Community service for drug addict who robbed her parents €50,000
41-year-old drug addict condemned to 150 hours of community service and placed under a treatment order after admitting to robbing her parents to sustain drug habit.

A 41-year-old drug addict has been condemned to 150 hours of community service after admitting to robbing her elderly parents of €50,000 in jewellery to sustain her drug habit,
Sonia Bajada, 41, of Msida – who is also a kleptomaniac - also pleaded guilty to misguiding the police, and to handling stolen property.
Sources close to the investigation said that on October 31, police were informed that a burglary had occurred in Triq Mons Arturo Bonnici, Msida. Inside, police discovered that the thief made off with gold, silver, and cash.
However, Police Inspector Jason Francis Sultana told the court that upon entering, police did not find any signs of a break in, and that the signs intended on misguiding the police.
The court heard that after the accused’s father informed the police that his daughter is a drug addict, police called in the accused and interrogated her. During her questioning, the accused admitted to making off with the €50,000 loot, and told the police that she had sold of the items to sustain her drug habit.
The accused has since been forgiven, while some of the stolen items have been recovered.
In his decree, Magistrate Carol Peralta underlined that the main problem lies at the accused’s drug addiction – rather than the theft itself.
“Your parents gave you several chances to reform but you lost their trust. You cannot go on like this, a solution must be found to tackle your drug problem.”
“I am warning you, you better take me seriously. Your parents gave you several opportunities but you betrayed them and took advantage of them. You will not do the same to me,” the Magistrate warned.
Consequently, the magistrate condemned Bajada to 150 hours of community service and placed under a treatment order for three years. Moreover, the magistrate underlined that his sentence was out of respect “for the accused’s father and the defence lawyer,” as otherwise she would have risked further consequences and possibly jail.
Police Inspector Jason Francis Sultana prosecuted, while Lawyer Michael Sciriha appeared for the accused.