No-divorce lobby accused of ‘mischaracterising marriage’

Zwieg bla Divorzju and Moviment Iva take divorce debate on campus.

It was perhaps one of the most animated debates in the run-up to the 28 May referendum on divorce.

The two camps in the divorce debate faced a crowd of some 80 university students at the quadrangle at Tal-Qroqq, thrashing out vital aspects of the divorce bill and in the process, offered some comic relief in the put-downs traded between both sides.

“Zwieg Bla Divorzju are trying to make us believe that men wake up in the morning to see their wife has gone beyond a size 10, and decide to divorce them,” former Nationalist MP Michael Falzon said, to the laughter of the audience, referring to the claim by Anna Vella, the president of the Church’s Cana Movement.

“This is a frivolous mischaracterisation of marriage. They insult our sense of marriage, portray man as cats on heat who leave women when they grow fat.”

A contentious exchange developed between Dr Austin Bencini of Zwieg Bla Divorzju, and Dr Deborah Schembri, the chairperson of Moviment Iva, over claims that spouses could divorce instantly after four years of marriage.

In their brief introductions, Bencini said Malta’s social conditions shows the country was not ready for a radical reform of its marriage law. Schembri said she felt nobody had any right to impose their beliefs on people who had justifiable recourse to divorce.

Attacking the concept of a ‘no fault’ divorce, Bencini said spouses in all marriages of four years would be eligible to apply for a divorce. “On the contrary, to separate a spouse must present the courts with specific reasons that prove a fault on the part of the other spouse… the divorce bill doesn’t require spouses to prove any fault.”

He was instantly contradicted by Deborah Schembri, who said civil law allowed for separations in marriages where there is fault, but also ‘no fault’ grounds were marriages have ‘broken down irremediably’. The latter involves an agreement by both spouses to agree to separate, without making any claim for alimony which can only be granted on a fault ground.

“The divorce bill we have proposed obliges couples who have either been separated for four years or living apart, to go through both separation proceedings and then divorce. This means that, unless the couple has already separated, one spouse can commence separation proceedings on the basis of a fault and claim alimony. And that alimony will still be payable upon divorce,” Schembri said.

Bencini, now being taken to task by Schembri "for not having understood the law properly", insisted that lawyers would push their clients to seek a divorce right away without having to enter into separation proceedings, to evade any form of liability for alimony.

But Schembri retorted that fault-based grounds for separation would still be valid for spouses seeking divorce, because they would have to secure a separation decree before filing for divorce.

“Bencini cannot deny that the divorce law forbids spouses from superseding the separation stage,” Michael Falzon added.

Architect David Zahra, speaking for Zwieg Bla Divorzju, pushed the line that in countries where there was divorce, marital breakdown had increased. “It provides an opt-out clause that encourages people to leave their marriage without any chance for reconciliation. And it will spread to our children.”

Schembri rebutted with a claim that Italy was experiencing less marital breakdown despite having a divorce law. To this, Bencini said Italy also had a declining marriage rate.

“The so called ‘divorce mentality’ already exists in Malta today with the rate of marriage separations. The lack of a divorce bill is no deterrent to marital breakdown,” Schembri said.

Bencini also claimed that remarriage would not guarantee that spouses will be able to maintain a family, while paying alimony to a divorced spouse. Zahra argued that the issue was a matter of economic impact. “How can people on minimum wage afford maintenance for former spouses?”

Deborah Schembri reminded the audience that civil and church annulments cancelled out each spouse’s obligations towards each other, such as alimony.

In an intervention from the floor, Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson for international affairs Profs. Arnold Cassola challenged Zwieg Bla Divorzju to prove how divorced or remarried spouses could not afford paying maintenance for children from their first marriages.

“Spouses who are separated or who had marriages annulled are already paying maintenance for their children and creating new families.”

