JPO: 'questionable if PM's procrastination on divorce debate is in national interest'

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has slammed Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s “procrastination” over a promised referendum and parliamentary debate on the introduction of divorce.

Speaking to MaltaToday at the end of a rowdy parliamentary sitting during which Speaker Michael Frendo rejected a call by the Opposition to hold a debate on a PL motion for a referendum on divorce, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that “despite the Prime Minister’s insistence that the debate on divorce be held as soon as possible ‘in the national interest’, it is debatable whether this procrastination is in the national interest.”

Earlier in the day, Pullicino Orlando had challenged Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg to agree on holding the debate on the PL motion since there was a majority in the House that wanted it.

He also warned that he would not accept any changes to the proposed questions for the referendum, as suggested in the motion and are the main elements of the private members’ bill he has moved before parliament.

As the day unfolded, and government and opposition reached an impasse on when to hold the debate, the Prime Minister held an urgent but short meeting with Opposition leader Joseph Muscat where he proposed to change the referendum question to a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

The meeting was held during the time MPs waited for the Speaker’s ruling over Labour’s call for a vote in the House to decide on tomorrow's agenda, which includes a debate on Labour's motion that calls for a referendum on divorce.

Joseph Muscat turned down the Prime Minister's proposal and stressed that the referendum should be responsible and attain to the main elements of the bill.

Informed sources said that the Prime Minister has also engaged a mediator to seek a compromise with MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who in turn has refused to accept the proposal.

The call for a vote was made following an earlier ruling by the Speaker that rejected another call by Labour Whip Joe Mizzi for the debate on the holding of a divorce referendum to be held in the House tomorrow.

He said that since no agreement on the date of the debate had been reached at a meeting of the House Business Committee, he was calling for the House to discuss the motion tomorrow, which, in terms of standing orders, is the day reserved for private business.

He accused the government of “obstructing” and said that there was a clear majority in the House in favour of holding the debate tomorrow.

Joe Tanti
Can someone please tell me which way Gonzi is facing, cause I lost count of the U-TURNS he has since made?Poor man he must be be preety sick by now with all these sudden turnings.Will someone please put him off his misery and unplug his life machine by voting him and his ilk out,they have made us Maltese as the laughing stock of Europe if not the whole world.If this present situation was not serious we could be laughing our hearts out.
One would have thought that any one proud to be Maltese would at the very least be able to spell correctly.
Pauline Moran
Keep your stand strongly without budging, Jeff. Do not let them turn you with sweet words or honey promises. The people are seeing a man fighting for their rights at the moment and not the colour of the party. If they want to get stuck in the them that you are the Future!!! You have our full support!!!
Jeffrey PO you are showing them what you are made of ! Stick to your guns we wont forget your resistance to GonziPN have lost some votes but have gained a hell lot more for not selling out like your colleagues...keep it up may the forces be with you.
but can't you see that the only intention by the PN in all this farce is to prolongue the issue as long as possible, so that we forget all the other serious problems this country is facing ? So long as we keep talking about such a non issue, the PN will be deviating the people's attention from such things as the Airmalta and Go redundancies, the BWSC scandal, the price hikes in gas and energy, the obscene salary increases given to himself and his ministers, the 80 million down the drain for the City gate project, the miserable wage increase of 1.16 euros, the constitutional ruling on the St Anton reciclying plant, and God knows what else. Wake up people, before it is too late
5 days 5 U turns! Dawra durella. Fiz-zieda tal-paga tieghu ma kellux precastination! Let the people decide; we are suppose to live in a democracy not partitocracy! Charlie Chaplin ma kienx idum daqshekk biex jiehu stand.
jeff. trid tibqa 2nd class politican? trid tibqa f-kabinett anti-democratiku? trid li id-dritt tal poplu jigi imwettaq? mela taf seww x'ghandek tghamel. tih option. jew ittina id-dritt tghana jew nkella waqqa il gvern. ibqa cert li kif ikun hemm l-elezzjoni li jmiss il partit nazzjonalista se jwarbekk jew se jiprova jghamilek hajjtek infern. biss dawk il maltin li jhossu li f-lahhar fdan il pajjiz ghana politku with balls. u li ma jharis lejn partiganizmu dawk in-nies ta rasom fuq onqom lilek jergaw jeliguk fil parlament. kellu bzonn ghana aktar politici bhalekk jeff f'dan il pajjiz. li ma jibzawx u jitkelmu il verita kif tghamel int. iqffilom u thallijomx ikomplu jitnej*u bina. ghax issa too much. ahna irridu id-demokrazija. u int biss tista iggib id-demokrazija fdan il mument