Conscience not dictated by theologians – Bishop Grech’s ‘no compromise’ homily

Hard-hitting homily by Gozo bishop Mario Grech states theologians do not decide how conscience is formed in Christians.

Gozo bishop Mario Grech has broken ranks with a declaration penned by theologians last year, in which they said Christians may vote in favour of the introduction of divorce if they had a ‘formed conscience’ and kept in mind the common good.

In his hard-hitting homily last Sunday, Grech said there was “no compromise on a proper, true and sincere conscience” for Christians.

And referring to the issue of divorce, Grech said the authority that guides Christians’ conscience “doesn’t come from theologians’ opinions or socio-economic considerations, but from the Church’s ministry, and the Pope’s and his bishops’ teachings.”

In October 2010, a declaration on divorce by several theologians offered scenarios where Catholics could be seen ‘forming their conscience’ and still vote for divorce.

The declaration was signed by Faculty of Theology’s dean Prof. Emmnuel Agius, former RTK director Fr Joe Borg, theology lecturer Fr Charlò Camilleri, Cana Movement director Fr Joe Mizzi, Fr Alfred Micallef, former university rector Prof. Peter Serracino Inglott, and even the Archbishop’s pro-vicar general Mgr Anton Gouder.

According to the declaration, Catholics had to form their conscience according to God’s Word, even if they voted in favour of divorce. “One is always obliged to follow and decide according to one’s conscience… They may still, in spite of having all the necessary knowledge and having done everything to find the whole truth, in conscience  not see why to vote against legislation favouring divorce. This one too has the right and the duty to follow what one’s conscience tells one.”

Last Sunday, Bishop Grech said Christians’ conscience must be in line with the Church’s teaching if they are to form a “proper judgement” on the issue of divorce.

Grech said that Christians are “not free from blame” if their judgement does not correspond to the Church’s teaching, “because consciously and freely [they are] breaking moral law, his relation with God, Christ’s father.”

Grech went on to say: “When Christians come to form a proper judgement of conscience on marriage and anything related to it, they have God’s commandments and Christ’s explicit words as a guide... which asserts that any legal measure that breaks a marriage as is divorce, and also adultery, are intrinsically wrong because they are directly opposed to God’s creative will.”

The bishop described the ‘abuse of conscience’ as a “grave crime against humans and God”.

He also outlined a definite understanding of conscience: “a true and sincere conscience is God’s, Christ’s, and the Church’s voice inside human beings” and that an authentic consicence must be in accordance to “the divine will as found in Christ’s and the Church’s teachings.”

