Church drawing children into divorce debate

Teachers say the Church is using children “like an irresponsible couple going through separation” by exposing them to divorce-themed pastoral message targeting children and pushing anti-divorce movement material.

Weekly newspaper (correcton: Torca) reports how church school teachers have voiced worries over how the Church is approaching children as part of its anti-divorce campaigning.

In comments to the newspaper, teachers said circulars inviting parents to anti-divorce events and seminars organised by the anti-divorce movement were handed out to children in church schools.

The report adds how the Church is also targeting children through the Archibishop’s pastoral message that pushes an anti-divorce agenda. The pastoral message, almost nine-minutes long, exhorts the importance of a stable family that does not break up or is dissolved, and urges children to make the choice between good and evil.

“Children, you know well the difficult times we are going through because of divorce, meaning that two people leave each other and marry others,” the pastoral message reads.

 “As children, you aren’t responsible for the decisions that adults make for you, but I am worried for your sakes as I know that you can suffer a lot because of what us adults do,” the Archbishop adds before urging children to pray so that adults ‘decide’ “based on what Jesus wishes them to.”

“This is aside from the exercises,” one teacher is also reported as saying, who said that this anti-divorce campaign as also taking place within state schools.

Kullhadd also reports comments by a social worker who maintains that it is not healthy to involve children in such a debate.

“In the same way that we say that children shouldn’t be involved in disputes that take place between adults, by the same reasoning I don’t see why children should be involved or be used in any way during the debate,” the social worker said.

