PN’s Mument misquoted Australian study, expert: ‘most children are not adversely affected by divorce’

The Australian study on divorce given front-page prominence by Il-Mument which said children of divorce would start smoking pot, was gravely misquoted.

In correspondence from Dr Bryan Rodgers of the Psychiatric Epidemiology Research Centre at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, seen by MaltaToday, the expert declares that divorce does not have consequences of mental health, substance use and educational progress.

According to the Sunday Telegraph report quoted by Il-Mument, called ‘Government urged to provide divorce help’, Rodgers is quoted as saying that “most children were not adversely affected by divorce.”

While the study found that children of divorced parents were almost twice as likely to have behavioural problems, perform less well in school, use drugs and suffer from depression and lower incomes in adulthood, Rodgers “stressed” with the Sunday Telegraph that these negative outcomes “occurred only in a minority of cases. Most children were not adversely affected by divorce.”

Indeed, while Mument claimed in its report that chidren of divorced parents were likely to have premarital sex, the Sunday Telegraph’s report actually stated that while divorce is “a very distressing event for children… it does not have to result in long-term developmental damage, a study by an ANU researcher shows.”

In fact the study showed that one of the best things parents could do to help children overcome the trauma of divorce was not involve children in conflict between the divorcing couple.

In new correspondence seen by MaltaToday, sent to the psychiatry expert by a reader, Rodgers says that there is a large body of research indicating that “most of the apparent effects of parental divorce on the long-term development of children arises from other types of family adversity experienced before, during and after family separation.”

Rodgers goes on to say that family separation can be extremely stressful “for children and parents in the shorter term.”

However he also adds that when it comes to years later and adult outcomes, “it is likely that divorce benefits some children (eg those from conflicted and violent marriages) and leads to poorer outcomes in others and these changes may well balance out across the population.”

Referring the correspondent to the study allegedly ‘quoted’ by the PN newspaper, Rodgers said the disadvantages in adults from separated families which “could not be accounted for by other forms of adversity… were not the majority of outcomes,and they related quite specifically to adult relationships like age at first sex, age at marriage and age of having a first child.

“It is possible, therefore, that parental divorce has a particular consequence in these areas but it does not for outcomes such as mental health, substance use and educational progress.”

Rodgers added that divorce was such a highly contentious area that it was “common for research to be misquoted or otherwise misrepresented and it is very difficult for the researchers to respond or correct such reports.”

This is the second instance in which experts’ studies appeared to be mischaracterized to push an anti-divorce stance.

Joan B. Kelly, the co-author of a study cited by Commissioner for Children Helen D’Amato, rejected the anti-divorce interpretation given to her work. “They have misunderstood the research. The comparisons have been made between groups of children whose parents remain married, and those children whose parents have divorced.

“There is no reason to expect that the psycho-social outcomes for children whose parents divorce, get an annulment, or legally separate would be any different. Divorce and legal separation are the same, from the perspective of the children.”

Her work was cited by D’Amato during a meeting with the anti-divorce movement Zwieg bla Divorzju, in which D’Amato quoted the study to attribute harmful effects on children by divorce.

“I don’t like my articles (or interpretations of the research of hundreds of researchers) to be misinterpreted or misrepresented,” Kelly said.