I agree with the bishop. My conscience is clear and I will vote YES
@ il-mohh kollox - please don't generate - cremona is NOT LOVED BY ALL!!! A statistics right now would make that very clear!!! Perhaps he's loved by the corrupt criminal vatican, but definitely not by ALL maltese. Il-mohh kollox - it's true cos brainwise i must say that to love cremona or grech means no brains at all!!!
I am not surprised about Grech's stance towards theologians. He is, after all, no theologian himself. Having degrees in theology does not qualify you to claim the title of theologian. What books has he published? What great contribution has he made to theology? I'd love to find out? Not interested in his sermons and his circulars. I am interested in critical theological publications.
Monsignor Mario Grech is a GREAT bishop .... for the 1950s. What arrogance. Has he, too, got a hot line to God? Tell that to St Thomas Aquinas or Dun Scotus. Mohh tal-pizelli kif sikwit jghid wiehed avukat Malti li jghix Malta .... Min fejn sabu dan l-imbierek?
Firillu l-kbir. Inkompli mieghek u naghti ftit x'joghmod lil min ghandu ghalfejn jixtarr qabel joqghod jippontifika fuq it- taghlim ta' Kristu. Mat.6:24. "Hadd ma jista' jaqdi zewg sidien....Ma tistghux taqdu lil Alla u lill-flus". Mat. 6:19.21. "La tahznux gid fuq l-art....Ghax fejn hu gidek hemm tkun qalbek". Issa jekk inharsu lejn dik il-knisja li tghid li tirrapprezenta lill-Kristu f'din l-art, naraw il-kontra ta' dan it-taghlim. Jien inqishom l-antikristi moderni. Isthu anke ssemmu isem Kristu u isem Alla, ghax b'ghemilkom u bl-ipokresija ta' kliemkom qeghdin toffenduhoM.
Joseph Catania
Fools rush in where Angels fear to thread.... u dak hu propju dak li l-Knisja f'Malta qed taghmel. Qed tindahal f'xi haga li tikkoncerna l-istat u drittijiet civili, minnflok teduka lill-membri taghha u jigi kif jigi r-rizultat tar-referendum ir-rizultati fit-tul se juru li l-ikbar telliefa se tkun il-Knisja stess. Ghada pitghada meta nharsu lura lejn din is-sena se nharsu lejn il-Knisja bl-istess mod kif missirijietna jharsu lejha wara l-pastazata tal- interdett.
Keith Goodlip
@Konstanty My parents were divorced, when I was about 12 years old. It was good for them. AND it did NOT have any adverse effects, neither on my brother, nor myself. OK? Don't lump everybody into your sour grapes attitude because of your own experiences.
Law from Malta is a future for Europa.
Divorce is a right of the people who form a state. It is the property of the Church!!! Niether is Christianity a property of the Church!!! The chruch is one big business. If it wasnt it would really follow Christs footsteps and share its wealth with the needy. Which it clearly does not do.
My parents had divorced. It's no good. It does not.
Given the effort to forward a coherent argument one is surprised that Mons Grech opts to contract his exposition on conscience into “[it]doesn’t come from theologians’ opinions or socio-economic considerations, but from the Church’s ministry, and the Pope’s and his bishops’ teachings.” To my knowledge the suggestion by the Catholic church is that man, being a special creature, is born with 'the voice of the great values engraved in its very being'. The church advises that it would be wrong for humans to attempt to give meaning to these engraved values by looking outside their being as this would only lead to these values being polluted by egoism and the materialism of the world. The only other option to discover these engraved values is to look inside oneself. Of course the capacity to look into oneself is (unlike the engraved values) not engraved enough in humans to make it possible for them to discover and embrace the engraved values they are born with - possibly an oversight in creation. This is where the bishops come in - they make the otherwise impossible possible - they make humans reach those engraved values, they facilitate the formation of human conscience. And I am convinced that had Mons Grech been of the Dani, Yali or Lani tribe his engraved values would tell him he should not be running about with a Koteka.
This Bishop, whilst entitled to his opinion etc, would be an extremist Imam if he were a Muslim. Goes to show that Christianity still harbours extremist views aimed at what religious leaders do best - control of those who follow them using whatever is available to them - bibles, conscience, daggers, bombs, crusades etc etc All in the name of religion. Thank goodness he's only the Bishop of Gozo - even if he gets promoted, he'll only be the bishop of Malta. He certainly is good at self promotion! His views seem rather archaic though and not quite in line with many others in the Church itself.
Chris Tanthi
On divorce....and falsehood
@estimulante Also, because I forgot to mention where in the bible Jesus preaches about annulment of marriage? Chap and verse ..please
@estimulante What does "The Cathecism of the Catholic Church" say about Matthew Chap5- verses 31-32. No theologian or preacher has yet answered this question and I have put it on a number of media, no answer has been forth coming, why?
Xi trid tghamel biex tmur il-Genna skond Gesu' Mistoqsi Gesu' "x'ghandu jaghmel wiehed biex jidhol il-Genna." Wiegeb Gesu' "Qassam GIDEK KOLLU lil FOQRA ghax aktar facli li gemel jaghddi minn ghajn ta' labra milli ghani jidhol il-Genna."
Hasn't anybody told Bishop Grech that Pope Benedict - when he was still Joseph Ratzinger - was a leading theologian?
@martin borg Don't you know that "The Cathecism of the Catholic Church" is the official document of the Catholic Chuirch?" I thought that this was obvious. there is no need to stress the obvious.
@estimulante .....and who's authoritative teachings are you refering to? . There are non-religious teachings that are as authoritative as those of the church.
