[WATCH] 10 things we have learnt from our double interview with Joseph Muscat and Simon Busuttil
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil asked on their likes and dislikes, what they think of each other, and what they would do if they were invisible for a day

Both men started off as reporters, served as members of the European Parliament and went on to lead their political party; MaltaToday has now discovered that while Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil share similar tastes – both prefer Batman to Superman – they couldn’t be more different.
Admittedly, this is the silly season for newspapers, so we sat down with both leaders for 10 minutes for a light Q&A session.
It turned out to be extremely revealing: Muscat thinks that Busuttil’s best quality is that he “keeps himself fit” whilst Busuttil thinks that Muscat’s worst quality is his “bluffing”.
Both men like what they see in the mirror and both believe in God. “I am a proud practising Catholic,” Busuttil adds.
Both politicians are looking forward for their summer holidays, an opportunity to spend time with their children and loved ones; Muscat is currently learning about the history of Sicily condensed in 400 pages, while Busuttil has immersed himself in the ‘The Art of Political Lying’.
10 things we've learnt from our double interview
1. Muscat considers himself to be hardworking, fit and good-humoured; Busuttil describes himself as being “determined, determined, determined”
2. If they were to be fictitious characters, Muscat would choose to be Corto Maltese and Peter Pan whilst Busuttil would want to be Spiderman
3. If they could be invisible, Muscat would sit in Republic Street and listen to what the people are saying; Busuttil would use the opportunity to see what his 19-year-old son is up to
4. Muscat’s proudest moment was the introduction of civil unions; for Busuttil it was becoming leader of the Nationalist Party
5. When it comes to computer technology, Muscat prefers Windows as opposed to Busuttil, who prefers Apple
6. There would be no arguing if the two were to be in a room with Italian actress Monica Bellucci and Australian actress Nicole Kidman: Muscat would choose Bellucci and Busuttil would go for Kidman
7. Both like watching House of Cards, prefer the Beatles to the Rolling Stones and enjoy their single malt
8. Despite their different political beliefs, both prefer Theresa May to Jeremy Corbyn as UK Prime Minister
9. Busuttil thinks that Muscat is “a good communicator” whilst Muscat thinks that Busuttil lacks a sense of humour
10. In the end, we learnt that Muscat is diffident about singing, but give Busuttil a tune and show him the lyrics, and you’ll have him trolling