Ibaghtu dan l-artiklu lil Dun Bejrut! Aqraw din:
Voting no is yes to gonzi 500 extra euros a week voting no is yes to church to keep backing the pn voting yes is no to gonzi and no to church interfering in our private lives Vote yes , send them a message enough is enough.
@ Konstanty first and foremost please realize that if you're trying to be sarcastic the message isn't coming across well because the battered english being used is intelligible. secondly, children see, children listen, children do. That is a prerogative of the parents which care for them. being under the impression that married life is a woe and suffering for all involved just as long as mum and dad are together does not encourage them to build families of their own. The same way just because mum and dad broke up doesn't mean they won't look for a love of their own. Please be bring up decent arguments which apply to the divorce issue and not generalised to the failed marriage, which we all agree is nothing to aspire to.
Sorry that's better text. Divorce is good for children. Never mind. Only helps. Why do they later in adult life can easily give up when they have a little difficulty? Better do as daddy and mummy.
Divorce is good for children. Never mind. Only helps. Why they can't to beat little difficulties later in adult life . Better do as daddy and mummy.
jien se nivotta favur id-divorzzju ghal diversi ragunijiet, 1. il knisja messa tisthi bdin il kampanja ta scaremongering illum madniex fi 60'ijiet 2. mhux dnub li tivotta favur id divorzzju. il midneb hu dak li jabbuza mi tfal u jihu linocenzza ta tfal, meta xolu suppost hu li jiproteggi dawn it tfal. 3. id-dnub hu dawk il membri tal knisja li fil passat kienu ibezzaw li nies li jekk ma jhallux il kaxxa ta dheb il knisja ruhom ma salvaxx. u sa hansitra kin hemm ejra bejn il qassisin li minn halewlu modd. u min halewlu modd ihor. 4. il knisja qeda tamel din il kampanja ta bizza fuq il poplu malti ghax il knisja taf li se tmurila il pappa, jekk jithol id divorzzju. daqsekk flus min fuq l-anullamenti. 5. il qassisin bijaw u salbu lil kristu ghal flus. u il knisja go malta tbieh il felicita ta nies al flus laqwa li tkompli idahall il flus min fuq l-annulamenti 6. il midneb hu dak ir-ragel li jsawatt il martu u dik il mara li taqliba li ragel tahha. dawk kont lil alla jtuh huma ta emilom. izda dik il vittma li giet traduta fi zwieg taha jew tigheu andom ikollom dritt li jsibu felicita ma persuni ohra 7. le al knisja ta ingann. iva al knisja nadifa. le al qassisin u sorijiet pedoffeli. iva al qassisin u sorijiet misjunarji.
Igidbu lill- Awstraljani ahseb u ara lil tal-Labour kemm fatti u misfatti jivvintaw! Il-mara tieghi-illum ghandha 80 sena u iddivorzjata 40 sena ilu minn ragel li kien isawwatha, kitbulha Joyce u Anna li d-divorzju hu hazin! Halluna nghixu il-hajja taghna; Alla mhux tal-LE biss...imma tal-IVA ukoll!
Has this country an independent Ethics Board? Such abusive statements are clearly misleading and unacceptable by any professional standards, and must be addressed. These unethical, desperate and self-serving 'academics' lobbying behind the scenes need to be pinpointed, exposed and made accountable...
Jiena ili nixtri u naqra il-Mument nahseb minn qabel ma twieled l-editur taghha u l-istess in-Nazzjon. Fuq dawn il-blogs ilni nghid li jiena Nazzjonalist pessmu pero hadd ma jbellaghli r-ross bil-labra u fejn hu tajjeb nghid tajjeb u fejn hazin inkun l-ewwel wiehed li ngerger u nghid hazin. Meta l-Mument gabu dak ir-rapport dwar il-prezz tad-divorzju fuq l-ulied, mill-ewwel ghidt li dawn iridu jqarrqu bina u minn dak inhar l-hawn ma xtrajt la l-Mument u lanqas in-Nazzjon. Hija meravilja kif dawn il-gazzetti flimkien mal-Media link kollha qed jehduha kontra dawk li huma fil-bzonn. Niskanta ghax il-PN mhux soltu jaghmel hekk. Illum, ma