The broader our understanding of life and the universe in which we live, the LOUDER we can hear our CONSCIENCE. . The narrower and tighter our awareness of life and the universe in which we live, the more likely we are to seek ADVICE about moral matters from external authorities. . The hollow voice of the external authority acts as an artificial life support for those people without a conscience.
@bejn il linji - mela jell qed nifhem sew inti kontra separazzjoni aktar facli, kull tip ta' annulament u id divorzju. Mela jekk il knisja trid t'reggana lura ghas snin 60, inti trid t'reggana lura fil medju evu! Mur u ivvota LE habib.
"Bencini said Malta’s social conditions shows the country was not ready for a radical reform of its marriage law" What exactly is he saying? How does he come to this conclusion? Which social conditions is he referring to? When will Malta be ready for divorce? In 2100 or maybe 2200?
Prevention is better than cure! Prevent marriages from breaking first!
U int Dottor Gonzi mhux aħjar tħabbel naqra moħħok biex tara' kif tista' tagħmel il-ħajja tal-familji Maltin aktar faċli bħalma tagħmel għalik min fuqna flok li biex tidher nisrani tagħti l-mediċina billi timponi wara li jkun tkisser iż-żwieġ.
Skuzawni li qed nikteb fit tul imma nixtieq li tinqargha kollha.nibda biex nghid li jien issaparata. Id-divorsju ma jinteresaniex ghax mhux lesta li nerga nirriskja zwieg,imma mhux kullhadd jahsibha bhali u ghal dawk li jixtiequ jergghu jizzewgu ,jiena ha nivvota iva minkejja li r reverendum tiga 0.ghax hadd ma jista jimponi fuq hadd dwar kif tixtieq taghmel l ghazla ta' hajtek.Xi hadt li jaghzel li lghix mal partner minghajr zwieg jista liberalment,allura min jixtieq jizewweg biex ikun jista jkompli fil hajja religjuza tieghu, ghalfejn qed jigi mcahhad ? Skond il knisja dawn in nies qishom in naghaga l mitlufa u n naghaga l mitlufa mhux tmur tfittixa trid biex tregaghha lura kif Ghamel Kristu ? Jekk din in naghaga (persuna) tikkundanawha u tkeccuha mis sagramenti jiddispjacini nghid inthom (mhux kollha) qedin hemm biex tinqdew bil kelma t'ALLA ghal xewqat ipokriti personali taghkhom.ghax ALLA vera taghna il kmandamenti biex inharsuhom imma taghna wkoll il liberta.HU qatt ma jikkundanana jew Ikeccina.Jibqa jtina c cansis sa l ahhar nifs ta hajjitna.Il giudizju jigi MINNU biss wara din il hajja.Jekk ALLA Avdalna din il liberta lill kull wiehed u wahda minnha, INT MINN INT biex icahhad il proxmu minn dak li jixtieq ? Hadt m'hu akbar minn ALLA. Dan li forsi qedin tippretendu, xi ftit minkhom il qassisin? AHJAR TOQOGHODU ATTENTI jekk tridu isewwu l ialji ta l-imoddi tal knisja u mhux tkomplu tkissruha.dmirkhom hu li tigbdu in nies lejn il knisja u mhux tkeccuna. U kif hadt ma jghid xejn fuq is sacerdozju ? Meta wiehed isir sacerdot ,dan m'huwix sagrament?Allura minghajr ma nigudika kif dan is sagrament jista jinhall filwaqt li is sagrament taz-zwieg ma jistax ? Mhux it tnejn gejjin min ALLA?
@L-ahrax (ma min jaqbillek) sabiha il-websajt tat-tajn u x' tiftahhar biha qisha xi ideja tieghek kienet, dik liberta twaddab it-tajn ma min ma jaqbilx mieghek Allura tal-iva ma jaghmlu xejn hazin li jwassallhom li jkun ikkritikati.
Jien favur familja b'sahhitha u zwieg dejjiemi. Sa issa jekk jitkisser iz-zwieg hemm is-separazzjoni u jekk din issir ehfef allura ser inkun kontra doppjament. Jien smajt lil Deborah Schembri fil-konferenza stampa twiegeb ghal mistoqsija kif jigu mkejjla l-erba snin ta separazzjoni u wiegbet li mhux bil fors ikun hemm separazzjoni legali imma tista tikkonvinci lil qorti dwar kemm ilhom mhux flimkien. Tinsiex li l-qorti taghna spiccat bi prim imhallef fil-habs; u ma naghmelx mod kif tkun certifikata separazzjoni u mod car kif ikun hemm l-erba snin li qeghdin iweghdu???
