Edwin Vassallo conjures up the spectre of abortion in divorce debate

Abortion, Libya, moral relativism and ‘privatisation’ were part of Nationalist MP Edwin Vassallo’s warning to members of the House discussing a Labour motion on a divorce referendum on Tuesday evening.

Nationalist MP Edwin Vassallo said MPs should bear witness to their personal faiths in public and warned them not to fall into the “trap of moral relativism.”

Quoting Pope Benedict’s encyclical Deus Caritas est (God is Love), Vassallo said that even laymen, in their public roles, had to live their faith. “The direct duty to work for a just ordering of society… is proper to the lay faithful. As citizens of the State… they cannot relinquish their participation in the many different economic, social, legislative, administrative and cultural areas, which are intended to promote organically and institutionally the common good.”

He said the worst thing MPs could do was to ‘privatise’ marriage – referring to the pitfalls of relativism – “We would be threatening our economy, and social position, especially with the unrest we are experiencing in our backyard,” in a reference to the Libyan conflict.

Vassallo also claimed there was a divorce every 30 seconds and an abortion every five seconds in Europe “because of our liberalism… do we open up to this culture, or do we fight it?”

In tackling the question as to whether voters could choose a form of ‘responsible’ divorce by opting for a dissolution of marriage after a four-year separation, he said anything else was superfluous to the matter of whether people “want divorce or not… full-stop.” “Take abortion… some people call it pregnancy termination, but it is still abortion.”

At this point, divorce bill promoter Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando protested at this line of reasoning, and could be heard audibly over the microphones in calling the Speaker’s attention.

Vassallo started again: “Let’s not forget that three Labour MEPs voted in favour of abortion…”

Here the Opposition leader Joseph Muscat raised a point of order, saying Vassallo was being factually incorrect. “The MEPs voted against a specific clause calling for abortive services, but voted in favour of the entire report which called for the eradication of poverty.”

Vassallo, resuming, said that once divorce would be introduced, whether ‘responsible’ or not, it would have been introduced. “This is the mentality of the permissive, the theory of relativism and secularism, accepting everything as long as we are accommodated.”

Earlier on, Vassallo said the holding of a divorce referendum would undermine any discussion in parliament or the importance of MPs in deciding on the matter, if this takes place before a bill is voted upon. He outlined the MPs supporting divorce and the media for “distorting the facts as they saw fit” by attributing some form of mandatory authority to what would be a consultative referendum.

Only last Sunday, a survey by the Sunday Times found 58% would vote in favour of a referendum question as proposed by the Labour motion.

Vassallo claimed the consultative referendum did not bind MPs to rubber-stamp any such legislation. “This interpretation is being used, as MPs and the media use it, to say that if MPs vote against the result of the consultative referendum, they would be committing something grave. This is the kind of arm-twisting that is taking place. For me, this is ‘irregular’ behaviour.”

Vassallo said that going for a referendum now would “remove the importance of a discussion in parliament and undermine MPs’ moral duty to take a decision as it benefits the electorate.”

The Labour motion for a referendum was presented in parliament days after the Nationalist party approved a party resolution against the introduction of divorce, giving a free vote to its MPs on the divorce bill, and then hold a referendum only if the bill passes.

Vassallo pointed out that parliament was not discussing a matter of conscience, that is debating divorce itself, but whether it should approve a referendum on divorce without a bill having been passed.

