No disassociation from bishop's communion ban to Catholics who vote for divorce

Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju proponent Arthur Galea Salomone condoned Gozo Bishop Mgr Mario Grech’s statement announcing a communion ‘ban’ for anyone voting ‘yes’ on divorce, saying “everyone has the right so say what they feel.”

Stock Exchange chairman and Zwieg Bla Divorzju representative Arthur Galea Salomone denied that the anti-divorce lobby was latching on to religious arguments against divorce, but refused to be drawn into whether comments from Gozo bishop Mario Grech were acceptable during the divorce referendum.

Galea Salomone was answering questions from journalists during a Broadcasting Authority conference, recorded live today at 1:30pm. Zwieg Bla Divorzju chairman Andre Camilleri was not present for the debate because he was meeting the GRTU earlier in the afternoon, something also pointed out by The Malta Independent.

Asked by MaltaToday whether the anti-divorce lobby would disassociated itself from comments by Bishop Grech that Catholics who voted in favour of divorce could not be "in communion with the Eucharist" earlier last Week, Galea Salomone said everybody had a right to their opinion.

"Our movement is neither part of the Church, nor is it making a religious argument... We are making a secular argument against divorce. Whatever the Church is saying, we are saying something else. If the Archbishop were here, you’d be better off putting the question to him.”

“Everyone has the right to their own opinion,” Galea Salomone said. “Even Catholics."

Instead, Galea Salomone said it was the pro-divorce camp that was making use of religious arguments, by airing clips from a 2009 interview with Cana founder Mgr Charles Vella. The clips, in which Vella says "divorce does not scare him", were banned for airing by the Broadcasting Authority. Moviment Iva has filed a constitutional case against the BA.

“The Church has every right, constitutionally, to make its voice heard and its position clear,” he said. “Now it is up to everyone to exercise their democratic right and make their own choice," Galea Salomone said.

Galea Salomone reiterated much of the anti-divorce lobby’s positions on the dangers of a 'divorce without reason', which he said would undermine the stability of marriage or the sense of duty required of a marriage. "It can be imposed by a husband, who has committed a fault in the marriage, on his wife even if she does not want it for reasons of love, for example."

He reiterated that the proposed divorce law would not guarantee maintenance to divorced spouses, conceding however that Malta's present situation was identical to a future scenario with the introduction of divorce.

“We know that people today, even when bound by court, opt not to pay spousal maintenance and instead go to jail. Would somebody in prison pay maintenance. Maintenance is not guaranteed either in separation, or divorce,” he said. "That's why the referendum question is misleading.”

Asked whether he felt it was unfair that people could acquire a divorce from abroad, he reiterated that divorce could not be considered a civil right since this was not even granted by the European Court of Human Rights. "It's certainly not a right in a legal sense... as a civilised country we recognised foreign court sentences, and not just divorce... and it's not just for rich people, because these divorces are a minimal number in Malta."

The programme was also marked by concerns by several journalists who commented on the impossibility of engaging the Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju in the interest of asking questions and informing the public. The Institute of Maltese Journalists also condemned the movement for refusing to answer questions by journalists during its meetings with social partners.

“We were not afraid of the journalists,” Galea Salomone said, dismissing the concerns, remarking that he had appeared on a number of TV and radio shows. Instead, he accused the pro-divorce campaign of being built upon misleading statements and deception. Galea Salomone referred to promotional material publicised by Moviment Iva, saying that one TV spot was pulled immediately because it advocated that spouses should be free to "abandon their duty and commitments.”

“If we discard commitment and duty, where would that leave us as a society?” he asked.

Galea Salmone came under considerable pressure by journalists asking why the movement had failed to provide solutions to marital breakdon while arguing against divorce as a solution. In three instances, he avoided answering whether Zwieg Bla Divorzju was in favour of the publication of a cohabitation law that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is believed to be pushing, before the referendum date.

Pressed to answer, Galea Salomone said, “we have no difficulty” - adding that as a movement, they were "against the idea that partners who cohabit are granted the same rights as married couples.”

He however said there was no contradiction in opposing divorce and also supporting cohabitation.

Asked whether the movement has any solution to offer the 35,000 individuals who will be in broken families by 2015, Galea Salomone was also evasive on this question. He said that cohabitation was not what the Maltese public was voting upon, "but on a solution being proposed by two MPs... we need to understand what this solution really is about.”

