Youth group says ‘divorce is a short-term solution’

Anti-divorce youth group ‘Le, B’Rispett Lejn il-Ġejjieni’ said divorce  “would only be a short-term solution” and the country was facing "a division of values".

Speaking in front of the family monument in Sliema, movement spokespersons Andrea Pace and Angelo Micallef said divorce is not the solution for those whose marriage has broken down, and the state should provide courses for those who are getting married.

“As a movement we propose laws in favour of the family which strengthen the institution of marriages,” Pace said. “Let us get the house in order not tear it down.”

He added that whilst separated couples should find stability, “this cannot come to the detriment of others.”

The movement also complained about the hurried manner the public has been asked to vote in the referendum: “Everything was done in a too quick manner. There should have first been studies and assessments.”

Pace added that “the selfishness of some individuals should not affect the common good”, and went on to say that the “independence” of the separated couples will eventually be carried by the state.

He insisted, “it is a shame that whilst divorce is being discussed as some fundamental right – when in reality it is not – whilst the rights of the children are being pushed aside.”

Falling in the steps of the Moviment Zwieg bla Divorzju, Pace said the number of those in risk of poverty would increase with the introduction of divorce: “An Italian report compiled by social workers states that divorcees are the new poor – another proof of how divorce ruined society.”

The movement appealed to the young voters to vote ‘No’ for the “good of society” and urged those who are “embarrassed to say they are voting ‘No’, to encourage others to vote in the same way.”

Asked what solution does the movement propose to those who are separated and are looking for stability regulated by law, Micallef said “we need to find a solution for these people as well, but divorce is not the answer.”   

On cohabitation law, Micallef said the movement did not have a stand and that “it should not be mixed with the divorce debate.”

Asked to comment on the fact that several politicians and priests have said divorce will eventually be introduced in Malta, so why not introduce it today, Micallef said: “They have the right to voice their opinion. What we know is that we do not agree with the proposal we have in front of us today.

“If tomorrow another proposal is presented, we would evaluate it and then decided whether it is good or not for Malta.”

Micallef reiterated that divorce is not the solution, as it will create bigger problems. “Like everything else, divorce has its good and its bad. However, in this case, the bad outnumbers the good.”

He said that one of the underlying problems behind marriage breakdowns is the lack of preparation for those who marry civilly only. “Whilst those who marry by Church are adequately prepared by the Cana movement, those who marry civilly only do not have such preparations.”

Micallef also added that arguments against divorce on the basis of religion should not be used. Asked whether he agrees with the way the Church has been acting so far, Micallef said:

“The Church has every right to voice its beliefs – at the end of the day it is a player in society. However, no one should ever make use of threats to persuade people.”

The movement also complained on the lack of coverage given by “independent media who completely ignored the existence of the group. This undermines the credibility and independent credentials of such media.”

