Majority highly concerned over increase in cost of living
Survey finds almost 70% are highly worried about rise in prices
The majority of people are highly concerned about the increase in cost of living, a survey published on Sunday has revealed.
Almost 70% of respondents in a survey carried out by Illum voiced their concerned at the high cost of living.
The 51-65 age group are the most worried over the increase, with 75% saying they are highly concerned.
70.3% of the 36-50 age bracket said they were very concerned with the increase in cost of living, followed by the 16-35 age group at 65.3%.
Only 3% of respondents said they were not worried about inflation in prices, with 20% saying they were mildly concerned.
The Gozitan region saw the highest number of respondents voicing their worry of the increase in prices, with 78.3% saying they were very concerned.
Residents of the Southern Harbour region were the residents voicing the biggest concern (76%), while South Eastern region residents were the least concerned (62%).
Female respondents (72%) are also the demographic most concerned about the increase in cost of living when compared to their male counterparts (65%).