PL to contest 'partisan' ruling by Speaker as call for referendum debate is rejected

Speaker Michael Frendo has rejected a call by the Opposition for the House of Representatives to debate a PL motion for a referendum on divorce to be held tomorrow.

On a point of order, Labour Whip Joe Mizzi stressed that he will be contesting the Speaker’s ruling as the “decision is clearly partisan.”

The ruling lead to an uproar in the House, as Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg adjourned the House.

The Speaker was asked by the Opposition to call for a vote in the House to decide on tomorrow’s agenda, which includes a debate on Labour’s motion that calls for a referendum on divorce.

The call was made following an earlier ruling by the Speaker that rejected another call by Labour Whip Joe Mizzi for the debate on the holding of a divorce referendum to be held in the House tomorrow.

He said that since no agreement on the date of the debate had been reached at a meeting of the House Business Committee, he was calling for the House to discuss the motion tomorrow, which, in terms of standing orders, is the day reserved for private business.

He accused the government of “obstructing” and said that there was a clear majority in the House in favour of holding the debate tomorrow.

@James Borg. I fully agree with you. These people (sic) are renowned for their "Terinati". I heartily believe , and am convinced , that all the trouble caused during the PL terms of office were deliberately caused by agents provocateurs. Let us not forget police officers who were on the front line during unrests who were promoted when the PN took office. And who is to blame for the fracas at Tal-Barrani ?. Of course they had a right to go to Zejtun, but responsible and level headed leaders should know when to desist from doing something which would lead to trouble.And that was the reason why permission was denied in the name of public order. But no, the PN wanted trouble. And they got what they wanted. Let us not forget PN leaders wearing bullet=proof vests in that occasion and calling the Lord's and Mary's protection on their march towards Zejtun !!. It was intentional ..Let us not forget either that some of the PL trouble makers were accepted by PN ministers to work in their Ministries when the PN came to power !!. So..... I urge the PL to be very very careful when organizing peaceful demos. It is very easy for a lone provocateur to throw the proverbial stone and hide his/her hands. Al buon intenditore,......
The answer is quite obvious and very clear.
Luke Camilleri
Mhux l'umorizmu dahhal fil parlament Speaker Frendo imma jdahhaq in-niex bih bid-decizjonijiet li jiehu! Ghandhu bzonn zgur test tas-smiegh bhal fil-kaz ta' Dr Justyn Caruana u test tal-Kuxjenza ghad-decizjoni li ha il bierah li tinten bil partiganizmu!
Pauline Moran
...If the Government is playing the Anti-democratic card, the people, can do the same to restore Democracy. Jeff, now is the time for you to stand and be counted. Love the people and they will love you back...not for your color, not for the badge but for the Right you fought for, for living in a True Democracy...were the people's wishes are respected!
Kull cans li jkollhom tal-PL imisshom jipprezentaw vot ta' sfiducja fl-ispeaker parzjali u oxxen li ghandna bhalissa. Bhal pupazz imdendel bi spaga f'idejn Gonzi & Co, Dr Frendo qed juri l-kulhadd li l-imparzjalita' u l-fairness fid-decizjonijiet ma jiffurmawx parti mill-karattru tieghu. L-aqwa li jzomm lill-partit tieghu fil-gvern u jevitalu sitwazzjonijiet imbarazzanti. Tal-misthija!
Keith Goodlip
This twit frendo is yet another piece of unwanted flotsam who will be looking for a new job after the next elections. Then, who the hell would want to employ this opertunistic jerk?
you are right david this is not only an issue of divorce now. but an issue of democracy. and PN is being anti-democratic. PL european parlamentarys should inform the EU what's happening in Malta. we are fed up of this Anti-democracy. jew taqbel mghana jew nalqulek halqek. if you are against divorce. vote no in refferendum, but let those who want to vote do their right and vote. it's our right!
Don't forget, folks ... fil-parlament ma jikbrux fjuri. U fil-Bidnija? Hemmhekk jikber hurrieq, ghollieq, u hafna faxix hazin iehor biex jistahbew fih is-sriep, and recently kukkudrilli too. And how ugly these crocs have turned out to be, marelli!
Prosit david_lexicon, Gejn ghar mil 80s, din qatt ma saret. Qeghdin jcahhdu vot li ghadda mil parlament. Din kbira, qatt ma bsart f'hajti li PN ha jghamel dawn laffarijiet!
These are extraordinary times and must be handed very delicately by the LP. The GONZIPN is working on getting PL to the streets. This time I strongly say don't. Leave the profiteers hang by their own rope. PL is on the correct side of the road, and is steering clear from all the pot holes being planted by the PN strategist. Keep calm the end is so near.
Although I am against divorce the Speaker was in error not to accept the motion of the opposition to discuss the issue of divorce. Our Parliament seems to resemble the Iranian Parliament. I reckon that those who oppose vehemently the issue of divorce from the PN blackmailed our Prime Minister in order to pressure our Speaker to deny the motion proposed. Our Democracy is in tethers. PL is not using any tactics that PN used in the 1980s when PN used to go abroad and report to all Europe and beyond that Malta was undemocratic. Maltese saying says: Iż-Żmien jagħtina raġun....Time proves you right......
DIN QATT MA SARET! Cahdu id dritt tal maggoranza wkoll fil parlament! Speaker Michael Frendo bdan latt qed jimmina id demokrazzija. Mela issa pajjiz dittatorjali ghax tghaddi darba mozzjoni tal opposizzjoni titwaqqaf bmod drastiku mil l-ispeaker. Fejn wasalna?
@ gscerri sorprizz? x'tistena min ex deputat nazzjonalista li suppost illum qighed iservi b'mod indipendenti ghal gid tal pajjiz. li fil posizzjoni li qighed suppost ikun indipendenti. ben ali u mubarak kellom l-armata. u dan il-gvern organizza ruhu bil pulit. bix jibqa imkahhal mal potter. l-egizzjani u it-tunezini ghadewna issa fej tithol id-demokrazija.
Priscilla Darmenia
In my humble opinion Mr Speaker has created another precedence when he knows well that the majority of the house is in favour of the debate. I think, same as he did with the vote of the Hon Justine Caruana, he is favouring government and not parliament majority.
Joseph Pellicano
zdied purcinell ihor tal gvern, l'ispeaker. And this puppet once said that there is no respect for parliament. NO wounder.