Well, Edwin Vassallo was never know for his brilliant speeches. On the other hand he usually shoots himself in the leg when he opens his mouth! But some guys never learn, do they?
Priscilla Darmenia
Mr Vassallo I just want to note to you that when in a Muslim country someone would want to introduce the Sharia Law, that is the law according to Islam, what do we normally call such people who what to impose their religious laws upon others. We call them FUNDAMENTALISTS. I don’t know if you and other members of parliament should admit your fundamentalism and make way for real politicians who take the interest of the minority also. If the referendum goes in favour of the “yes” vote, I suggest that you should respect the wish of the electorate and abstain from voting. With weak arguments like yours, Dr Beppe Fenech Adami et al. no wonder the PN is going down the pits.
yes some mothers do have them, Mr Vassallo speech if one can call it that was just total confusion, is this man for real or what? I heard more sense from a clutch of chickens then from this wanna bee.
Edwin Vassallo is all smiles. No wonder his brother is grabbing all the contracts that the country can afford under capital investment expenditure.
@fommirrih I tend to disagree, by exposing for what these hypocrites are we can evaluate our choices. MaltaToday keep it up you are doing a service to the country.
QUOTE (Quoting Pope Benedict’s encyclical Deus Caritas est (God is Love), Vassallo said that even laymen, in their public roles, had to live their faith.) COMMENT ( They lived their faith by abusing thousands of children or practiced Deus Caritas by sweeping these abuses under the Vatican's carpet for decades. In conclusion isn't this one of the unelected MP's who continues to milk the Maltese tax payers and in the last legislature was sending his wife to Brussels on tax payers and EU expense, while this same hypocrite adivsed to turn Malta in a tourisn for sex location. A true MP with solid credentials. Please Saviour, why do you give these Curia pooches such space. It's an insult to the intelligence of your readers and a bad reflection of Maltese wit around the world. They must think we are all brain damaged to be led by such shameless wonders. The only space they deserve is at Maghtab
It's the church controlling, almost like the middle ages here. one religion teached at school- cause this roman catholic religion is the only good religion. 2. In the parlament some MPs talks in a religious way( sorry have to laugh ). why don't they propose a high rank priest instead of the parlamnet speaker? the parlament these days is becoming like a mediaval times( LOLLLLLLLLL) my country my country, we have fallen to such........ I think someday, somehow ,something must happen here.....
I am more amazed at the type of morons who vote for such people as Edwin Vassallo into parliament, then the MPs themselves. How does PN/gonziPN evaluate persons wanting to contest on a PN/gonziPN ticket? Surely they could do better , or is it an ingenious way for the gonziPN higher hierarchy to be supported by a lower band of dim witted MPs which can easily be kept in check.
Kieku kont ghadni incert jekk nivvotax favur jew le, meta nisma ic-cucati li qed jghidu dawk li ma jridux id-divorzju,ma jkollix triq ohra hlief nivvota favur ghax s`issa ma smajtx argument sod ghaliex m`ghandniex indahhluh.Hlief ibbezzghu bil-babaw mhux qed jaghmlu u dan l-atteggjament dejjem hadem bil-kontra,ezempju ta dan kien ir-referendum rigward UE.
@ Truth Seeker Winston Churchill once said "The biggest argument against Democracy is a 5 minute conversation with an average voter".
@ Bzaru Iva, nafu fejn qiegħed l-Onor Edwin Vassallo - fil-medjuevu
Can Edwin tell us what are his qualifications...he talks as if he is some authority on social related matters and behaviour with a touch of philosophy, mythology and selling jeans.
fi zmien is-sittinijiet ahna l-laburisti konna kollha ghall infern, illum in-nazzjonalisti kollha ghal genna.
Although I don't agree with Vassallo on divorce and on many other issues, it does not mean we have to call him names. Buttuni u mhux buttuni huma kollha paroli fil-vojt, pregudizzji negattivi, u iceknu lil min jghidhom. Kollox ma kollox nippreferi lay man bhalu milli xi bicca avukat jew perit li jifhem f'kollox; ghallinqas dan ma jdurx mal-lewza...... u tkun taf fejn qieghed!