I still haven't decided if I should vote for this referendum or not, but seeing these comments below, I got disgusted by many...why are these comments being shown?? I think it not fair for those persons being name below....when I registered for an account with Maltatoday there were some certain points such as 'Feel free to debate but do not resort to personal attacks on authors, other users or any third party'...are these comments below referred to as personal attacks?!?
The 'liberal'l youth wing of the PN!
should you not be thinking of how to get laid ?????
d a trumpet I would blow it to show the world how patriotic I would be, that is all there is in these persons blowing someones tune so than later on in life they will get something else in return. Back rubbing ect or a.. licking call it what you like.
Fancy being married to the one in the red!
Ian George Walker
Angelo Micallef is a PN activist. Pure and simple. He pushes the PN line in the KSU and he is pushing the PN line here. His motivation is pure politics - if the PN were in favour of divorce, he would be telling us how wonderful it is.
Alla hares dawn iz-zghazagh tal-LE jirriflettu li studenti zaghzagh li hemm l-universita, ghax kieku l-futur ta' pajjizna huwa ikkndannat minn issa ! Kull ma jafu jghidu u foto-kopja ta' dak li jghidulhom Galea Salomone u Andre Camilleri, tnejn minn nies li aktar kienu jaqtghu figura liebsin ic-coqqa jaghmlu xi priedka !
Ajma dan anglu ma jsibx toqba li ma jidholx fiha, miskin ghandu bzonn xoghol tajjeb bla hafna hela ta' hin la jlesti mill universita'. miskina il mara li tizewgek ghax malli tinduna xi tkun ghamlet bideja ma tkunx tista tiddivorzjak lol...dejjem jekk ma jaddix ir referendum!!
Paul Sammut
Dak min hu? Fred Flintstone? Daqsu jidher tan-..... Ghax ma jmurx jinhasel hasla mir-riha ta`moffa medjovali li ghandu fuqu. Ghadu ma xebax jilaq biex forsi jlaqqat xi haga mil-PN?
Short term solution? This reminds me of Keynes saying that 'in the long run we will all be dead'!
And what is a long term solution? Doing nothing waiting for manna to descend from heaven?
X cuc hu Fantozzi. Ha ha ha ha. Dar ritratt ha namlu zoom fuq l ex sihbi Angelo tal Knisja/Gonzi PN u niprintjah u namlu fi frame. Mux bilfors kontra d divorzju. Andek ragun Angelo. Halli l hadd iehor jghix. Ma nistax nifem kif il partit li tant habbejt taht il kbir Fenech Adami qijad jitkisser u jizzarma ma kull siegha li taddi. Isimaw minni tal PN u nehhu l Gonzi u l Pawlu, ax gew qisom Sant U Micallef. Nazzjonalist ta veru li jhobb ta vera lil Malta, ghandu jiehu pawsa u ma jivvotax lil Pn ghalissa. Hemm bzonn bidla. Ejja nammetuwa. Kif tigi tindahal u timponi Gonzi? Iva d divorzju jrid jidhol. Min joghgbu jiehdu jiehdu, u min ma jridux ma jiehdux. Grazzi ghax issa qazzistuna. EX PN.
LOL!! no wonder they are so strongly against divorce. Had a good laugh. going to make this pic my desktop picture
Raymond Falzon
Isabelle Borg
Are these the future of Malta? Mamma mia
Truly a whole lot of hogwash, -albatross, but you have to go easy on these kids. Higher educational background does not necessarily bring emotional intelligence along with it. This comes only with life experience. But then again...when i have a look at the hunk in the white t-shirt with the red "LE"-print i somehow understand his opposition to divorce. Oh...that was a rude remark.
Do you remember a university student in 1997-8 with the name of Delia. He was always infront demonstrating against Labour goverment, later on he was awarded a lucritive job with his mentor Dr Gatt, and now going for election. i can see Angelo using same attitude, using his fellow students only for his in waiting present.The difference is that Delia was smarter.
Just look at 'em. I don't think THEY will have to worry too much about divorce.
Dan Angelo f'kollox jifhem...anki fi mizzewweg?? U le...basta jaghmel dak li jghidlu sidu...cioe` GonziPN..u hallina Ang...mur studja u hallik minn dawn l-affarijiet...ara f'hiex tifhem???
I've rarely heard so much hogwash in such a short space of time. If this is the cream of Maltese students, God help us! Are they trying to please someone? Do they expect some future reward in exchange for making such fools of themselves? Do they really believe what they say? Don't they realize how foolish and troglodytic they look? Don't they think they will regret this in future when they will still be on record as having tried to keep Malta in the middle ages and under the clutches of the Church? Take my advice, go hide. Divorce will come sooner or later and people will always ask why it took so long. Do these teenage fossils want to be the cause for keeping Malta isolated from the rest of the world for yet another generation?
Angleo huwa pulcinell nazzjonalista kattoliku. X'ma jivvutax le. Pero xorta l-maggoranza tal-poplu se jivvota IVA kontra x-xewqat tal-fundamentalisti u talibani tal-kurja u l-pieta'.