Emphasising that divorce will not reduce marital breakdown, Galea Salomone said: “Were I an MP, I would have done things very differently. Firstly, I would have told my constituents that I would have been presenting a private member’s bill. Then, I would have done as Marie Louise Colerio Preca and Justyne Caruana and discussed ways to strengthen families and whether separation and annulment procedures could be improved.”

He referred to proposals to broaden civil annulment options that were presented in parliament. “What I wouldn’t have done was to blindly force the public to make this choice hastily and in the dark,” he said. "We need social impact studies on the effects of the introduction of divorce."

Journalists also referred to the Emery study that was misrepresented by Commissioner for Children Helen D'Amato when she said divorce was harmful to children, quoting the study. The study actually concluded there was no major difference in psycho-social performance for children from married, or separated and divorced families.

Galea Salomone conceded that marital breakdown, whether separation, divorce or annulment, was as a whole damaging to children. But he added that divorce will mean that "the State is recognising that the family is being undermined, and will further lead to more children suffering.”

Journalists Sergio Mallia (PBS), Miriam Dalli (MaltaToday), Stephen Calleja (Independent), Ramona Attard (One News), Karl Wright (RTK), and Victor Vella (L-Orizzont) interviewed Galea Salomone. The programme was presented and moderated by PBS’ Mario Micallef.

