[WATCH] 'Thank you for this marvellous project,’ Joseph Muscat tells thousands of supporters
Labour leader Joseph Muscat says a PL vote is 'a patriotic sign of love and of a nation where Malta always comes first and foremost' • Says that the Labour Party is offering 'superior proposals' that will continue driving the country forward

An emotional but determined Labour leader Joseph Muscat stood before tens of thousands of supporters, thanking them for their support and urging the nation to trust him again for a second term.
Without the usual teleprompter, Muscat delivered a speech in which he spoke of the good his government did, admitted the mistakes done but pledged that he had learned from those mistakes.
He delivered a comparison between his party that had put forward concrete proposals, and a Nationalist Party that has banked “on criticism and negativity”.
As he waited to go on stage, a camera filmed Muscat with his wife, children and his chief of staff, Keith Schembri, standing by his side.
Standing before the supporters that packed the Hal Far racing track, Muscat faced a sea of red and white, with flags waving in the air and the crowds chanting “Viva l-Labour” and “Joseph! Joseph!”
“We are giving you back a better country,” he said.
Muscat drew comparisons between the Labour and PN’s campaigns, accusing the latter of having resorted to fabricated lies and calumnies to try and win the public.
“How can you say I choose Malta? We are Malta. We are proud of this country… we are a proud nation that fights for national unity. But for the first time in years, we had an opposition that tried to tarnish Malta’s name. And the people on Saturday need to judge those who have tried to harm Malta’s reputation and who have conspired with foreigners to hurt this country.”
Delivering a fiery speech, Muscat thanked his supporters for believing in the Labour government.
“Thank you for giving us this marvellous project… I was simply the instrument to implement the change that you wanted, the mandate you gave me. It’s been the greatest honour to serve you.”
The Labour leader said Saturday’s election was not just a choice between parties but one that could once again change the face of the country.
“It’s not a choice between red or blue but a choice of the kind of politics you want… between those who admit their mistakes and who learned, but who also did a lot of good.”
He said, that on the other side was an alternative that thinks it’s perfect, who doesn’t recognize the mistakes of the past and keeps committing the same mistakes.
According to Muscat, some thought that the PL had exaggerated when they accused PN leader Simon Busuttil of being trapped in negativity.
“But you have seen during these four weeks how negativity is everything for the other side. He didn’t offer anything. We have proposals that everyone considers to be superior.”
The Prime Minister said the election was also a choice on the type of politics that the country wanted.
“The choice is between a man who wants to become prime minister, offering nothing but negativity and criticism, and between those who believe that this country has so much to offer.”
Muscat described a vote for the Labour Party as “a patriotic sign of love”.
“It’s a patriotic sign of love and of a nation where Malta always comes first and foremost. Hand on heart, I am satisfied with the work we did. The good we did is thanks to you, and I shoulder the responsibility for what was wrong. If the people choose otherwise, this could be my last occasion which I have to thank you for your support and for the love you showed. It has been the greatest honour serving you.
“But if the nation chooses to trust me again to serve, I pledge that I will continue working to keep move this country forward; I will keep on defending you, I will continue taking the hits. I am not satisfied with Malta being the best in Europe: I want it to be the envy of the world.”