Pulse concerned about the use of ‘religious propoganda’ in divorce debates

Social democrat student group Pulse expressed concern at the “scaremongering techniques used in the referendum run-up”.

Social democrat students Pulse have expressed concerned at “the degree of fear” being used to influence people to vote against divorce in the upcoming referendum. “Since the beginning of the campaign, we believed that campaigns should be based on facts instead of sensationalism and other scaremongering tactics,” the student group said. 

Pulse also added that it was “worrying” that “religious propaganda” is being used to make Catholics vote against the right of divorce in a secular state: “While the Church should have every right to state its opinions, it must be clear that divorce should never continue to be banned for religious reasons.”  

Referring to the pastoral letter in which the Maltese bishops urged voters to let “Jesus Christ guide them in their decision about divorce”, Pulse said, “such statements undermine the right to choose of the individuals as well as disrespect the dignity of other people who may share the same religious belief and who already made up their mind to vote in favour.” 

Pulse said the same “tactics” were also reported to the organisation by many students who sat for the Religion ‘O’ Level Matsec exam.

“Students should be taught about the importance of separation between religion and state and not punished for stating their honest opinion on a civil right such as divorce.”  

In its statement, Pulse said it will be pursuing the exam issue further “so that students do not suffer due to the pathetic intentions of those who use religion to oppose civil rights.”