Dr Gale Salomone, ghalxejn tghid li int dissasoccjat mill-knisja. L-group tieghek, Gonzi PN huma kollha parti mill-mazunerija fi hdan il-knisja kattolika. Pero' xorta se nivvota IVA
Dear Galea Salomone. How dare you interfere with what I decide to do in my life. Did I ever did likewise to you ? So piss off. And by the way you well know what damaged children. Yes, thousands of them all over this wide world. Did YOU ever dare raise a finger or utter a single word against the perpetrators who are very good friends of yours. If you are man enough please reply . Come on I am waiting for you.
The broader our understanding of life and the universe in which we live, the LOUDER we can hear our CONSCIENCE. . The narrower and tighter our awareness of life and the universe in which we live, the more likely we are to seek ADVICE about moral matters from external authorities. . The hollow voice of the external authority acts as an artificial life support for those people without a conscience.
I am a happilly married person and wouldn`t even think to divorce my wife. But whom am I to tell or better say like the NO for divorce for those in need not to re marry and be in line with local law We should all think for those couples that really need the divorce Come on grow up you ,and leave everyone to decide forthemselves
Dominique Strauss Kahn, former IMF chief, will be asking NO to divorce movement chairman how to deal with the problem he is now facing with his wife and also with the woman he had an affair with. He is in need of expert advice about whether to have his marriage annulled, separation or if possible divorce. Dr. A. Camilleri or Dr. Galea Salamone please urgent advice needed.
I can't understand why Maltese Catholics are treated as imbeciles by the Kurja; what is good for Italian and European Catholics is not good for us? Its seems that neither the past Council of Trent neither the recent II Vatican Council has ever made any in roads here. Put off the blinkers and look around you and get real; many good Maltese priest do!
"he reiterated that divorce could not be considered a civil right since this was not even granted by the European Court of Human Rights": neither does the same court grant the right to sneeze or to yawn because these rights are considered self-evident and no court need be inviolved. All European countries recognize the civil right to divorce to their citizens and there is no need to involve the European court. But then European countries are secular, free and democratic. Malta is not.
Adrian Busuttil
It is patently obvious that there is a need to dissolve certain marriages, otherwise the church would not have a mechanism in place for deciding on annulments. Why then is Galea Salomone, together with the church, fighting tooth and nail to stop the state utilising the same tools civilly? They argue that an annulment "is merely a declaration that there was never a marriage whereas divorce is dissolving a marriage that existed" From where I'm sitting, the end result of a divorce is that a person can remarry, and the end result of an annulment is that a person can remarry. The "Le" camp would have you think differently by playing with words merely to keep the power to make such monumental decisions withing the church's grasp. Oh the hypocrisy!
Joseph Sant
"Galea Salomone reiterated much of the anti-divorce lobby’s positions on the dangers of a 'divorce without reason'" This phrase alone is enough to show up the deceit of the No movement. Apart from the fact that they are purposely mistranslating No Fault Divorce in order to mislead, what is being proposed in the bill is in fact not a no fault divorce. The no fault divorce only applies when there has already been a legal separation on any of the grounds prescribed by law. But where the spouses have only been separated de facto the proposed bill, at section 71, stipulates that the divorce application may be based on any of the grounds currently applicable to separation. The YES movement should be more forceful in making this clear once and for all. The proposed bill does not posit a no fault divorce, much less a divorce without reason. This is all deceit.
Luke Camilleri
Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju proponent Arthur Galea Salomone propose another a pressure group on COHABITATION WITHOUT MARRIAGE / Tpoggi bla Zwieg? What doesn't mr.Galea salamone request Isocial impact studies not only on the effects of the introduction of divorce but also on the current state of affairs on annulled marriages, and separation and coohabitation coples and their children !
trollface - best comment I've seen on here all week.
The greatest disservice to the Church is being done by these pathetic-self-turned-theologians like Galea Salamone and co.
@ l-ahrax, dahal dan fuq il-websajt tieghek,bit titlu min huma l-oqbra Imbajjda?
A persun like Arthur will find it difficult to sympathise with the plight of the masses because he's one of the Prime Minister's golden boys with an astronomical salary. It's easy for him to dismiss Maltese divorces obtained on foreign soils because for him it's easy to get. And that's the biggest problem of the NO Lobby, they're a circle of Gonzi confidante's who are cut off from the problems of normal life and if you don't believe me, check their pedigrees online. For more info log on:
Id-drittijiet kostituzzjonali li ghandha l-knisja ta' Malta huma li tghallem u mhux li timponi sanzjonijiet bhal ma qed tipprova taghmel. Jidhirli li inti avukat u jekk huwa hekk imissek taf ahjar Dr Galea Salamone.
U dazgur li ghandha il "Constitutional right' il Knisja habib...Heqq mhux tort ta Fenech Adami li din ghanda dawn il poteri kollha!!!!!!! U issa triduna wkoll inkomplu naghtuha il poteri lil Knisja!!!! Mhux hekk nibqaw! Halluna ha nghixu ghax inthom tajbin qeghdin, ahna le, Sur Salamone!!! Arrivederci habib....IVA GHAD DRITTIJIET TAGHNA, IVA GHAD DRITT TAD DIVORZJU! LE GHAL IPOKRETIZMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pathetic and nauseating to see such silly arguements being brought up against those suffering from marital breakdown. Mr Galea Salamone should stick to his area of competence, i.e. to financial matters and take up another hobby. In retrospect he did do the pro divorce movement a big favour with his poor performance.
*ma jkun qatt nivvota IVA* Ma jkun qatt! Nivvota IVA ( hekk ridt nikteb ghax taghmel differenza :)
