Anti-divorce movement denies targeting teachers to join their campaign

Teachers’ union’s concerns of pressure on educators to support anti-divorce campaign and data protection breaches, as AD calls on the Data Protection Commissioner to investigate potential breach.

Updated at 4:30pm with statement by Zwieg Bla Divorzju

The anti-divorce movement Zwieg Bla Divorzju has denied it had circulated e-mails to employees at school, after the Malta Union of Teachers said it was concerned over claims by teachers receiving emails from school administrators asking them to support the anti-divorce campaign.

According to the email copied in the MUT’s statement, the wife of anti-divorce movement figurehead Andre Camilleri, former children’s commissioner Sonia Camilleri, had asked administrators to petition teachers to support their cause.

The movement said the e-mail was circulated by people who had asked the movement how they could support it and were told to forward their email addresses to the movement’s address.


The email reported by MUT was sent by school administrators asking teachers to send the Zwieg bla divorzju movement their contact details. “We have been asked by Mrs Sonia Camilleri wife of Andre Camilleri, who is leading the anti-divorce campaign in Malta to help them out by sending them an e-mail confirming that you are against divorce in Malta giving your names and also if possible your mobile nos. This is to have our e-mails addresses in their register so should they want to send out any information, updates etc. they can do so” – the email reads.

According to the MUT, reports of such incidents were received from a small number of Church Schools and from some MCAST institutes. The union it would inquire as to whether a breach of data protection had taken place.

“The MUT believes that these issues are totally unrelated to work and such emails constitute an abuse of power,” the union said.

The union also instructed members to refrain from replying to the emails and to notify the MUT if such practices are going on in their school. “If members want to support any movement unrelated to the workplace they may do so on their own private initiative.”

Zwieg bla divorzju said it agreed with the MUT that such issues were totally unrelated to work, and that any employees wishing to support any movement unrelated to the workplace should do so on their own private initiative.

Camilleri is a former Commissioner for children, the first ever to be appointed, and has in the past expressed herself against in vitro fertilisation in representations to the social affairs parliamentary committee.

Alternattiva Demokratika, the  green party, has also called on the Data Protection Commissioner should investigate the No movement’s “email propaganda”.

In its statement, AD said the Commissioner should investigate how the movement had obtained email addresses of teachers and subsequently sent them propaganda emails to oppose divorce. "AD demands and expects a level playing field in the public debate on the introduction of divorce in Malta. There are various indications that this is not the case, and the email sent to urge teachers to oppose the introduction of divorce is a case in point."

AD chairperson Michael Briguglio added that Malta's data protection laws “are already a farce”, given that the Nationalist and Labour parties are permitted to obtain personal and private data of citizens for their own use. "It seems that certain movements are now being allowed to enjoy the anti-democratic privileges on the PL-PN duopoly."

This is an insult to the teaching profession. Kindly stop trying to treat professionals as some easily-manipulated morons. It is a shame on school " big-heads" who collaborate and distribute this rubbish.Administrators should desist from collaborating and show that they respect their staff's intelligence. I invite Ms.Sonia Camilleri to go personally to schools and try to rope teachers in. I'm sure she'll be surprised by the reception !!. Perhaps that's why she's chosen the puerile e-mail gambit. SOGNI d'oro signora Sonia !!!.
LOL- these types of politicians makes people laugh :) Not against divorce, but against the divorce law- I will say again divorce allready is here - its just the law that needs to be done. well ,lawrence gonzi, tonio borg, tonio fenech , and now paul borg olivier ;-) No surprises, what can you expect from the GONZIPN, team? well they are side by side with the church ahhaahaaaaaaa, They deserve posters like , all of them together along with the outdated austin gatt, with pinocchios nose, and above their heads, the devils horns and beard along with the angels ring upon their heads - that would fit you well -hahahahhahaaa- look at them hnad in hand with the church mixing politics and religion. too bad boossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
These are the sort of "no do." that the Church has to stop for the benefit of its members. It is outdated and counterproductive. If the punches beneath the belt are going to be the order of the day by the Church, we all stand to loose. Please grow up.
André J. Camilleri André J. Camilleri read law and economics in Malta and Milan. Dr. Camilleri has served in the public service in Malta at the Attorney General’s office, as Legal Advisor and General Manager of the Malta Development Corporation, Chief Executive of the Malta Financial Services Centre (MFSC), a member of the Board of Governors of the MFSC and Pro-Chancellor of the University of Malta. Dr. Camilleri was the first Chairman of the Malta International Airport. Dr. Camilleri worked in the contracts and the project management areas of Saudi Aramco, an oil producer, and was the Company Secretary of Simonds Farsons Cisk plc, with responsibility for group legal affairs and administration, and a director on many of its subsidiary and associated companies. Dr Camilleri also served as a director of APS Bank. Since April 2002, Dr Camilleri is the Director General of the Malta Financial Services Authority
Isabelle Borg
kellna kummissarju tat tfal serja wkoll!!!!!
You ain't seen nutin' yet. Have you forgotten the 1960s and the dirty, filthy, stinking campaign the Gonzi-led forces deployed in their crusade against the liberals?
Alfred Galea
The usual " anything-goes-as-long-as-we-win" campaign by the PN and its lackeys....sort of a pay-back for favours granted in the past.
sonya camilleri- kulhadd ghnadhu d-dritt li jitkellem! Izda huwa zball enormi u rreparable li tibghat zibel ta e-mails bhal dwn fl-iskkejjel ?????????????????????????? Ghaliex ma tmurx go xi triq tipriedka fuq dak li temmen- halli min irid jigi u jisimek kemm trid! izda dan huwa abbuz fuq ulied haddiehor !!!!!!!!!!!! dan huwa part mil- kurrikulum nazjonali jew LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL u halluna u morru %#^@#^%$#@
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???????????????????? this must not be allowed!!!!!!!!!!!! NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shame on both of tnhem , if this is true that they are trying to do these things to our childre. they are our children in the end thye wil listen to us you ASSHOLES! saviour falzon min ha-qormi jien. any has an e-mail copy ?paste it here :D
Anyone can send emails. But when a Head of School send these kind of emails to teachers under his/her authority, it becomes abuse of power and intimidation.