified as globally endangered by the World Conservation Area (IUCN) and is also protected by various national and international legislation.