Michael Falzon: ‘My main inspiration is to do good to people, especially the vulnerable’
Michael Falzon, Labour minister for social justice and candidate on the 9th and 10th district, says Labour’s electoral manifesto has the overriding aim of strengthening social justice

When and why did you decide to be active in politics?
I got involved on a central party basis way back in 1991, just before the 1992 election. At that time I was mostly interested in organising the electoral process for the party. In fact, I was entrusted to set up the Electoral Office for the Party, occupying the role of election manager from 1993 up to 2003. I still give a hand in the electoral process today.
What were the reasons that made you choose one political formation from another?
I think that the choice was almost automatic. I was brought up in a Labourite family and my father had very strong political convictions. As a family we used to live in a highly Nationalist area and this, rather than dissuading me from entering the Labour Party, made my resolve ever stronger to join the Labour Party and to give my share in politics. Personally, I also felt more at ease with the Party’s beliefs.
What inspires you in politics?
Being in politics is not an easy life, contrary to what most people might believe. It is a hard and trying way of life, where it is not only you who has to make a lot of sacrifices, but also your family.
The common view that “politics is dirty” also hurts a lot and the way that people in politics are treated hurts even more. In face of this, personally my main inspiration is that of doing good to people in generally, especially to take the vulnerable people in our society.
How are you conducting your election campaign?
Election campaigns are always hectic times. Our electoral system also drives candidates to more or less run their own election campaigns, in addition to that of the party. This in turn leads to a “race” between candidates of the same party.
Personally, I believe, that people will not judge you only on the campaign’s 34 days, but on one’s performance throughout the legislature.
One does one’s best, but the final decision is always that of the electorate – whose decision we must always accept.
What in your view are people’s concerns at the moment?
Contrary to what some may believe, we are an integral part of the world and we are also susceptible to both national and international events.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a cause for concern to people as is also the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Closer to home people have other concerns such as with construction and traffic and parking. Other concerns are also found in a micro-level within a town/village.
What are your personal expectations in the next general election?
Like every other candidate, we all aim to be elected. Besides that and perhaps even more so the party has to be elected, because it is the party’s electoral manifesto which I strongly believe in with its overriding aim of strengthening social justice. Whatever the results may be, I will bow my head to the people’s verdict as I have always done, even when it really hurts.