Woman charged with abortion handed down conditional discharge by court
Pro-choice NGO Doctors for Choice says woman charged with abortion was handed down conditional discharge by court
A woman charged with abortion has been handed down a conditional discharge, Doctors for Choice have said on Facebook.
“What should have never happened, happened today: a Maltese woman was brought to court facing charges of having a medical abortion at home,” the pro-choice NGO has said.
The NGO said its legal team assisted her throughout the ordeal and she was released with a conditional discharge.
The case was heard behind closed doors, and details are scarce.
“We are informed that throughout the investigation and the entire proceedings she was treated with the dignity and respect that she deserves by the police and our justice system,” the NGO said. “Whilst we appreciate that, it does not change the fact that this should have never, ever happened in the first place.”
Doctors for Choice said access to abortion is a basic part of healthcare, and to have women prosecuted for it locally “should put us all to shame.”
A press release will be issued by the NGO in the coming hours.