He forgot the apocalypse
dawk kollha ghal- genna ta - dritt telghin bir-ruh u bil-gisem lolllllllllllllllllllllllll
imma jahasra , ipruvaw ifmu ftit- Il-Knisja flimkien ma l-allejati taghha bhal lawrence gonzi , eddie fenech adami etc.. ghadhom u jibqaw bl-idea sabiex jikkontrollaw kollox. dan mhux hawn Malta biss ta. minthomx taraw exempju anke fl-iskejjel ghandhom d-dominju . l-unika religjon li jigi maghhllem- dominju assolut poter fuq l-individwu- knotroll assolut- billi jbezzaw lin-nies b'linfern .
Isabelle Borg
Kif il gvern jaccetta annulament tal knisja u divorzju min barra? Jistgha is- Sur Vassallo jghidilna x'differenza hemm bejn dawn u divorzju Malti. Dan u l-maggoranza ta shabu huma biss oppressuri.
the truth is, that they still think, that they who areworking hand in hand with the church, will still ridicule people with their religion beliefs. They still believe that the people are still afraid of the word hell- condemnation- well that was always the church manipulating , the use of Hell eternal damnation f one stops and thinks well, he/she will reliaze that the church along with a person like edwin vassallo etc... are trying to put FEAR in the electorate by saying of Hell and eternal damnation- you can see these lasts few days what happened in Naxxar, some people religion fanatics went into the streets telling people not to vote for the introduction of divorce law, that if they vote yes, they wil be sended to Hell. first thye are provocating a lot- 2nd if I was them i wont go to a person and tell him that he wil go to hell- you may never know what the person's reaction may be telling him he will go to hell- i think he will send her or him to hell( If it willeb me walking ,and will asked that i wil go to hell, i don't know what my reaction will be) anyways, the church along with the faithful of whom they are relying on, before they come all out with all forces(soon cause they got the money from the rich vatican city which has an enormous treasure, no one can knows how much they have as it's not allowed) . Mr.edwin vassallo, 1st: you seems so funny speaking like that 2nd : you have not the right to judge people or try to put FEAR upon the religious people. 3rd: who do you think you are , cause oen like you is in parlament ,protected by law as an MP, do say ridiculous things such as making relgious people feared by your words? You are instead of your GOD speaking? does he have a line with you, to tell you what to say, you and who is like you. do you undersatand your GOD? as far as I know, the GOD mentioned in the bible always changes- if you read the GOD in the old testament is far more different than ,what theer is written in the new testatment. old testament GOD used to kill or punish those who opposed him. in the new testament Jesus as said the son of GOD , came and said the opposite, he never even retaliated, also he said who hit you on the left cheek, let him hit you on the right, opposite of his father GOD, who used to kill all those who opposed him so heer we see two different actions: GOD the father who kills all those who opposes him or punish and Jesus son of GOD who spoke of love even your enemies. the point is ,that even GOD change according to times(in your religion) so how about now more than 2000 years that have passed since in the book says jesus came? people like you try to control the religious people with SUGGESTIONS do not deserve to be in politics especially in the parlament- you should resign and go to priesthood.
Pauline Moran
Id Divorzju huwa dritt civili u mhux kif qed jippruva ibbellghawa il PN u l-Knisja li huwa xi dnub. Dawn kolllha ippokriti. TEMMNUHOMX. Mohhom biss biex jimmanipulaw is sistema burokratika biex tibqaw taht il jasar taghhom! THALLUHOMX. Dawn mghandomx raguni valida il ghala ma jridux il ligi tad divorzju tidhol..dejjem iqajjmu id dnub mil qabar!!!! Dawn kollha hmerijiet ta min qady jghix fil Medju Evu u li ghandu l-intent li ma jaghtux Dritt Universali lil poplu taghna sabiex ihallu ir riedni tal poter f'idejn il Knisja biex tkompli iddahhal ammont kbir ta' flus min fuq il poplu, li l-PN stess kissritu ekonomikament, moralment u menalment!!! IRRIGEKTJAWHOM..Dawn ma haqqhomx attenzjoni aktar!!!! Dawn kollha Farizej!!! Il poplu innifsu huwa il kap ta hajjtu u werriet tad drittijiet universali u l-ebda partit jew deputat ma jigi fuqu!!!!!