Bejn il linji - jekk wara il paprata u U-turn li ghamel Dr. Bencini il bierah tarah bhala ghadma iebsa mela veru wasalna l'ahhar grad. Il mod kif esprima ruhu u it tahwid f'dak li jighdu minn gurnata ghall ohra juri kemm fil fatt iz ZbD hija biss organizzjoni religuza li qed tilghabha ta moviment religuz. Jekk inti kontra l'annulamenti ghandek dritt qatt ms tirrikorri ghalieh (ghalkemm zewgek xorta jista jmur minghirek u il knisja t'accetta ). Perk la naccettaw li stat ta fatt li veru sar hemm minn jighid li qatt ma sehh (kultant bil barka Arcivezkovili) mela b'istess mod ghandu jigi accetat id divorzju.
Bejn il linji - jekk wara il paprata u U-turn li ghamel Dr. Bencini il bierah tarah bhala ghadma iebsa mela veru wasalna l'ahhar grad. Il mod kif esprima ruhu u it tahwid f'dak li jighdu minn gurnata ghall ohra juri kemm fil fatt iz ZbD hija biss organizzjoni religuza li qed tilghabha ta moviment religuz. Jekk inti kontra l'annulamenti ghandek dritt qatt ms tirrikorri ghalieh (ghalkemm zewgek xorta jista jmur minghirek u il knisja t'accetta ). Perk la naccettaw li stat ta fatt li veru sar hemm minn jighid li qatt ma sehh (kultant bil barka Arcivezkovili) mela b'istess mod ghandu jigi accetat id divorzju.
Do you know that you can be a good catholic and vote yes in the referendum. Just take a look at:
joeellis spiccajt l-artiklu tieghk tajjeb fejn ghedt bhalissa hemm toqba u issa nistghu naghmluha berah.. biex tkun taf jien la naqbel mal annulamenti u lanqas ma xejn li jifred lil familja..jien gej minn familja kbira li kulhadd jahdem biex izomm zwieg wiehed kemm l-irgiel u kemm in-nisa jahdmu ghalhekk u bis-sahha ta hekk qed naghtu tfal tajba ghal socjeta tajba.. kif smajt lil deborah deher car li ser tkun ehfef biex tipprova li ilek 4 snin mifrud u ma ghandek bzonn xejn hlief tikkonvinci lil qorti fuq hekk.. u ha nghidlek ma inix ser insemmi x'gara fejn mar prim imhallef u ma inix ser insemmi kemm il-darba tisma kif tikkonvinci lil dak u lil iehor...ghidu car li kif inhu propost ser tkun hafna ehfef u b'inqas spejjez
Ir-referendum b'hekk tajjeb. Jekk il-Maltin iridu li z-zwieg jigi kuntratt definit ma hemm xejnxi jzommu milli jivvota iva; pero hekk missu jinghad kif qed tiktbu issa; id-divorzju dritt -tista tibghat lil m;ara/ragel x'hin tiddejjaq; id-divorzju dritt ghax ghandu kulhadd - noqorbu biex naccettaw abort, ewtanasja, same sex marriage. it-tifla/tifel tieghi nghidilhom biex jaghmluni nanniet minn izjed minn familja wahda u hekk jew hekk nibdew niltaqghu merhla; u jew kulhadd jghid iva jew noqghodu nitajru... issa ha nghid kif naraha gejja u ghaliex ghandi nghid le... il-ligi tghid li tista tiddivorzja kull 4 snin u dan tista taghmlu facilment u minghajr hafna spejjez.. ha nghid le ghax jien irrid zwieg b'sahhtu u dejjiemi..vot wiehed ghandi u hekk ser nivvota.. ha nghid le ghax jien kburi li f'malta ghad hawn familja b'sahhitha u ma rridx periklu ikbar.. ha nghid le ghax ghadni ma naf lil hadd li ghandu bzonnu..u lil wiehed li naf li telaq lil mara u tlett it-tfal ghax sab ohra ma rridux ibella d-divorzju lilha li ma tridux u baqghet tiehu hsieb it-tfal wahedha u nghidlu grazzi u prosit..imnall ma kienetx ohti.. u ser nghid le ghax sa issa kulhadd intrabat legalment meta izzewweg gahl dejjem mela minn issa l quddiem biex ikollu cans jiddivorzja jiftiehem bil-quddiem....