You nailed it Jezabel !! Thats how the catholic system works...By intimidating if not to say terrorizing its members...implanting fears of eternal perdition into those who do not follow their rules. Everybody who is not lazy on the brain will realize this.
We all know why the Maltese Catholic Church is doing this lets face they could not give a damn about our family or our problems in fact the more annulments the more money for their coffers and that's what this is all about MONEY!!! can you imagine people not going to church people not opening doors for Tberik and divorce not annulments.. it will make a huge hole in the greedy pockets!! i was a young girl in the sixty's and remember well the dotrina from hell about interdett i would go home petrified!!Why do i mention the sixty's?? cause the way they are using kids and making them helll scared of this issues is same as what they did then, shame on the most hypocritical church in the whole of Europe The Maltese Catholic Church for not caring about our young emotionally and the effect it has on them whether their parents are in good relations or not !Shame on the church for using these tactics on young minds to get the result it wants and shame on the church for their hold on a small nation that is trying to break free form their rules and blackmail. and most of all shame on the church that has done soo much damage and ruined so many young lives who never have gotten to live a normal live cause of the molestation by pedophile priest!! SHAME ON TH MALTESE CATHOLIC CHURCH!!! I am so disgusted!!
Boycott the Church! Boycott its schools, services, Mass and bank! The future of the Roman Catholic Church is not different than the ones the Ancient Egyptians or the sun-worshippers had - it will soon be a relic, a looney idea of the past, superstition aimed only at controlling the masses
I am sure that for kids or for adults the worst situation is that they live in a bad marriage/family, bad for Health. i know too many old people especially women whom have mental illness due to bad marriage. So the worst is living in a bad marriage or relationship, which can be to various reasons. every case is different, cause all people are all different. Don't forget that humans knows how to Lie. Divorce /seperation not always can have a bad efect on the man the woman or the kids- Not true. sometimes divorce /seperation can lead to harmony, as violence , bad manners etc... Do so much bad for the kids and both man and woman. So yes it's not true that only seperated couples can have these problems, along with their children. Who says that is lying, puted discriminance against seperated/divorced people. Well as they say"l-ispizjar milli jkollu jaghtik " ;-)
Phillip Martin Micallef
iI experienced this first hand. My daughter attends our lady immaculate schools hamrun. I attended my daughters’' prize day and to say the least I couldn't believe my ears hearing the school head-teacher addressing her pupils and the parents present for this "ceremony". it was a pathetic and sad speech saying amongst other that she and her colleagues pity children that forget their blazers at dad's or mum's house 'because' there are ‘family trouble’ meaning cause they are separated. She said (the headmaster) that she PITY girls that go home and finds no one at home making stark remarks that this occurs due to family litigation or breakups. As if children are going home alone just because of marriages breakdown
x'tgahmel il-qorti tisma lit-tfal ? hahaahhaaaaaa kieku sew johduhom bis-serjeta lit-tfal fil-qorti- Kemm hemm affarijiet li tridu taghdu minnhom biex tkunu tafu . bejn il-paroli ul-fatti hemm bahar jikkumbatti.
The church has failed to read the times, comfortably believed the Maltese family was strong and failed to act, let alone proact. The gravest problem is not whether one is in favour or against divorce, but what has to be done to a present acute social problem which is worse than the Church has wanted to believe. By drawing children in the divorce debate it is not only conveniently turning it back to its suffering flock but compounding the matter by dangerously involving the innocent young emotionally.
Keith Goodlip
Amazing- parts of Libya still suffer under Gadaffi and Malta, as a whole, still suffers under the catholic church.
Il-fiducja li kelli fl-isqfijiet ta' Malta ixxelfet wahda sew, kond ser nikbilom wara l-hruq tal-pastorali tar-randan. Illum nahseb li qed nghamel sew li nikbilom ghawn ghax hekk titlob it-trasparenza. Wara li l-knisja qed titlef hafna fidili fejn in-numri ghawn Malta nizlu sew skond l-ahhar censiment nahseb li l-Knisja ghada taggorna maz-zminijiet tal-lum u tidhol aktar fid-dinja globalistika u mhux tirreferi x'ghamlu Adam u Eva u x'hemm miktub fil-Genesi. Infakkar l-isfqijiet x'kitbu fil-pastorali tar-randan li 'Din is-sena l-Mulej fethilna ghajnejna fuq xi haga li kienet hemm, izda hassejna lilna nfusna qisna bla qawwa quddiemha. Ma konniex qeghdin nindunaw bizzejjed li, fis-socjeta ta' madwarna, il-kultura dwar iz-zwieg u l-familja nbidlet. Konna ngergru ghaliex 'm'ghanniex bhal qabel' u nirrassenjaw ruhna ghal dan.'..............'Din is-sena, id-diskussjoni dwar id-divorzju fethitilna ghajnejna mhux bis dwar dann il-mod kif jithassar zwieg dejjiemi, izda ghenitna nghamlu l-mistoqsija dwar din il-kultura. Forsi l-anqas ndunajna bizzejjed kemm din inbidlet, u allura, kemm hafna drabi tkun ta' tfixkil ghal dawk li jkunu jixtiequ jizzewgu u jirpperseveraw fiz-zwieg' Hekk qalu l-isqfijiet fl-ahhar pastorali tar=randan u kull kumment iehor huwwa superflu. Veru u verissimu li 'Dawn l-ideali huma difficli li nghixuhom f'kuntest ta' dinja difficli' u nabel perfettament mal-pastorali li 'Iktar ma z-zwieg ta' koppja jkun sabih, iktar ghandha (il-Knisja u l-Isqfijiet) thossha msejha biex thares b'imhabba lejn dawk li qeghdin ibatu mill-falliment taz-zwieg taghhom u taghti s-sehem taghha biex tghinhom'.
@Joseph Howard: the Church is one of those voices who constently voices concerns about how to get more stable families. Have you been around lately? No goverment has ever issue some form of consistent help that helps couples prepare themselves for marriage and continue doing so. Stables marriages are needed in a civil marriage as well. @Firillu: if you like to read and think matters through, parents and grandparents account for the majority of abusers. Every crime is wrong .. but maybe there are paedos in families than in convents. @David Caruana: you know dear ... your posts are only full of hate and no insight. Get a grip.