nghid jiddispjacini li jiena PN imma ninsab iddisgustat ghall-ahhar ghal mod xejn tajjeb li l-partit skjera ruhu ma' naha fil-kwistjoni tad-divorzju u ma niskantax li qed jghin finanzjarjament lil moviment LE. Bilhaqq qed ninsa li issa l-PN minflok is-soltu IVA qed jiggieled ghal-LE li tant iggieled kontriha fl-imghoddi. Shabi li qed taqraw din, emmnuni ninsab iddisgustat bil-kbir ghat-tmexxija kollha tal-partit, ibda mill-prim ministru u spicca fl-inqas wiehed. Harsu lejn il-Ministru Tonio Fenech, dan nahseb aktar kien jixraqlu patri mill-ministru b'dawn id-dehriet li qed ikollu. TGHID KELLU XI DEHRA QABEL MA TA' ZJIEDA TA' 500 EURO FIL-GIMGHA LILU NNIFFSU U LIL SHABU L-MINISTRI U PRIM MINISTRU. Imma tafu tisthu. Qed twaqqughlna wiccna l-art lilna l-partitarji PN. Lil-Andre Camilleri issa ilni naqra ma narah. Nifhimha din ghax tant ihawwad meta jigi dahru mal-hajt b'xi mistoqsija li nahseb iddecidew li ma jibghatux lilu fuq it-TV. Minn naha l-ohra naghti PROSIT KBIR lil avukatessa Deborah Schembri ghal mod dritt u sincier kif twiegeb kull mistoqsija li jkollha. Nahseb rajtuha f'Bondi Plus. Prosit tassew. Maltin ifthu ghajnejkom. Nhar is-Sibt ohorgu ivvutaw IVA, l-ewwel biex ikollna d-dritt civili bhal haddiehor u t-tieni biex b'dan il-vot ahna n-Nazzjonalisti disilluzi naghtu tingiza kbira lil Prim Ministru u shabu ghal mod xejn tajjeb kif qed imexxu l-pajjiz bhalissa. Fl-istess hin naghtu tumakka lil aktar zewg ministri arroganti li hawn, Tonio Fenech u Austin Gatt kif ukoll lil dawk il-membri parlamentari b'mentalita' fundamentalista. U fl-ahhar naghtu wkoll tumakka ohra lil Isqof t'Ghawdes u ta' Malta u nghidulhom li ghandna naghtu lil Cesare dak li hu ta' Cerare u lil Alla dak li hu ta' Alla. U ma jindahlux f'affarijet civili inkella jibdew l-ewwel huma u jitolbu lil pulizija tinvestiga dawk l-abbuzi minn xi qassisin u sorijiet, mhux qed jippruvaw jahbu kollox. IVA
Kienu jghidulna li l-Press tal-Labour thawweg il-fatti maghrufa. Tghid il-Media tal-Partit Nazzjonalista hadu din il-marda??
Divorce is good for children. Never mind. Only helps. Why later in adult life to overcome any difficulties. Better do as daddy and mummy.
Dawk kollha li qraw l-intervisti li Christian Peregin ghamel lil Deborah Schembri u Andre Camilleri fuq The Sunday imes, ma setghux ma mressjonawx ruhhom bil-mod lucidu u bla kantunieri kif irrispondiet Dr. Deborah Schembri. B'kuntrast kbir ma dan, kien il-mod fjakk ghal-ahhar kif beda jirrispondi Andre Camilleri. Tant kien ippreparat il-gurnalista zghazugh Christian Peregin, li Andre Camilleri sthajjiltu qisu xi boxer li l-avversarju tieghu tefghu fuq il-hbula bid-daqqiet. U kull darba li pprova jisgicca minn mal-hbula, jerga jsib ruhu mitfuh b'dahru fir-rokna mal-hbula ! Prosit lil Christian Peregin ! Andre camilleri irnexxielu jikkonvinci hafna nies li qraw dawk l-intervisti biex jivvutaw IVA !
I will vote YES if it's for Civil Marrage but if you choose to marry in church you have to obey those rules no matter what. So you either choose CIVIL MARRAGE or a CHURCH MARRAGE, it's up to you and you should know the rules of the game before you say YES. So think twice fefore you say YES I DO.
Ghal min ma jafhomx, dak li qeghdin jaghmlu f'din il-kampanja tal-PN mhu xejn gdid ! Ili nsegwi l-hazen taghhom minn mindu kelli 13 il-sena. Illum ghandi 73 ! Naccertakhom li ma nbidlu xejn. Jinbidel biss kif iqarrqu bin-nies- daqqa b'weghdiet galore qabel xi elezzjoni. U gieli bit-twerwir religjuz billi jintuzaw dawk ir-religjuzi li jinhbaw taht is-suttana jew taht ic-coqqa, izda li ghalihom il-PN jigi qabel Alla ! Rajna dan car f'dawn l-ahhar xahrejn l-aktar !
Welcome to the Liberal Party..the PN! What an embarrassment!
Divorce is good. Never mind. Only helps. Why later in adult life to overcome any difficulties. Better do as daddy and mummy.