Pauline Moran
DWIN...int u l-partit tieghek misskom tirrizenjaw en bloc u tmorru tghixu L-iran jew il fillippini. Jahasra fl 2011 ser tkomplu tippruvaw tbellawa lin nies lid dawn l-affarjiet huma kontra Alla?? U ejja Dwin mela ma ghandkom sens ta zmien? Inqtajtu minn ma zmien kompletament. Alla mhuiex favur dawk li juzaw ismu bix jimmanipulaw lin nies, dawk jissejhu Farizej. Alla huwa favur il liberta kompleta tal bniedem taht il qawwa ta' mhabba tieghu u mhux taht il qawwa tal PN jew tal Knisja...Il Knisja taghna ghamlet hafna hafna hsara lin nies u ghal qed tigi abbundunata...mhux qed tibqa kredibbli! Dwin, Alla ma jhallas bin nhar ta' Hadd izda fil mument opprtun! Inthom politikament estinti u l-politika taghkom long-due expired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edwin Vassallo said that even laymen, in their public roles, had to live their faith. “The direct duty to work for a just ordering of society… is proper to the lay faithful. Mr Vassallo were you being faithful to those that elected you when you accepted 600 euros per week behind their back. As the saying goes a donkey's groan never went to heaven.Hypocrite.
"undermine MPs’ moral duty to take a decision as it benefits the electorate.” Contemplating mass suicide during a sitting?
this is the maltese parlament, look at what different types of MPs we have here hahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa lollllllllllllllllllllllll what a buzz keep making us laugh man -lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll how cannot one laugh , when a someoen like this is in parlament - loolllllllllllll i cannot even find good words for this one- but to keep on laughing :D
Lollllllllllllllllllll look at what comedians we have in the maltese parlament lolllllllllllllll- who elected people like this one? lolllllllllllllllllll he is like the family guy : Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie;
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
I'm a strong believer in democracy, but sometimes I do have doubts. Who the heck voted the village idiot in Maltese Parliament?
You can take the dog out of the farm,butyou can nevertake the farm outof the dog. Go back to selling Jeans Edwin!
So the Ayatollah Vassallo reportedly says: "anything else was superfluous to the matter of whether people “want divorce or not… full-stop.” These people are so arrogant that they want to impose their bible-bashing morality. to everyone If you want to be adhere to the letter to Catholic rules, don't divorce, but don't impose your morality to those who choose not to or are not Catholic. I am a divorcee, and thanks to divorce legislation (obviously overseas) I am now happily married with kids, but I would never dream of interfering with other couples and deciding for them.
Min hu tajjeb biex jikkummenta u min hu tajjeb biex ibiegh il-buttuni. Sfortunatement jidher li l-Mosti aktar jinqala' bhala bejjiegh tal-buttuni.
Qalli basla imqatta irqieqa, zerra ftit bzar u melh, itfa 4 tadamiet imqattejn irqaq, itfa 4 bajdiet, hawwadhom, hallihom jithalltu u jinqlew mal-bqija; u hekk tkun sajjart barbuljata, bhal ma sajjar Onorevoli! NB:Bbiex ikollok barbuljata personalizzata ivvinta u itfa kull ma jigiek f'mohhok!
on the other hand he could'nt have copied in the university's final exam, http://www.doi.gov.mt/EN/ministries_and_departments/econserv2.asp, everyone should take a look at that link, manipulation of the argument regarding this issue, certainly there's a lack of a sensible domain in his foundation of the argument. Rather than exploring the issue itself he choose to link other issues to inflict further conservative condemnations. This time round PN is a catholic think tank :/
Tal-biki, kif jista' l-poplu Malti jibghat dat-tip ta' mhuh vojta fl-ghola istituzzjoni tal-pajjiz. Tahwida manja, balbuljata argumentativa u paroli fil-vojt. Imsomma x'tistenna minn tuba bil-pegigree bhal dan.
Luke Camilleri
Cheers il min ihallat il-hass mal bass? Ahjar ma jkompliex ibiegh il-panties u t-tangas.....fghax jista jkunhu li jaqa' fin-nasba - jew “trap of moral relativism.”
Cheers for the Ratzinger boys :) The PN is officially the European version of the 'Tea Party'.