This is only the beginning! These turbulent priests will not let go of their stranglehold on Malta so easily and for them the ends have always justified the means.
One finds it hard to understand the church now a days in the year 2011 using such tactics. It would be better if the church voices its concern why stable families are braking up? I understand that Divorce is not a solution and we might not be achieving anything as one has to have some good financial backing to go for a divorce as proposed. I would suggest to the Church that it might be better to voice its concerns about how should we help families not to reach this position. It would have been better for the Church to speak out about the lack of quality time we parents have with our children due to the financial stress being imposed on us with daily bills and the constant increase in daily basic necessities. To be honest I have quitted church going as I cant bear the fact that we are being taught very differently than what the gospel preaches. Love to all and never judge anyone. A religion that preaches empathy but practices differently. So please Mr Bishop pull up your socks and speak for the poor in our society.
Dawn ahjar jghallmu lit tfal kif jaghrfu lir-religjuzi pedofoli, fejn u kif ghandhom jirraportawhom bla biza li jigu abbuzati aktar. Il-knisja Maltija meta se taghti kimpens lil dawk abbuzati mill-qassisn kif ghamlet f'pajjizi ohra jew Malta kollox specjali? Kif jista' jkollna fiducja fil Knisja meta din damet daqs tant snin tahbi l-abbuzi tal-qassisin/patrijiet?
Ximakku.... What about those children whose parents' marriage is strong and well? Why should they be exposed to such drama? Unbelievable that anyone would support such disgusting acts by Pawl Cremona and his clergy band
because like it not they are the ones who at the end of the day suffer most. they see the quarrels and are used by parents to hurt each other. children will suffer the most since they are always in the middle of loads of issues. with the arguments stated by many here, the civil courts should stop hearing children's witness in cases where they have to take sides - which should not be the case. Maybe thes teachers should do well to keep an eye on another form of violence that they should protect children in their schools from - bullying! Which leaves permanent marks. The Commissioner of Children would do well to speak to defend children with good statistics showing that if society does not protect the family unit, we shall have more complex problems to solve.
Korezzjoni zghira. Dan l-artiklu kien f'pagna 3 tat-TORCA u mhux il-KullHadd.
"The pastoral message, almost nine-minutes long, exhorts the importance of a stable family that does not break up or is dissolved, and urges children to make the choice between good and evil." The church forgets that many of the children it is addressing are in fact products of such families. What a way to stick your foot in it. How insensitive. I think it is very clear what is "evil" here.
This is just another pastoral message of oh so many that confirms my decision i made long time ago to leave the catholic church and all its hypocrisy and bigotry behind me.
We lambast countries where young children are drafted for military efforts. We boycott companies that use child labour to manufacture their products. In many countries there is rising concern about media advertising targeting children. And here we have the church using the students entrusted to its care to pile pressure on their parents. So much for shielding children from psychological harm. Now they're making the children question the stability of their parents' relationships.
Day by day, the Roman Catholic Church is showing its true colours - a cancer to our world! Your attempts at manipulating and using the children are disgusting Pawl Cremona, and in the future such acts will be tried in front of a criminal court
Fejnha l-Kumissarju ghat-tfal? Dan hu abbuz sfaccat minn naha tal-Knisja, jew l-Isqof hu l-fuq mill ligi? Nistqarr li meta nhatar dan l-Arcisqof hadt nifs qawwi....imma dan malajr telaq u llum hawn arja tqila.
That is why all Maltese must vote YES in the referendum. Not just in favour of divorce. But also to drive a wedge between Church and State ! And to get rid of all the modern-day Savonarolas in the PN and PL !!!!
What about the children whose parents have obtained an annulment or seperated. How come the Church is bringing these issues to the children now when the Divorce issue hit the local scene. Does the Church consider the feelings of children when it hands out an annulment to their Parents???
Simply disgusting. Not even the church is honest enough to play by the rules. And this is just the beginning. Who knows what else they will be plotting together with the government to try to make sure that the people vote 'no'. I hope that the Maltese people are mature enough to see beyond all this rubbish and vote according to what deep down in their hearts they feel is the right thing to do and once and for all send a strong message and show the church that the days when it dictated matters are over.
Ehm Don't forget to mention whom did those sexual abuses, the ones who wears funny clothes and says that he is instead of jesus, than rapes children. It's the Cathloic priests- that you should tell them. remember your bible says in one of your ten commandmnets "Do not Lie". RESIST OR SERVE!
“As children, you aren’t responsible for the decisions that adults make for you, but I am worried for your sakes as I know that you can suffer a lot because of what us adults do,” the Archbishop adds before urging children to pray so that adults ‘decide’ “based on what Jesus wishes them to.” ************** ********* Archbishop or what you are, yess tell them how their parents maybe are acting bad, not like Jesus told them to do. Tell them about the Thousands of sexually abused children all over the world. tell them how many children were robbed thier Innocense by being sexaully abused. tell them hopw many kids had made suiced in the world cause of the sexual abuse. I have my doubts who takes seriously these ... who wears those ridicolous clothing they wear.