Malta's separations increased by 160% in ten years in 2005

Pro-divorce youths Stand Up have accused their anti-divorce counterparts Le b’rispett lejn il-gejjieni of waging a campaign of scaremongering and half-truths on divorce.

Yesterday, Le spokesperson Angelo Micallef said Ireland’s marital breakdowns had increased by 100% since the introduction of divorce in 1997.

“What he omitted to say is that marital separations in Malta had increased by 160% between 1995 and 2005,” the group said.

Stand Up added that the same study quoted by Le, ‘Family Figures: Family Dynamics and Family Types in Ireland, 1986-2006’, shows that the rate of marital breakdowns had slowed down after the introduction of divorce.

“It’s not divorce that breaks families but the different social and cultural realities which we must address as part of a national plan for the family.”

The broader our understanding of life and the universe in which we live, the LOUDER we can hear our CONSCIENCE. . The narrower and tighter our awareness of life and the universe in which we live, the more likely we are to seek ADVICE about moral matters from external authorities. . The hollow voice of the external authority acts as an artificial life support for those people without a conscience.
This article incorrectly refers to the organisation called GetUp StandUp when in fact it should refer to a completely different new group created to militate in favour of divorce called Stand Up. The two organisations are completely unrelated.
Dak li qieghed jinghad mill-Moviment Stand Up huwa fatt maghruf. It-tkissir fiz-zwieg zdied minkejja li f'Malta m'hawnx Divorzju. Din hija realtà li ghandna nirrikonoxxu u mhux noqoghdu nfittxu pajjizi aghar minn taghna biex nghidu ara fejn se naslu. Ghax bhal ma hemm min hu aghar minn Malta hemm ukoll min hu ahjar. Nghid ghalija laqatni hafna dan il-filmat: Jaghti stampa cara tar-realtà li ghandna issa minghajr divorzju. Ta' kemm zwigijiet ilhom li skadew.
I am a Catholic, a Nationalist, and will be voting YES. I am relishing the possibility of watching the spectacular divorce between the Curia and the Nationalist Party. They have been bedfellows for ages ! Should they opt not to divorce, they could do with the pogguti law being pushed by Lawrence Gonzi. Who knows ? Maybe we might also clause 2 of our Constitution ! Perhaps that brilliant constitutional lawyer may care to enlighten us, rather than playing apologist to the PN !