Adrian Busuttil
I think these actons (lies, mis-quoting, propaganda etc.) by the Church and the PN are intrinsically evil.
MISSKOM TISTHU! L-ewwel Helen D'Amato u issa intom! Taqghu ghan-nejk ma' l-awturi ta' l-istudju stess. ISTHU
Brandon Johnson
Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours... Kompli hu go fik ja poplu gahan!!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Movement chairperson Andre Camilleri claimed the pro divorce movement “have continuously tried to mislead the public. Such attitude is unacceptable in a democratic society.” Dr Camilleri : Is misquoting, misrepresenting and misinterpreting of international reports and research 'acceptable ' to your movement?
Indeed, this study is consistent with similar studies conducted in the US and published by the American Psychological Association. Can we know who are the "experts" in Malta interpreting such studies? Do they have behavioral science and research methodology expertise??? Jew kollox tad-dilettanti hawn f'dan il-pajjiz?!
What better can one expect from a paper owned by the Curia leccaculi ? I appeal to all liberal nationalist party supporters like me to ignore such articles that are full of lies and vote YES next Saturday. We must also make a resolution never to vote for our party, till it gets rid of the fundamentalist catholics. And that is why all Labour supporters must vote YES, to help us rid our party of the lunatic catholic fundamentalist fringe. Let us say it as it is. A NO vote is a vote for Lawrence Gonzi. He was the one who threw the issue into the political arena, by urging the party to proclaim itself against divorce. He may say it was a democratic decision of the PN executive, but some of us know how the party works. All Maltese should be aware of the threats posed to Malta by this fundamentalist party. They have even started appointing Opus Dei members to positions of influence, without so much as an I beg your leave. This fundamentalist party is also imposing on us Maltese on whether to use condoms or not; on how many eggs to implant in IVF births, on stem cell research; and on a host of other things. This transition is slow, but constant. This drift towards Curia leccaculismo started when the party mistakenly branded Democrazia Cristiana as a sidekick of the Church. Don Luigi Sturzo is probably rolling in his grave when he sees exponents of the nationalist party acting the way they do. So, vote YES and help us drive a wedge between church and state. Let us be vigilant to the catholic fundamentalist threats posed by MP's in both parties. Even the Labour party unfortunately harbours such fundamentalists in its midst. So, pluck up courage and vote YES. There are only the chains which you can lose. And who knows ? Perhaps in a couple of months time we can be in a position to ask all MP's, through the parliamentary process, whether they prefer their salary and siggu to the God they so much mentioned lately ! VOTE YES, YES, YES !!!!!!
Why is il-Mument so bent against divorce? Simple, because if the Yes vote prevails GonziPN would be in a VERY embarrassing situation.
High five! :)
Il-hsara bhalissa qedgha fuq kulhadd, u fuq l-ulied aktar ,ghax il-quddiem dan id-dejn kolhu li hawn il-quddiem huma ser jerfaw dan il-piz kollhu. ara ghalihom u ghal uliedhom jahsbu, bhal per ezempju niehdu xi 500 euro, hekk, minghajr ma ljkun jaf hadd, imbgahd meta jfetlilna nghidu li hadna hekk. tajjeb tajeb , komplu sejrin hekk, u ivvutawlu ta. issa hareg kollox fil-berah, hawn min irid li l-pajjiz jerga lura fi zmien, fejn fil-pajjiz ir-religjuzi jibdew jghidulhek kif ghandek tghix , x'ghandek taghmel u x`ma ghandekx tghamel. L-aqwa li nghidhu li ahna qedghin fl-unjoni ewropea.
And to be TRUE PATRIOTIC MALTESE, if the NO wins, Gonzo & Co will claim victory. Malta - the capital of fools.