'Do not get tougher on migrants' - Beppe Fenech Adami

Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami urges government to stand firm and not give in to pressures to be tougher on migrants in Malta.

Sectors of the electorate are demanding government to act differently and be tougher with migrants living in Malta, Beppe Fenech Adami said in Parliament this afternoon.

"I appeal to the minister responsible for migration not to give in to pressures by who wants to sow seeds of hatred against migrants living in Malta," Fenech Adami said. He called on the government to dispel extremist views and show solidarity to vulnerable people.

While urging the government to maintain the previous government's stance at a European level in regards to Malta's position in terms of migration, Fenech Adami called on the government "not to give in to pressures" to be tough on migrants.

The Nationalist Opposition's decision to vote for the 2013 Budget was not a vote of confidence in the new Labour government but the PN was only being consistent, MP Beppe Fenech Adami noted.

Speaking in Parliament this afternoon, Fenech Adami said that the Opposition was voting in favour of the budget because the party believed that the budget originally presented by former PN minister Tonio Fenech had to be implemented.

On the other hand the "opportunist" Labour Party had conveniently voterd against the budget in December but was now presenting the same budget, he added.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat claimed that the Opposition's vote in favour of the budget translated into a vote of confidence in his administration. 

Turning to the justice sector, the former home affairs parliamentary secretary described the home affairs and justice ministry  led by Manuel Mallia as a "mega ministry," and challenged the minister to explain why the Public Broadcasting Services was also included in his portfolio.

"The government is not motivated by ideology but by populism and convenience, practicing a scratch my back and I'll scratch yours attitude," Fenech Adami said, adding that despite "savagely tearing into the previous government's decision to have justice and home affairs grouped together in one ministry, the new government went on to have the two portfolios grouped together." .  

Fenech Adami, touted for the vacant PN deputy leadership post said the Labour government was appointing persons in the justice sector, courts and the police corps who had lent Labour a helping hand during the electoral campaign.

"I hope that important posts in the police corps are not adjudicated according to the faces which endorsed the Labour Party in the electoral campaign," he said.

One of the persons who appeared on Labour's billboards was MEPA officer Audrey Harrison, married to assistant police commissioner Neil Harrison.

He added that the principle of meritocracy which was one of Labour's battlecries in the electoral campaign had already been thrown out of the window by the new government, judging by appointments made in the police corps. 

The next MP to address the House was former justice and home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, who resigned in 2012 following a vote of no confidence, stressed the importance of fast screening processes of migrants.

He added that migrants "should always be treated with dignity and respect," underlining the vulnerability of migrants who reach our shores.

Describing the home affairs ministry as "a mega aircraft carrier" Mifsud Bonnici urged home affairs minister Manuel Mallia to implement reforms cautiously.

He also said that the pairing of justice and home affairs within the same ministry, vindicated the PN's decision to have the two portfolios grouped together. 



'sow seeds of hatred'Beppe? what are you saying? you had 10 years and a previous 10years with your father in power is sur Eddie to solve the problems of illegal emigrants, are you forgeting how many of these illegal emigrants died under Gonzi with the last one kept in a fridge for two years and the authopsy never revealed!! yes we need a government with a strong hand on the so called illegal emigrants and they should without delay be sent back to their native country. It is my opinion that you should along with your father start a new party with these illegal emigrants because personally they are the only people left who would vote for the fenech adami's
Was Dr Beppe Fenech Adami elected to represent the interests of the Maltese people or the interests of illegal immigrants?
Dr Beppe Fenech Adami,l-oppozizzjoni ma kellha ebda għazla flief li tivvota favur il-budget għax li kieku ma għamlitx hekk kienet tkun qed tibgħat messaġġ li lanqas hi stess ma kellha fiduċja fiħ. Li tgħid li il-gvern zamm l-istess budget għax hu budget tajjeb,tkun qed tgħid ħrafa għax inti taf tajjeb li meta jinbidel il-gvern wara elezzjoni,speċjalment meta din tkun saret fil-bidu tas-sena,il-gvern elett dejjem izomm il-budget li jkun għameli il-gvern ta' qablu għall dik is-sena. Ikun matul it-tieni sena tiegħu li dak il-gvern elett li fil-verita' jagħmel l-ewwel budget tiegħu.
Issa ahjar, GonziPN irid jghallem lil PL x'inhi l- meritokrazija! DR Fenech Adami qatt ma ghaddielu minn mohhu jaqra xi script klassiku fuq l- meritokrazzija meta damu 25 fil-Gvern? Issa se jaqghalu
I ask one simple question: Is Beppe ready to home all these illegal imigrants in his home , since I dont.
Was Dr Beppe Fenech Adami elected to represent the interests of the Maltese people or the interests of illegal immigrants?
Was Dr Beppe Fenech Adami elected to represent the interests of the Maltese people or the interests of illegal immigrants?
Beppe Fenech Adami the opposition is voting for the budget because a certain arrogant PN Minister is no longer there. Call a spade a spade. If this certain Minister had resigned in the first place the budget would have passed with no problem. The writing on the wall was there all along. "decision to have justice and home affairs grouped together in one ministry, the new government went on to have the two portfolios grouped together." The reason they did not agree with the previous idea of joining the two departments is because the PN had nobody capable of running the justice and home affairs together. Same like they did not have anybody experienced enough to run the Public Transportation Department. Call a spade a spade. On the Illegal Immigrants situation why didn't your administration insist on the Sharing Promise that the other 26 EU States vowed to follow. Malta is the scapegoat for the EU and the EX Administration saw it fit to jump when the EU ordered them to do so, and all they said was show me the money and did not care what the Maltese people thought. But the Government squandered 4000,000,000 million euros to find out if divorce was to enter our country. These illegal immigrants are forcing themselves on our country and sometimes taking away jobs from the local people. I don't think these illegal Immigrants have invaded close to where you live. Why not ask the people of Birzebbugia, the people of Marsa, the people of Hal Safi to tell you the load they are putting on the local citizens. Talking is cheap Mr Fenech Adami, but doing the walking is not that easy. Stop trying to make points at somebody else's expense. You had your turn now let somebody else have theirs and do not listen to too many profitable NGO's because they are doing most of it for money. Mr Fenech Adami you have five years to come back and make things right. In the meantime remember that everything going to the illegal immigrants is being taken away from our children. If in doubt ask Minister Coleiro-Prega.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks the saying goes. Experience can be used to make better younger LEADERS that is lacking in all levels, while the younger generation can re-interpret that experience to the present and make it relevant, but there is a place for all generations at different levels of responsibility.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks the saying goes. Experience can be used to make better younger LEADERS that is lacking in all levels, while the younger generation can re-interpret that experience to the present and make it relevant, but there is a place for all generations at different levels of responsibility.
beppe and the rest of the pn group, with or without your vote, budget will pass.Quoting your ex buffon aust or ag when he said with five members more, there is no need for the opposition to come to parliament, so imagine with nine+.
It was the PN government who signed the Dublin 2 treaty which forces us to force immigrants to stay here against their will and it was the PN government who failed to act tough with the EU to make sure that mandatory burden sharing is implemented. Incompetence by the PN EUphiles has reduced us in this sad situation which is hurting both locals and immigrants alike.
It was the PN government who signed the Dublin 2 treaty which forces us to force immigrants to stay here against their will and it was the PN government who failed to act tough with the EU to make sure that mandatory burden sharing is implemented. Incompetence by the PN EUphiles has reduced us in this sad situation which is hurting both locals and immigrants alike.