@falzonsilvio Stop depicting clerics in various names it does not help to persuade others of your argument. Everyone has a right to an opinion and the right to express it in what ever way they choose whilst they should expect replies. . @david_lexicon You sister's case is just one case so don't try to make an argument on just one instance. So cohabiting is better than being married , you are saying?
Bishop Mario Grech has shown his worth by voicing the Church’s teaching about conscience. Article 1783 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that: “Conscience must be informed and moral judgment enlightened. A well-formed conscience is upright and truthful. It formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed by the wisdom of the Creator. The education of conscience is indispensable for human beings who are subjected to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own judgment and to reject authoritative teachings.
This purely a civil matter and not religious so I believe that the church should stay out of it, it can only do itself harm like in the 60s. Torquemada died hundreds of years ago. As for all you holier-than-thou bible bashing do gooders, can we have the freedom to go to hell if we choose to? The freedom GOD Himself gave us through Adam and Eve to choose right from wrong or are you all above GOD and want to restrict our freedom?
Donella Agius
Prosit Isqof Mario Grech. Il-knisja ghandha bzonn rghajja tajba u mhux nies gwejfa li jduru ma kull rih u jibzghu´ ixandru l-Kelma t´Alla kif tassew hi. Kellu bzonn l-Pro Vigarju Mons Gouder ta´Malta jkun fidil lejn it-taghllim tal-Knisja u mhux ihawwad l-imhuh u mohhu biex jithabbeb ma´ Peppi Azzopardi fuq l-RTK.
Bishop Grech being a Gozitan for sure that he is after the Arch Bishop's CHAIR, he is all the time jumping the gun and using the divorce issue for his cause.....he has to remember that we have a Valletta born Bishop AND loved by all.
The goverment is mirroring the church in parlament. That is for sure! So the church is in the parlament, that is the absurdity. Me, I don't care what politicians say , like every Maltese citizen Knows what is good for him, and all maltese citizens have the RIGHT to live their lives . Well Personally These so called arch Bishops etc.. dressed likes clown, I don't care what they say, they don't effect me , as I don't take them seriously, i just laugh when they show up :) Yes in a democratic country all have the right to speak, so the church can speak in the church, e-news , radio tv etc.. But Not in the parlament, they are there allready , represented by the PN. My suggestion is ,don't take those that wear those ridiculous clothes and hats, just get a good laugh with them, especially the pope when he weared that red shoes lollllllllllllllllllllll
I made mistake in my writing: ".........however the Church is condemning those...." it should read "......the Church is NOT condemning those...."
Why all this venom against the Church of Christ? If you attack the Body of Christ (which is the Church - from the Pope to the least faithful) you are attacking Jesus Himself. If we live in a democratic country, the Church in Malta has the right to spread its teachings to its faithful. If the Church in Malta forces EVERYBODY to vote .against divorce, then yes, we are in the Middle Ages however the Church is condemning those who are in favour of divorce with fires of hell. Those lapsed Catholics who ware willing to vote in favour for the divorce referendum, nobody is forcing you not to - you are FREE to do so but you have to respect and not to ostracize those who differ in their convictions from yours. My sister has divorced 2 years ago (married with a foreigner in the Catholic Church but obtained civil divorce from a European country) and she has sworn not to marry again due to the traumatic experience. Today she is cohabiting and with child. So divorce does not solve anything. Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher said "Divorce in a family is similar to a civil war in a country".
Sorry, Matthew Chap.5 - verses 31-32
"And referring to the issue of divorce, Grech said the authority that guides Christians’ conscience “doesn’t come from theologians’ opinions or socio-economic considerations, but from the Church’s ministry, and the Pope’s and his bishops’ teachings.” . Beg to defer , conscience should be guided by the Word of God and not its interpretation by any Pope,cardinal or Bishop. Once again I refer to the bible text Matthew Chap.5 verses 31-31 where Christ says that divorce in case of "marital unfaithfulness" is allowed. . I challenge any bishop or theologian to negate this and provide the bible chapter and verse number were Christ talks about marriage annulments.
Bwahahaha!!! . Shepherds fighting over their sheep. Or are they wolves in a shepherd's clothing? . This Grech fellow is hilarious. If the Pope were to soften his stance on divorce, Grech would excommunicate him.
Well said by the Bishop of Gozo; theologians are stabbing the Church in the back, hence the faculty of theology should be driven out of the University and excluded from teaching,just like what present Pope did to Hans Kung. Welcome to the Medioevo!
hey mons, secularism is on it's way to prevail in this country, whether you fuckin moron like it or not. your days of controlling people's minds are truly numbered.
Jeff Cassar
Antoine, li poplu f'stat sovran ma jkunx jixtieq jaqsam pajjizu li għalih bata u iġġieled mhuwiex razziżmu. Jekk inti ma tiddejjaqx tgħix f'pajjiż multikulturali tista temiggra b'mod LEGALI, la darda int ċittadin tal-UE, lejn l-Ingilterra jew Franza.