"Bencini said Malta’s social conditions shows the country was not ready for a radical reform of its marriage law": so, according to Dr. Bencini, the whole world is ready for divorce except Malta. This is the usual pretext used to maintain the status quo indefinitely by reactionary, ultra-conservative elements: Malta is special and not like any other country in the world and this justifies that there should never be any change that might even remotely affect the Church or the establishment. A "triple entente" composed of the PN, the power of money (as symbolized by persons prominent in the world of finance spearheading the "no" campaign) and the Church has been knocked together to make sure that the status quo is maintained indefinitely and that they continue to dominate. This referendum is not just about divorce but about whether we wish the seat of power to remain as it is or whether true democracy is finally to dawn on these islands. Maltese, wake up! Shake off your chains! Fight for your rights! Come out of the middle ages! Do not let yourself be led by the nose anymore. Do not let yourself be cowered by superstition, by the fear of hell-fire that exists only to intimidate. Vote YES.
lil " bejn il-linji " : jekk imressjonak l-avukat bencini, mhux ta' b'xejn li ghadek ma fhimt xejn ghal x'heix verament se nkunu qeghdin nivvutaw !
Banning umbrellas does not stop rain. Banning Divorce does not stops marital breakdown. Sooner or later Divorce will come here, it's a matter of time. And no need for referendum. Echoe Echoe echoe
Kont naghmlek aktar intelligenti Dr.Bencini.
Din spiccat "glieda" bejn il-konservattivi u l-progressivi. Bejn l-insara tal-isem u l-insara ta' veru. Jew ahjar, bejn dawk li jahsbu li huma nsara ta' veru u dawk li verament huma nsara ta' veru. Kif jghidu "is-sewwa jirbah zgur" u l-akbar telliefa f'din il-"glieda" - irrespittivament mir-rizultat tar-referendum - sfortunatament se tkun il-knisja ta' Malta mmexxija minn kurja arci-konservattiva u bigota li qed tigi taqa' u tqum mill-merhla biex tiddefendi l-interessi antikwati taghha.
What is Austin Bencini talking about ? It is clear that couples must first separate before proceeding to divorce. I wonder why the No camp in general is resorting to such misinformation such as when the Prime Minister stated that marriage is going to be reduced to a 4 year arrangement. In separation proceedings, all patrimonial matters as well as the care and custody of children, if any would have been taken care of and they will not be impinged by the divorce proceedings. If a party is at fault for the marriage breakdown, he/she will be penalized for his contribution to the breakdown though this is happening very rarely these days, if at all. On the other hand, one must bear in mind that one can proceed to annulment, both civil and ecclesiastical, without first resorting to or concluding the separation proceedings. J. Ellis.
Isabelle Borg
Prosit Avukat Bencini? He is one of those who just wants a Taliban state. Please let every one lives the life he wants. If you don't want divorce just don't take it, he/she who wants to divorce let them have the means to take it. Very simple.
@Moviment LE ID divorzju responsabbli huwa dritt civili li kull post FID-DINJA ghandu barra ahna u il Filippini. Iz zwieg tal knisja mhux ha jintmess u tippruvawx tbezzghu in nies bid dnub ghax ma ghandux xjaqsam xejn. Jekk iz zwieg ikun tfarrak ghalfejn wara 4 snin mghandek dritt terga tizzeweg b'mod civili. Kull bniedem ghandu d-dmir u dritt li jaghzel dak li jhoss li ghandu jaghmel skond il-kuxjenza tieghu. Hadd ma ghandu jobbligak taghmel dak li ma tixtieqx. M'ghandekx tibza' li timxi kontra l-kurrent jekk tkun taf li qieghed fis-sewwa. Importanti li nohorgu bi hgarna nivvotaw biex ma nghatux rebha lil min qieghed jghalqilna lbieb ma wiccna u jbezzghu! Ma naqtawx qalbna nghamlu kuragg! Prosit Deborah Schembri
tad-divorzju saby ghadma iebsa f'avukat bhalhom. Jekk in-nies ser jindunaw kemm ser tkun ehfef biex tiddivorzja lanqas 30% ma jgibu....Beda jidher izjed dawl prosit avukat bencini ...
Yesterday I saw Dr Deborah Schembri on TVM and I was impressed how clear and rational she was.