PN says Prime Minister willing to meet Moviment Iva

Representatives of the pro-divorce lobby today complained of not having been granted a meeting with the prime minister.

The Nationalist Party has said a request made by pro divorce lobby Moviment Iva on 15 November to meet the Prime Minister could not be acceded to until the PN's internal discussion on its stand on divorce was completed.

"We informed Moviment Iva that the PN leader would meet after the party concludes its discussion," the PN said in a statement today after Iva complained of not having been granted a meeting.

"Although there was no request after the PN's meetings, the party has confirmed the prime minister's availability to meet Moviment Iva," the PN said.

In a statement toda, the Moviment Iva said they had asked to meet the Prime Minister as far back as last November 15.

“We were told that the Prime Minister could not see us because it would be opportune to wait for the conclusion of the parliamentary debate, which has long been concluded,” the movement said, adding that since then no reply had been forthcoming.

The pro-divorce movement stressed that it saw no reason for the Prime Minister not to agree to a meeting with them. The movement expressed its disappointment however, at the fact that while the Prime Minister has seemingly ignored the request to meet them, the Prime Minister found time to meet with the anti-divorce movement.

Take away our hearts of stone, and give us a heart of flesh. A Yes Vote to implement a caring, concerned and compassionate response to marital breakdowns. I hope that you will make every effect to give a resounding YES on the 28th of May to civil rights, compassion,generosity and courageous concern
That's right Kikku ... Gonzi is ecclesiatical sperm. For Gonzi it would mean a publicity stunt for his followers.
Christopher Briffa
I can't understand why they would want to meet the Prime Minister. It the same like before every election, when he met up with the hunters, contractors, environmentalists and all the various interest groups, promised the sky and delivered nothing. This PN Government only listens and receives instructions from the Church.
Xejn ma nighed IVA Movement Analyse his words carefully before you respond to him. He's got a Jesuit tongue (forked) He is clever at making utterly nonsensical statements which nonetheless sound meaningful. So take a deep breath before you retaliate.
About time Gonzipn li tiltaqa man-naha l-ohra. Jew forsi anka int deheritlek il-Madonna u qaltlek li mhux sew kif qed taghmel,. Bhal meta dehret lil siehbek Tonio cucmalti Fenech li deheritlu ukoll u qaltlu li hi imnikkta bid-divorzju f'Malta. Jien nahseb li ic-cucmalti dawwarha ghax ibqa zgur li l-Madonna kienet inkwetata biz-zieda qawwija li hadu fil-paga minn wara dahar il-poplu u mhux bid-divorzju li fuq kollox jezisti fil-pajjizi kolla tal-Ewropa Kattolici.
Ghandna prim ministru li ma jafx jisthi ! Possibbli dan il-bniedem kien imexxi l-Azzjoni Kattolika f'pajjizna ?? Gonzi ma jridx jiltaqa mal-moviment favur divorzju responsabbli ghax jaf li quddiemhom ma jkunx jista jghid ic-cucati li jghid quddiem il-partitarji tieghu ! Per ezempju, li kieku jkollna d-divorzju, il-mizzewgin isiru "gharajjes ". Jigifieri ghal Gonzi, il-mizzewgin tad-dinja kollha huma kollha GHARAJJES U MHUX MIZZEWGIN !!! U llum qal ohra- li " s-socjeta trid tkun sottomessa ghal-familji u mhux il-kontra "! Mela s-socjeta x'inhi ? Mhix il-familji maltin u Ghawdxin kollha flimkien ?! Ara kieku jghid dawn l-affarijiet meta jkun qieghed mal-kbarat tal-Ewropa kemm jiddiehqu bih !. Eddy Privitera
jekk jintaqa makom tahtfu kate