Jiena mkien ma nara kollox negattiv jew kollox posittiv. Ghax fil-fatt ma jezizti xejn li ma fihx il posittiv u n-negattiv. Mr.Salamone ma tantx tkellem hazin, nammettijha , bniedem intelligenti ovjja , il-messagg tieghu hadt idea tieghu, jien. Pero Mr.Salamone, jekk persuna mhux tajba ghaz zwieg, x'tista taghmel? int stess ghidt li hemm seperazzjoni u jekk jogobha tista tpoggi(ghax ma tistax twaqqafa). Mr.Salamone ghandek punt u LE, ha nghidlek, allura jekk din il-mara ,telqet min zwieg, sabet iehor ghamlhu tarbija u wara ftit xhur jew snin infirdu wkoll, dawn. mela sa issa diga 2 tfal min 2 irgiel. jghaddi zmien u din issib iehor tmur tikkoabita mieghu jew tpoggi (xorta wahda) u jkolha tfal min iehor, vouldire 3 tfal min 3 irgiel diffrerenti, Kullhad jaqbel li daw it 3 tfal heq ma ghandhom tort ta xejn, kienet lomm li ma kull ragel li tpoggi iggib tfal bl-adocc minghajr ma kien hemm biss imhabba, Issa allura habba nies bhal dawn , ha nitkellem fuqi, Jiena nivvota kontra? ma jkun qatt nivvota IVA, u nivvota Iva mhux ghal nies bhal dik, izda , ghax jiena nemmen li hemm min verament huwa sewwa u jixraqlu l-imhabba ghat tieni darba, u dan qed nghidhu ghal dawk li gew mizzewgin bi ngann , tradiment u kif ukoll ghal dawk li zzewgu bl-imhabba imma sfortunatamnet, il-mara jew ragel izzewguhom minghajr imhabba (ghal skopijiet ta mohhom) Dawk jixraqilhom second chance, ghax huma vittmi ta ngann gideb u qerq, Ma nistghux nitfghu lil kulhadd f'keffa wahda.
Dear Arthur Galea Salomone, . Yesterday I had the chance to listen to your arguments regarding divirce. Thank you for your arguments for you have convinced me 100% to vote YES. . Yes for LIBERTY and FREEDOM! . P.S. you can keep your sins and your stupid mentality.
This can only happen in Malta! simply because there is no separation of church and state, in civilized country's around the world (with the exception of the Philippines and Malta ) it is a different matter, it is clear the Roman Catholic church in Malta cannot let go of the strong hold it has on its small nation and moral and spiritual blackmail is used to its advantage and financial gain .This referendum turned out to be the most significant referendum for the Maltese people to break free from the claws of this cult and whose leaders have no idea of married life yet they are blackmailing people with their usual rhetoric of hell and damnation! when in actual fact the church itself allows a church divorce. HYPOCRITES!! so much have been written and so much has been said yet the result of this referendum will show if Malta is to move forward or stay in the dark ages behind the rest of the world and be ruled and dictated to by the church,it is now up to each and every individual to make that choice!
I nearly 50 and probably the last time I swallowed host was when I was 13 or 14. So I probably couldn't give two hoots whether the church bans me from communion for voting a big happy YES. But what the church is doing is tantamount to moral blackmail, and all this is actually playing in favour of the YES camp as it is reviving the painful 60s church-labour party conflict. With regard to the church's right, NO the church does not have a right to interfere into the legal sphere of matrimony. Only in Malta it seems to arrogate itself the right to do so. No way would the church do it so blatantly in France, Italy, Germany! The church should limit itself to taking care of matters of an eternal order, people's souls, helping the poor, giving solace, cultivating the morals of people, sensitising them not to be racists, etc. The church should keep out of all matters of a temporal order which are handled by the State. Matrimony is above all a temporal matter. Citizens are free to attribute to matrimony a religious meaning if they want, but they cannot impose their religious moral on those who choose otherwise through the laws of the state.
Dr Salomone tonight gave the impression that he is suffering from dementia. He remembers what was said thousands of years ago and does not realize what is happening right now. Either due to the effect of dementia or otherwise he cannot realize that the number of legal separations in Roman Catholic Malta currently is 25% of all current marriages and increasing notwithstanding that divorce is not available here. To these figures one must add those having their marriage annulled and those cohabiting without marrying. For the same reason it seems that he cannot understand that marriages do not fail because of divorce as divorce is not yet possible. Divorce in Malta will be available only after the bond has finished and the couple would have been separated for a minimum of four years with no chance of reconciliation. It was scandalous hearing this person suggesting proposals to broaden civil annulment options. Is this divorce 'blessed style'? Hypocrisy at its best and nothing more. To end on a positive note, he has my full support on proposing to work to formulate ways to strengthening the family. To show us their salt they can issue an opinion on the governments proposal/study to issue new licenses to many gambling places in Malta and Gozo
X’inu??? Mela spiccat il-press conference?????? Shit Galea Salamone raqqadni ghax hsibtni qieghed nisma l-omelija ta' xi cuc u kull ma smajtu jghid l-ewwel hames minuti tal-hmerijiet bla sens. Ghax kieku tghid qal hmerrija bis-sens mhux hazin. X'qal allura???????????
It is ok then. Nothing to worry about. Dr galea salomone will run our lives. It is for our good. I am over 60 years old, been married for almost 40 years, probably I can get a divorce as I was married abroad and I will be voting YES.
Dr. Galea Salomone kept repeating that the 'Yes' campaign wanted a divorce " without reason ", citing the case of a wife who is abandoned by her husband " without reason ". Dr. galea Salomone forgets the scenario where that woman, may be the one who would want to divorce in order to find happiness and stability in a new marriage after the trauma she suffered " without reason "! Surely, that woman would have A THOUSAND REASONS FOR GETTING A DIVORCE. So even in that case A REASON WOULD EXIST, Dr. Galea Salomone !! Eddy Privitera
I wish somebody asked him whether the church is bank rolling the movement, directly or indirectly. Pity.
Nisthi li jien malti, korruzjoni, mohqrija fuq l-annimali, kollox hamsin sena lura, nofs Malta qas taf tahdem somma. Qazziztuli zobbi.