72. Churchyard Beetle

It’s not a cockroach, it’s a beetle: flightless, harmless, clean, lumbering and minding its own business. It’s called Churchyard Beetle not because it feeds on dead people, but because it likes shady places, if a bit damp all the better. It’s also the reason why we call it Hanfusa tal-Kantini in Maltese, cellars too being shady and cool. The Churchyard Beetle is very active at this time of the year, and a walk where there’s plenty of shade and little or no undergrowth should give you a sighting of this shiny black, rather large insect. It’s also common to see females walking about with the smaller males riding piggyback, having their private moment - in which case, do not disturb!

Text and photo by Victor Falzon.

Copyright to Birdlife Malta.