Misleading ‘specimen’ voting ballots being circulated

Anti-divorce leaflets posing as genuine instructional voting documents are being circulated in households, urging people to vote ‘no’ to “vote properly.”

The anti-divorce leaflet attempts to pose as an instructional specimen document that aims to educate the public on how to vote properly on the 28 May divorce referendum.

It however also directs voters to vote no, urging them to “mark an X in the brown box above the word ‘NO’.” 

The propagandistic leaflets however bear no mark, logo, or other disclaimer informing the public that it is anti-divorce material.

"You can take this paper with you to vote, however be careful to not cast this paper instead of the vote into the ballot box," the leaflet adds.

See the full size leaflet, back and front, below.

These dirty tricks should be an eye opener to everyone who may still have an ounce of doubt about what to vote. ZbD's campaign has been characterized by misinformation, downright lies and scaremongering. This leaflet is another example of unscrupulous people who want to win by hook or by crook.
Hehehe the Le group by any chance have had training by Gaddafi, Ahmedinejad, Saleh or Mugabe??? Is this the way they show their holiness and christian attitude??? By deceiving people??? They are true to Christ's words - Whited Sepulchers!!!
MESSAGG LIL TAD DLAM How to ensure a safe seat in heaven: One LE => buys a back row seat . Two LE (coerce another confused person) => middle row seat . Take a busload of LE confused elderly folk => front seat . Threaten the whole parish => right on stage along with other emotional, mental, physical and sexual abusers.
Hmm. What does this say about the nay-sayers?
Pity I do not have a dog to take out for walks, this pieces of paper could come very handy when my dog shits!
Peter Paul Azzopardi
Ara Dawn in nies vera mahmuhin. Basta f'isem Alla.
Ara Dawn in nies vera mahmuhin. Basta f'isem Alla.
Tghid l-Isqof t'Ghawdex se jaghmel il-velja ta' talb nhar il-Gimgha filghaxija bhala tpattija ghad-dnubiet li twettqu mill-Kurja ta' Malta u d-djocesi ta' Ghawdex f'dawn l-ahhar gimghat ? Ara wara r-referendum ma jergax jigi bit-tbissima u kliem helu biex inessi x'ghamel u x'qal meta ghajjarna " Briganti " u " lpup liebsin ta' naghag " ! L-aghar tkun meta lupu jilbes ta' sacerdot !!!
Igor P. Shuvalov
... u minfejn gabu l-flus dawn biex qed jibghatu daqshekk leaflets fid-djar, jibdlu l-billboards sikwit u propoganda ohra/ Tghid ghad inkunu nafu?
Din parti mill-misinformazzjoni tal-Le li ma tinzinx fuq il-kuxjenza taghhom. Ghal aktar info araw: http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/jimmobilizzaw-ix-xjuh-u-l-batuti/
Igor P. Shuvalov
... and of course no steps would be taken about this misleading leaflet as the Electoral Commission would let the police deal with this matter as it 'only ensures adherence to the law within 50 metres of the polling stations.' And of course the police would do nothing about it as they expect the Commission to ask them to take action about it....
brown box - bovine excreta - papal mind control - yellow vomit - irrational fear - bishops and pawns - knights (of Malta) – black, scarlet and white foxes in goats’ clothing - priest-politicians - politician priests - toxic indoctrination - civic disrespect - dead-end dogmas - self-seeking scruples - ecclesiastical obscenities - sanctimonious annulments - sacraMENTAL smokescreens – Vatican’t – Vaticunt – sperm supremacy - god-prick - rampant and cruel misogyny - blackmailing Madonnas – MASSacre of human dignity, self respect and personal integrity.
Of course they tell them that "You can take this paper with you to vote". Anyone taking someone else's liberty with a No vote cannot have any brains to remember his preference while voting.
@ Wenzu. Dear friend, may I suggest an alternative to your action, i.e. throwing away this distasteful propoganda where it belongs? Keep all such leaflets and put them away in the envelope you have undoubtedly received (or will receive) in aid of contributions towards the village religious feast in your town or village. Just seal it up and hand over. Hopefully this message might start a trend which will enable us all to give a clear message to the church authorities that we are sick and tired of their hypocrisies.
The fear propaganda is taking over. Were these leaflets printed by the CHURCH like those posters of Christ. They are to cowards to sign their unjust propaganda
Micheal Bonanno
The best to tell would be voters is that they must vote X (yes on the Vatican Colour Yellow). That will help a lot. Ivvutaw fuq il-kulur tal-Papa jigifieri Iva. Tghid dik kienet xi Freudian slip min-naha tan-NO Camp jew min-naha tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali?
I treated this distasteful piece of crap with what it deserves- strait into the garbage can. This is how low the NO campaign stoops. It doesn't have an argument, so it hopes the stupids will follow these instructions. Unfortunately there a LOT of stupids out there who will blindly be led by "bovine excreta" such as this.