When the church buried maltese in trash where was the church consience? There where times when church was against women rights There where times when church was against women wearing trousers There where times when it was a sin not to kiss a priests name Well seems either god changed or the church changed its attitudes to saveguard its financial income and its followers so it all ends up with the basic fact that church is made up of ordinary people and not gods. Church will still babtise my kids and recognise me as chatholic even if I vote in favour of divorce as with my vote I will be helping the unlucky ones and surely helping best you can is apreciated by god who will surely open my heavens door. Let's just stop praying for the sick for the needy for all those who are suffering and give a practical help to these people. The church prays for the poor and lives in luxury. I live in poverty and best I can practically help the needy. So I vote YES to help those who wish to terminate cohabitation and get married leading to legally recognised kids.
In Poland the cross is a “secular symbol” For 40 years crosses have been set up in Poland in protests which have been directed successively against Communism, the Jews and secularism. However, a new cross set up on the grounds of the presidential palace in Warsaw in the summer of 2010 was quietly moved a few weeks later. With most Poles now against religious symbols in public places, the days of the traditional Polish “cross wars” may be numbered. Poland gives land and money to Church while a quarter of its children go hungry The Polish Government can afford to subsidise Church influence in every corner of society, from salaries for the chaplains in the civil service, to holiday pay for the monks and nuns teaching religion in state schools. Yet it is unable to provide free school lunches for Polish children, a quarter of whom are malnourished. This is an itemised list of state subventions to the Church for 2008.
Reuben Sciberras
Bishop Grech wants only his word to be considered as the true teachings of God. He has a direct line to the Divine God and thus he is infallible. Only he will decide who goes to heaven or hell. He is the all knowing and only he is above anyone else to interpret the WORD. All us goats, illiterate and unclean beings should not even think about trying to challenge what Bishop Grech says. Some of the groups which Bishop Grech will save and open the gates of heaven for are: Murderers i.e. The Inquisition. Pedophile Priests. People who spend 90,000 Euros on a brass door of a Church instead of a hospital in Arica. People who spend 80,000 Euros on a church bell instead of a school in Africa. People who lie through their teeth and/or pay in order to get the church annulment. Priests who adorn themselves with golden vestments and live in palaces while half the word is starving. Priests who preach about respect and love to on another and they do exactly that: JUST TALK ABOUT IT!!!!
In Poland we have the right to civil divorce. This is very bad. European law should be adapted to the law of Malta. That would be fine. Open letter to Mr. Dr Lawrence Gonzi Prime Minister, of Malta Republic Dear Sir. As countrymen Servant of God Pope John Paul II, we would like to thank you so much for the tenacious defense of moral order and the foundations of our civilization. We want to assure you of the solidarity of our nation and the people of Malta at that particular time when in the legislation of the Republic the Christian nature of marriage as an indissoluble relation of man and woman is being undermined. We believe strongly that such thanks to your attitude this foundation, the cornerstone of a healthy society will be saved in Malta. May the Good Lord has shed light of the Maltese on the entire Europe and has attracted our erring continent back to Himself.
“Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief” Sigmund Freud “I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.” Richard Dawkins “Of all religions, Christianity is without a doubt the one that should inspire tolerance most, although, up to now, the Christians have been the most intolerant of all men” Voltaire “Religions are all alike -- founded upon fables and mythologies” Thomas Jefferson
Instead of going on and on about divorce, churchmen should denounce the real moral shortcomings of the Maltese: xenophobia and racism.
is it possible that people cares what these comedians who dresses like clowns say? Incredible , i wonder why people have to listen to these humans who dress like clowns, to tell them what to do or what not to do in their lives. they must not have a brain , to think, but thier brain must be controlled - control is the key ehhh . persuading , mind control ,control, the sheep? i cannot some people behave like sheep? I think thye don't know that thye are humans with their mind, not a sheep:) RESIST OR SERVE!
Mons.Grech said:"The authority that guides Christian's conscience doesn't come from theologians' opinions or socio-economic considerations, but from the church's ministry and the pope's and his bishops' teaching". How nice !!. Can the Bishop enlighten us which pope is he referring to ?. Has he in mind the teachings of the following Popes? :Alexander V1, Stephen V1, John X11, Benedict 1X, Boniface V111, Urban V1, Leo X, Clement V11 ,Clement V. Some of these holies had concubines and fathered children. Some were murderers, paedophiles, among other corrupt practices. Where these corrupt popes chosen by the intervention of the Holy Spirit ?. Kindly illuminate the faithful and the "fidili".
Il-punti illi huwa jghamel u igib huma cari, semplici u ma jintilifx billi jdur mal-Lewz. Ghall daqs tant, ta min jammirah, ghax qed jghid l-affarijiet kif fil verita huma. Jekk trid issegwi ir-religjon Kristjana ma tistghax taccetta affarijiet illi ma humiex 'approvati' mill-knisja u Alla, fhajtek. Ghall daqstant, xorta nemmen illi id-divorzju huwa xi haga ta' li stat illi il knisja ma ghandiex ikollha kontroll jew influenza fuqu. Bhall ma qal Kristu stess, 'Ghatu lill Cesri dak li hu ta Cesri, u lill Alla dak li hu lill Alla'. B'dik il Logika, id-divorzju bhala istituzjoni (mhux il kelma ezatta) tal-istat ghandu jidhol. Imma min jghamel uzu minnu ma jistghax iqis lilu nnifsu Kristjan bla teba.