MaltaToday survey out on Sunday

New MaltaToday survey shows voting intentions and trust in main political leaders

A new MaltaToday survey will be released on Sunday, gauging support for the political parties as we head into the last two weeks of the European election campaign.

The survey also presents findings on the trust levels enjoyed by Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition leader Bernard Grech.

This is MaltaToday’s third survey during this election campaign. So far, our polls have consistently given the Labour Party a significant advantage over its main rival, the Nationalist Party.

MaltaToday will also publish the Government Performance Barometer, a gauge introduced last year that asks respondents to rate the administration’s performance.

MaltaToday has been carrying out regular political surveys for more than 20 years.

The survey findings will be released in the print edition of MaltaToday, accompanied by easy to read graphs.